QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 178 Little Mandron Soldier 1.0

888 gave a nod before waving. Not long after, an impossibly handsome young man, in what He Yuan would describe as a uniform of sorts, materialized in the system space.

The young man had this tired demeanor but even then, he was very alert and his eyes darted around briefly, like he was looking for the quickest escape route out of a tough situation.

He Yuan didn't need a fortune teller to know that the man before him was a soldier. "Hello," He said to the leaser and made a please gesture at the seat on the other side of the office table.

A pause and then the soldier slowly answered in a melodic accent, "Hello." Before he looked down at his legs, shook his head rigidly and said, "Stand."

He Yuan nodded after taking in the man's tense state and then turned to 888. 888 got the hint and sent the information of the task realm to He Yuan's mind space.

Yang Xue. That was the name of the young man before him.

The realm was a moderately futuristic universe. Humans had made the technological advancement needed for inter-Planetary system travel owing to the fact that an alien species from the centre of the Milky Way galaxy had travelled 26,000 light years down to the Orion arm -which was the outer spiral arm containing the Solar system.

The name of the Planetary system the alien species had come from was the Plexar system. Unlike the Solar system which was centred around the Sun, the Plexar system was centred around a blood red star twice as big as the Sun called the Plex.

Orbiting the Plex were just three planets; Andron -which was home to the alien species, Cladis -an average sized uninhabited planet and lastly, Pandox -the largest planet in the Plexar system and home to the Xor, which were large bodied creatures with hive mentality that resembled a mismatched cross between an ant and a human with bat like wings. They usually grew up to an average of 1.85 metres and were every bit as ferocious as they looked.

They were also the reason the Andronians had sent out legions of envoys to different spiral arms of the Milky Way in search of an inhabitable Planetary system.

Being the species with the larger population in the Plexar system, the Xors used the advantage of their numbers to oppress the andronians.

After thousands of years of their population steadily reducing, the andronians finally developed a once-in-a-lifetime black hole technology that they believed was the way out of their predicament.

The andronians had been planning on taking over Earth, which was the most suitable planet for inhabitance even if the conditions on Earth was much worse than their Andron. That it until they discovered that it was inhabited by a species that looked like a variation of themselves.

After years of careful observation of the Humans, without their knowledge, the andronians decided to reach out to the Humans. This option was chosen because they couldn't afford another war on top of the one they had with the Xors and the Solar system was really not as good as their Plexar system.

Once the initial panic and bewilderment wore off from the minds of the Humans, they became intrigued. The andronians did indeed look similar to Humans. The only difference being their pointy ears, a single fang on one of their canines, red eyes and glowing amber skin.

The andronians laid out their initial plans for the Humans, which was to use the black hole technology to transfer Andron from the Plexar system to the Solar system by exchanging the positions of both Andron and Earth in the two Planetary system through the use of the black hole technology. This method was perfect until they discovered the Solar system was really sub par compared to the Plexar system and a new plan was formed.

The black hole technology was going to be used to switch planet Earth and planet Pandox between the two Planetary systems.

The humans began to ponder over this. The rate of pollution had increased drastically at that time, reducing the efficiency of the ozone layer and increasing the amount of sun rays that reached the Earth. This meant that a lot of areas covered in ice had melted, increasing the amount of water on the planet and killing off a lot of hypothermal species.

The temperature on Earth was quite chaotic. The amount of heat in tropical countries increased to an unimaginable degree that led people to die of heat stroke. Even electricity became scarce as they were very few conductors that could withstand the heat and effectively conduct electricity so blackouts were the norm.

As for countries surrounded by water, they suffered from constant breakout of floods due to the water increase as a result of the melting ice.

The humans were tempted by the prospect of the Plex so an envoy was sent out with the andronians to carry out a series of experiments on the Plexar system in order to verify if it was suitable for planet Earth.

They were pleasantly surprised because the Plex was a very efficient star that not only gave out six different types of vitamins perfect for prolonging lifespans, but was also a natural pollution diffuser. This was the solution the humans had been looking for for the high rate of chemical pollution killing the Earth.

Once the experiments were done, the human envoy returned with the good news and both species prepared for the transfer.

On the fateful day the Xors had been preparing a new wave of attack on Andron, a black hole suddenly appeared and sucked planet Pandox in and in the orbit that Pandox had been situated, a new planet appeared.


Slowly, humans adapted to life in their new Planetary system and with the new found relief, both andronians and humans repopulated their planets.

The andronians were peaceful and the humans didn't dare let their greed cloud their minds because they were very much aware of the difference in technological advancements between both species so a treaty was formed between both parties and interplanetary relations between the two planets began.

Due to this relation, the technology of humans increased by leaps and bounds and they were the first to discover a way to make Cladis inhabitable but for that, they needed resources that were only available on Andron.

Both parties came together and decided to work on Cladis and jointly inhabit it. They were both intelligent species with eight out of ten point similarity in appearance so as was expected, breeding between the two species occurred but contrary their expectations, the children born from the union did not inherit the excellent points from both genes but instead had low IQ.

The humans and andronians were disappointed and a bit lost. Due to the excitement of coexisting, millions of pairings between andronians and humans had been formed and with both species being very fertile -especially the andronians- a baby boom had occurred and tens of millions of Human-andronian babies had been born.

With no other option, all intimate relations between humans and andronians were ceased and the ones who didn't stop were prohibited from reproducing to prevent the influx of defected progenies.

A large amount of andronians returned to their planet being more disappointed than the humans as they were a species that considered intelligence very sacred and the lack of it in the human-andronians was quite disturbing and appalling to them.

A care system for the human-andronian babies -that were then called mandrons- was set up and majority of humans also returned to Earth.

Cladis was later developed into a vacation planet for both species. It was mostly populated by mandrons and some couple thousand humans and andronians who had chosen to remain with their offsprings. They were also some humans and andronians who had chosen to take their children to their home planets when their other-species partners left.

At that time, it wasn't surprising for either andronians or humans to have intimate relations with the mandrons because even if they had low IQ, they had inherited the best of both species in the looks department. The mandrons were simply ethereal.

They generally had varying eye colours exclusive to humans but with two rings of red surrounding their pupils, pointed ears and glowing skin -inherited from the andronians- and generally alluring physical features. Although they all had slender forms, both male and female.

It was also discovered that intimate relations with the mandrons did not produce an offspring with high IQ according to Mendelian laws. The offsprings still ended up the same -sometimes even worse.

The beauty of the mandrons was simply hard to resist so both species just settled on being extremely careful when engaging in intimate relations with the mandrons in order not to create offsprings.

Two mandrons getting together only produced offsprings within the same IQ range as the parents so the mandrons paired up with themselves.

Centuries later, a sort of balance between the three species had been formed. That was until the Xors somehow traced their way back to the Plexar system.

They had done so by setting up hives in various Stellar systems in the direct trajectory from the Orion arm of the Milky Way to the very centre, where the Plexar system was located.

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