Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 79.4: Look Closely, Stupid! (4)

Chapter 79.4: Look Closely, Stupid! (4)

Bai Zhou then turned to Li Mingyue and said, In any case, Im aware of the situation now. It doesnt matter what you decide to do anymore. You cant stop me from talking about it.

Song Shiyu chirped in, I understand your frustrations. Theres only one thing Id like to say in response to that. Dont you think Ji Fanyin already knows about the imposter situation?


Song Shiyu further pushed his point, If Ji Fanyin herself isnt bothered by the situation, dont you think youre overstepping your bounds by revealing the truth?

Bai Zhous determination began to waver.

Now that he thought about it, Ji Fanyin was oddly unbothered by the situation compared to the rest of them.

He was painfully aware that Ji Fanyin drew a clear boundary between work and personal life. Considering how she had taken Li Xiaoxing in as one of her clients, it was highly improbable that she was interested in becoming his white moonlight.

... So what! Cheng Lin had a totally different reaction. Ill do what I think is right! All I know is that someone has done something wrong. Ill expose her as a liar and hypocrite, even if its none of my business! If Ji Fanyin has a problem with that, she can take it up with me any time she wants!

After saying her piece, she stomped back into the banquet hall.

Li Mingyue hurriedly snatched the documents back from Song Shiyus hands and handed them to her assistant before chasing Cheng Lin into the banquet hall.

I cant allow her to barge in and tell Li Xiaoxing the truth now! This is the worst setting and timing to do so!

The two newlyweds had just finished exchanging their engagement rings. The emcee cued the audience to applaud as the newlyweds headed off to change their clothes.

Cheng Lin ran straight over to intercept the two of them, only to be surrounded by a group of bodyguards the next instant.

Cheng Lin? exclaimed Ji Xinxin in surprise. Is something the matter? You dont have to be so vigilant around her. Shes an acquaintance of mine.

Cheng Lin looked at Ji Xinxin with eyes filled with disdain and sneered, Ji Xinxin, I have had enough of you and your innocent white lotus act. If Li Xiaoxing is that important to you, why dont you share how you encouraged him back then?

Ji Xinxin looked a little indignant at being suddenly shouted at. I dont remember much of what happened back then. I only recall seeing an unhappily big brother lying in the neighboring ward, so I tried my best to cheer him on.

Is that so? It just so happens that I remember the incident very clearly. Cheng Lin whipped out her phone and spent a while rummaging through its contents before reading aloud, I once said to someone, Even if your spine was damaged beyond repair, Ill study hard to find a way to help you stand up again. I wonder how that person is faring now.

Ji Xinxin didnt have time to react before Cheng Lin shoved the phone into Li Xiaoxings face. Look closely, you dimwit! Im reading this from Ji Fanyins diary, not Ji Xinxins! Has it never fucking occurred to you how Ji Xinxin was able to visit you every day and care for you despite being critically ill?

Cheng Lin, who put you up to this? Panic and frustration were evident on Ji Xinxins face. How can you fabricate such lies on such an important day for me

... Is that the only evidence you have? asked Li Xiaoxing deeply.

Cheng Lin rolled her eyes. Of course not. I have an entire cloud worth of evidence! Why dont you give me your company email address? Ill forward it to you.

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