Provocative Fiery Wife: My Superior is a Affectionate Spitfire

Chapter 220 - The CEOs foreign language class commences!

Chapter 220: The CEO’s foreign language class commences!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After she had her second breakfast, Pei Ge brought all the dishes to the kitchen for washing with mixed feelings.

By the time she returned to the private ward, Ji Ziming had already comfortably nestled in the soft chair and was drinking tea in a relaxed manner.

“CEO Ji.” The time was only 9 A.M. Having finished all the tasks at hand, she was left with nothing to do.

This made her spit at the man again for preventing her from going to work.

“Come here.” He glanced at her and spoke with cold indifference.

She pursed her lips at his commanding tone and walked toward the spot she had occupied yesterday to read a book aloud to him. Once she was near enough, she spotted a brown leather book lying on the coffee table.

Did he want her to read him a book again?

That was good, too. It could help pass the time as well as let her acquire some more knowledge.

The only question was whether the man would make her read a romance novel again or something different.

Yesterday’s ‘Pounding Heart’ was really nice to read.

“Continue reading today.” He pointed to the book on the coffee table and instructed.

“Oh, alright!” she happily agreed.

Picking up the book, she noticed that it was not a romantic love story but a prose, instead.

Sitting in another soft chair next to him, she gently opened the book cover.

On its first page, she saw the same strange symbols she had seen on that book of his that she had picked up before.


What did they mean, and what language were they?

Her curiosity was piqued at this point.

She furtively glanced at the man sitting next to her and calmly sipping tea. Before she could decide on whether to ask or not, his clear and low voice sounded.

“What do you want to say?” He placed the tea cup on the coffee table and met her eyes.

This dumb woman’s thoughts were written all over her face. He had never seen such a ‘stupid’ woman like her before.

“Ah? Oh!” Seeing his gaze on her, she depressingly thought to herself, Why is it that I always get caught every time I look at him secretly?

“I just want to know what these mean exactly.” She laid the book on the coffee table and pointed to the foreign symbols written in black ink with her fair finger.

Her words baffled him.

“Exactly? You’ve seen these before?”

“Mhm. That book of yours I found last time also has these words on its first page,” she lightly said with a nod.

“So... It was you who found my book back then.” The corners of his mouth slightly curled up. Knowing that this woman had picked up his book before inexplicably made him feel happy.

“Yes! CEO Ji, what do these words mean? They seem to be Greek.” She looked at him inquisitively.

“They are indeed Greek and mean ‘Know thyself,’” he explained with a mellow expression.

“‘Know thyself’? That phrase sounds familiar! Um... seems to be... hmm...” She knitted her brows as she pondered on. After quite some time, her eyes lit up and she exclaimed, “It’s the famous saying of that Greek philosopher, Socrates!”

He was surprised she knew that it was a famous saying of Socrates.

“Yes.” He tentatively smiled.

“Hei hei! You just thought it’s weird that I know of this phrase, right?” she asked smugly upon seeing surprise flash across his face. “You don’t know, but I was a straight A student in school! Of course, I’d know something like that.”

He was amused by her boasting.

“Mhm.” While his face remained stoic, his eyes had a smile in them.

Her eyebrows eased into a smile as well when she saw the mirth in his eyes. She lowered her head and lightly asked, “‘Know thyself’... How do you say this phrase in Greek?”

“Γλwθισανo...” he softly and clearly recited in Greek.

She was surprised by his voice.

“So beautiful...” She could not resist spilling her thought out.

This was when she discovered how beautiful-sounding Greek was.

It was especially so when it came out of his mouth. His clear spring-like voice speaking Greek could make one want to listen to it even if they did not understand what was being said.

He was filled with happiness at her praise, causing him to be in a good mood.

“Greek is actually such a beautiful language!” she gushed with twinkling eyes.

Seeing her sincere appreciation of the language, he arched an eyebrow and suddenly asked, “Do you want to learn it?”

“Ah?” She was taken aback by his question.

She could not fathom why he would suddenly ask her that.

“Do you want to learn it?” he repeated his question in all seriousness.

She nodded and spoke her mind, “Mhm! A little.”

“Then, I’ll teach you,” he offered.

“Ah? You’ll teach me?!” She widened her eyes in disbelief.

This annoying person must be joking!

“Mhm, I’ll teach you.” He smiled again at her wide-eyed look.

She blinked with uncertainty at his sudden offer.

When she saw that he was not pulling her leg, she vigorously bobbed her head.

“Okay!” She broke into a happy smile.

In any case, she would not be losing on this. Staying in this hospital without doing anything for a whole day was truly boring, so she might as well find something to do to occupy her time.

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