Pushover Extra Trains the Villainesses

Chapter 61: Tumultuous Events XVII (1)

Chapter 61: Tumultuous Events XVII (1)

On the last day of the Eastern Trade auction at Benessa, the curtain fell on the grand finale. 

Funds and goods flowed so enormously that the entire continent could feel the impact.

As the black knights concealed in the darkness began to move, clad in dark armor of black or purple, an air of anticipation gripped the onlookers. 

Dozens or hundreds of them marched forward with combat weapons in hand, their formation intimidating even as they walked along the street.

Its those guys.

Sakiel Knights the ones running the continents underground economy. Every time I see them, I feel it. They bring a lot of trouble without any apparent reason.

Tilda expressed her discomfort, and Ophelia nodded in sympathy. 

Back when they were adventurers, they had only heard storiesnone of them good. The general consensus was that it was best to avoid them if one wanted to stay clear of troublesome situations.

While the individual fighting power of the Sakiel Knights wasnt as formidable as most imperial knights, their strength lay in numbers. Operating as an organized unit, they could easily overwhelm their opponents like a swarm of ants.

Melan Square, crowded with these troublesome figures, presented a bizarre spectacle.

If anyone sees this, theyd think its not an auction but an armed demonstration.

Its a display, showing that no one can touch the Sakiel Knights. Simultaneously, theres an ongoing fight between them and other organizations.

Regardless, we need to be cautious. Even with an agreement, a minor mistake in such a situation could escalate into a fight.

Ophelia, sensing an impending conflict akin to armies on the brink of war, cautioned Tilda, who nodded in understanding.

Alright. Is your master participating in this auction too? Be careful. Dont provoke them unnecessarily.

I know. I hope you and Lady Bertina finish well on your side.

With those words, Ophelia headed straight to where her master awaited.

Witnessing this, Tilda felt a twinge of unease, but she too hastened to complete the orders given by her master.


The auction hall of Calais Castle was filled with Sakiels in armor on the day of the auctions culmination.

Even though everyone entering had their weapons confiscated, the potential for hand-to-hand combat using armor as a weapon created a tense atmosphere.

Bahamut observed from a distance, with Ophelia providing close security by his side. 

She displayed an unwavering commitment not to let her guard down. To the point where even the Sakiels seemed to subtly keep their distance from this formidable presence.

What can I say? The Sakiels are trouble, but honestly, I feel more afraid of Ophelia doing something drastic

Ophelia resembled a wolf, fiercely protective of her master. It was hard to reconcile this with the same person who usually nestled in his arms like a kitten.

Observing this side of Ophelia, Bahamut couldnt help but smile slightly bitterly.

And then, the auction finally commenced before them.

Welcome everyone! Finally, the long and eventful Eastern Trade auction comes to an end today! The last event that many have been waiting forwe will proceed with the arms and equipment auction!

The host spoke with a lively voice, unaffected by the atmosphere. His professionalism in the field shone through, especially with the considerable auction experience involving Sakiels.

As the serious atmosphere eased, the auction items appeared.

The first auction item is a bow made from elephant ivory! A glorious weapon known to be usable only by the great warriors of Inkia! We shall decide the owner right here and now!

60 talets!

68 talets!

78 talets!

At first glance, it was a seemingly simple bow, so it shouldnt have gotten a high price from the start. However, in this auction, there was more than just a high starting price.

They sure are starting big, and the cause is those Sakiels

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