Purple Romance

Chapter 309: Lisa loses her voice 2

Chapter 309: Lisa loses her voice 2

''You must be hurting a lot inside, right? You are even crying in your sleep. Lisa, it has been hard on you. I didn't even know what you were going through. I promise to treat you better''

After wiping her, he took the small basin and went into the washroom to change the water. Lisa's eyes opened just at that moment. Her gaze followed him into the washroom and stayed fixed on the door until he returned.

When Leslie walked out, he was wiping his hands with a tissue. He hadn't noticed that Lisa was awake. He finished and threw the tissue into the dustbin close and looked up meeting her gaze.

''Lisa'' Leslie hurried to her side and sat on the chair.

Lisa blinked her eyes when she found it difficult to open her mouth. As she did, her tears began to flow.

''Why are you crying again?'' Leslie took his handkerchief and wiped her face, 'stop crying. You are safe now. Here, no one will be able to hurt you. that person will have to pass through me first''

Lisa smiled and blinked her eyes.

''You don't have to force yourself and talk right now. Everything will be fine. I won't leave your side ever again, okay? So, please Lisa, don't try to push me away. It will only hurt both of us''

Lisa's tears couldn't stop flowing as she watched him. She couldn't speak no matter how hard she tried. Her throat hurt too much. The moment she saw him walk out of the washroom, she had wanted to call his name but realised she couldn't.

Off course she knew the reason well. she had hurt her laryngeal nerves therefore she couldn't speak for a while. If she forced herself to speak, she would hurt even more.

''The doctor said a lot of things which I didn't understand but he also said that you shouldn't force yourself to speak. If you have anything to say to me, I will bring you a journal and a pen. Let's communicate through writing. I do the talking and you do the writing'' Leslie touched his chin and smiled adding, ''but, why do I suddenly feel that it is kind of romantic that way? It sounds romantic. I love the feel of it''

Lisa's lips curved into a smile as she blinked her eyes at him. She had stopped crying.

''That's right. You are the prettiest when you smile. Let's do it this way. Anytime I ask you a question and it's a yes you blink once. If it's a no, you blink twice, okay?''

Lisa smiled and blinked once.

''Good girl, you are very smart'' Leslie complemented her. ''Let's start with our first question. Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere in your body?''

Lisa blinked twice.

''No, that's good. Then, do you want to rest a bit? The doctor said you needed a lot of rest''

Lisa blinked once.

''Then, I will sing you a song. My voice isn't Grammy worthy but it isn't so bad either'' Leslie said and Lisa blinked once. He held her hand and rubbed his fingers on the back of her palm softly as he sang to her.


Paula placed a glass of juice on the table in front of Andy and sat across him.

''Thank you'' he said and took the glass, sipping the juice.

''You are welcome'' Paula wiped her hands around her dress. Her palms felt sweaty. 'It's getting late; you should go home'' Paula said to him when it seemed like he wasn't ready to move at all.

''Can't I sleep here? I don't want to leave you all by yourself. I will sleep in the hall'' Andy said.

''Huh? You want to sleep here?''

''A lot of things have happened at once today. I am worried about you, so I want to be close by''

''Oh, the hall is always cold in the middle of the night. You can sleep in my room; I will sleep in Lisa's room''

''Will you be okay with that? I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable with my presence''

''No, I won't be. I will show you to my room, let's go'' Paula stood up and turned with a reddened face. She was secretly happy that he was staying because she was still scared and flustered by what happened to Lisa but now, Lisa was fine, so she was less worried. she felt that she and Lisa wouldn't have to move houses again. this was already their third apartment in the last five years that they've known each other. Anytime something happened, they would move to a different town or Lisa would disappear for a few months before she returned to her side.

''Paula, what are you thinking about?'' Andy asked when he noticed her silence. She had paced out in her thoughts.

''Huh, nothing. Let's go'' Paula walked away and Andy followed behind closely.

She opened the door and cussed when she saw the mess she had created in the room a few days ago. she immediately shut the door behind her and stood closed to Andy.

''Is there something wrong?''

''No yes. Can you wait here for a while? I need to tidy up the room a bit. She said and opened the door and ran inside, shutting him out. Andy chuckled and shook his head. he leaned beside the door and waited.

Paula quickly stuffed the clothes on the bed into her closet and shut the two doors. She then went and tidied up her dressing table and went into the bathroom and removed all her undergarments and sent them to the closet cabinet before she did her final inspection of the room and then went ahead to open the door.

''You may come in your highness'' she said jokingly and stepped aside for him to enter.

''Looks cleaner than I thought''

''What? Did you think I was a dirty? I am a very clean person''

''I was joking with you. you have a modest room; it isn't so girly''

''I don't like girly stuff. I will get you male clothes from Lisa's room. Don't misunderstand, we just keep them and hang them outside so that people would think there is a man in the house. That is our safety measure''

''You are the last person I would ever have doubts about. I need to take a shower; can I go in there?''

''Sure, I will put the clothes on the bed when I arrive'' Paula said and went out.

Andy looked around the room once more before removing his suit. He placed it on the bed and went inside the shower to remove the rest of his clothes.

When Paula returned, she heard the shower flowing and smiled, putting the clothes neatly folded on the bed. She turned to go and the door suddenly opened. By reflex, she turned and saw Andy half naked with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Paula gulped as her body tensed up, her face turning red by the second.

Andy looked at him without saying anything. He walked closer to her and stretched his hand towards her and reached the clothes behind her and picked them up saying, 'I don't mind dressing up in front of you but I don't think you are ready to take that step with me yet. Paula, would you leave or stay and watch me get dressed?'' he raised an eyebrow at her and she hiccupped.

Paula hit her chest and pointed at the door, ''I will be in the hall if you need anything'' Paula said and was about to run out when Andy pulled her back and circled his arm around her waist.

''You'' her words were cut off by his lips which pressed against her, giving her a slow burn kiss. She gasped and he took the chance to slide his tongue deeper into her mouth. He pulled her closer and touched her neck with the other hand as he deepened the kiss. They stayed in that position and kissed for a long while before he let go.

Paula still leaned against him helplessly after the kiss. She was catching her breath when she felt something poking at her thighs and she looked up. her face flushed, her ears and cheeks turning red as she looked at the bulge that poked at her through the towel.

Andy placed his hand on her face, covering her eyes before he turned her body towards the door saying, 'make me a cup of tea. I will join you once I finish dressing up''

''Oh'' Paula said and ran out.

Andy looked down at his little boy and sighed, 'you naughty little thing'' he murmured and took the clothes that Paula brought and went into the bathroom to change.

Paula touched her face once she reached the kitchen. Her face was red and hot.

''Whoa, I've heard from Lisa that this sort of thing happens but now that I am experiencing it first-hand, it is quite. SATISFYING. It proves that he is attracted to me. Paula, why are you suddenly being a pervert?'' she chuckled to herself before bringing the kettle out to heat the water for the tea. She kept giggling all the while.

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