Professional Stand-in, With an Hourly Salary of 100,000

Chapter 92.3: How Can She Compare With You? (3)

Chapter 92.3: How Can She Compare With You? (3)

Im not free. Ji Fanyin leaned lazily on her sofa.

In front of her was a freshly baked lamb rack whose aroma lingered in the room.

On your sisters engagement day, your mother and I were busy and we could not have a proper conversation with you, Father Ji struggled to suppress the anger in his voice and said, Regarding the invitation, we would like to talk to you about that. We are a family, there is no grudge that cannot be resolved.

Give me a minute. Ji Fanyin removed the phone from her ear and tapped into the Temptation of Home app.

Father Ji was contributing to her progress but they were all negative Emotion Points.

Ji Fanyin was sure he must be hopping with anger but the amount of Emotion Points he was contributing was mediocre. The figures were merely hovering between the tens of thousands.

There could only be one reason for that.

He was stingy.

Ji Fanyin sighed and turned on the hands-free mode. Without blinking, she spouted a random excuse, Ive reviewed it, Im still not free. If theres anything you want to say to me, just say it on the phone.

In the meantime, she texted the caretaker to check for any suspicious personnel in the vicinity.

... Are you blaming your mother and I for being biased towards your sister all these years? Father Ji asked.

Youre overthinking it, Ji Fanyin replied with amusement.

That poor little Ji Fanyin from before had not even a shred of hate for them, needless to say herself.

But it was a surprise to find out that they were aware of their biases.

Its all lip service, Father Ji sneered, If you want to cut ties with the family, just say so. Ill just take it as if we never had you!

Ji Fanyin asked, Havent you been doing that all along?

Bullshit! Father Ji could no longer take it and exploded with anger.

How about this, why dont you present me with a photograph of the four of us when I am an adult? Ji Fanyin said nonchalantly, If you find it, I will have this meal with you.

Father Ji fell into an awkward silence.

There was a long pause before the voice of Mother Ji resounded through the phone. She whispered to Father Ji, What happened?

Do we have a photograph with the four of us at home? The muffled voice of Father Ji was asking Mother Ji. It sounded as though Father Ji had covered the receiver with his hand.

But he had failed to cover the receiver fully. Their conversation was transmitted to Ji Fanyin clearly.

She did not hang up the phone and listened in on their discussion quietly.

It was not possible for them to find that photograph since it was never taken.

The discussion lasted for a minute before they returned to the call defeated.

This time it was Mother Ji who picked up the phone. She said gently, Yinyin, Mother has not seen you in a long time. You have not been in touch with the happenings at home, dont you want to hear what has been going on?

Ji Fanyin laughed. One would never go to a Buddhist temple for no reason. Are you here to ask me for money?

Mother Ji replied sheepishly, Your fathers company has been facing some issues lately. You must be aware of the situation Mr. Li is currently in

She was cut off by Father Ji who suddenly took over the phone. He snapped, I am your father! The reason you were born and were able to grow up is because of me. It is only right for you to help me in my time of need!

Oh. Ji Fanyin placated him, Do not worry, I will support the both of you. I will leave the both of you with enough money for daily expenses.

Of course, the amount will be based on the minimum amount required by law.

What have I done to deserve such an unfilial daughter? Father Ji roared, I had known you were an ungrateful brat all along. For you to think that we were biased towards your sister Do you know how much she had helped the family? How could you compare with her?

Then ask her for money. Do you not have Li Xiaoxings number? Do you want me to give it to you? Ji Fanyin chuckled, Ji Xinxin is so filial to the both of you. She will definitely find a way to get Li Xiaoxing to help you.

That was not the case.

The Ji Xinxin of the past may do so but at this critical juncture when her relationship with Li Xiaoxing was at its most fragile state, there was no way she would dare to seek help from Li Xiaoxing.

Oh. Before I forget, theres also Song Shiyu. Ji Fanyin was suddenly reminded of another person. Did he finally find out he was doing charity by lending money to your company?

Father Ji was not accustomed to such quarrels. Even though he was boiling with rage, he could only come up with words like cold-blooded, unfilial and ungrateful.

Ji Fanyin, how dare you chide me? Now that you have grown up, you think you can disrespect your father like that?! I will come up now to teach you what respect is! Father Ji bellowed. Ji Fanyins words seemed to have hurt his pride. After which, there was a loud crash. It sounded like the phone was being smashed into the ground.

Even though she was on hands-free, the sudden crash still made her cock her head towards one side.

But after a few seconds, the phone was picked up. Mother Jis voice piped up, Have you no sense of propriety? Your father is on his way up to find you now!

Just then, Ji Fanyin received a notification of a text from the caretaker.

They had patrolled the area and had not found any suspicious car nor personnel lurking around.

That would mean Father and Mother Ji were currently at the condominium she was previously living at.

When she discontinued the rent, she had coincidentally caught a glimpse of the next tenant. He was a fitness fanatic who was twice the size of Ji Fanyin and towered over them at 2 meters height.

Ji Fanyin looked at the ceiling but still had no intention to hang up the phone. Let him be.

Mother Ji ran after Father Ji with the phone. Since they do not have an access card to activate the lift, they could only make do climbing the escape stairs.

Crazed pants sounded through the phone while Mother Ji made her way upstairs. When she reached the sixth storey, the distanced sound of a fierce quarrel from afar could be heard. Following soon after was the pained moan of Father Ji. Even without a visual aid, Ji Fanyin could still picture the interesting sight.

She put down the plate of lamb rack and took a refreshing sip of coconut milk before leaning back on her sofa to enjoy the show.

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