QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 183 Little Mandron Soldier 6.0

He Yuan and Wei Xiaoqing set up the room on the ground floor together and Wei Xiaoqing went away when He Yuan repeatedly assured her that he needed nothing else. As soon as the door closed, He Yuan activated the holographic screen of his bracelet and logged into the Twelve-army Coalition Personnel Section interface.

After thoroughly going through the rules of discharge, resignation, retirement and re-enlistment that the Twelve-army Coalition abided to, He Yuan selected a medical discharge form and began filling it out.

When Yang Xue had been decapitated in the hospital, the Disability Evaluation System process had been carried out and the military doctor had ruled him unfit for duty in his current state.

In the original timeline, If Yang Xue's prosthetic limb surgery had been carried out in time and subsequent rehabilitation had been successful, then reenlistment into the army would have been fairly easy.

Unfortunately, he had missed the ideal time for surgery due to unavailability of funds and when he had sent in his medical discharge form, it had been intercepted by Ding Weimin and changed into a resignation form.

Yang Xue had completely given up because unlike discharge, a soldier had no shot at ever reenlisting once a resignation letter had been tended. Ding Weimin had cut off Yang Xue's dreams at the neck.

As soon as He Yuan was done filling out the form, he sent it over to the Twelve-army Coalition Personnel section and nodded in satisfaction. Normally, Yang Xue's medical discharge was supposed to be handled by the Personnel section of the Fifth Division of the Third army but it would be very easy for the Ding Weimin to manipulate things from there hence the change of locations.

Although the discharge form would still be sent over to the Fifth Division by the Twelve-army Coalition in the end, this way was ideal because Ding Weimin would be unable to carry out any form of foul play on a medical discharge letter that had been referred by the Twelve-army Coalition.

The man was too conscious of his hero-reputation to take such a risk.

Yang Xue was simple minded so he had carried out things in the right manner but He Yuan was more experienced in dealing with roaches like Ding Weimin, especially when they had power. With his lack of backing and recognition, he had to be careful not to face such a person head on.

As for which one of the remaining eleven armies to join later, that could be offhandedly chosen if the situation arose. It wouldn't be too late for Yang Xue switch armies once he returned anyways. He Yuan planned on carrying out this task as soon as possible because the request of the leaser had been to become a General.

That was Yang Xue's lifelong dream and he was sure that the mandron would be dissatisfied if another person were to achieve his dream on his behalf. Right from the onset, He Yuan's goal during counterattacks had always been to make things smoother for his leasers and leave the final call of revenge to them. With the exception being the apocalypse task realm where he'd personally killed the special one in a fit.

Another reason for this was that even if he was in the body of a mandron, inherently, he wasn't actually a mandron so it was impossible for him to completely understand the thought processes of mandrons.

If he went on to become a general on behalf of Yang Xue then when the leaser returned, it would be very difficult for the mandron to cope because both of their battling styles would be completely different.

In conclusion, He Yuan's entire plan was to bring down Ding Weimin and Jin Qi so Yang Xue would be able to peacefully focus on becoming the general he'd always wanted to be once he returned to his body.

With the discharge form sent in, He Yuan spent the rest of the day in his room, going through Yang Xue's bank statements to trace the movement of his funds and make out the general amount that Yang Zhi had snatched from the mandron over the years.

Wei Xiaoqung visited at intervals. Twice, to check up on him, once to hand over his crutches that had been sent over by the military hospital and twice to hand him his meals. He Yuan was grateful to the mandron woman.

Once it was time for dinner however, he refused her offer to deliver his meal.

"You want to go out yourself?" Wei Xiaoqing asked, her expression indicating that she didn't want He Yuan to tire himself out over a small task.

"Hm." He Yuan answered and operated his wheel chair after her. He'd chosen this particular time because he wanted to see Yang Xue's 'family' for himself and also demand Yang Xue's money back. There were some non-monetary properties that he couldn't claim because there was no record of Yang Xue giving them to Yang Zhi but at least the money could be retrieved.

As soon as He Yuan operated his wheel chair into the dining hall, he realized Yang Zhi was not down yet but Yang Xue's half siblings were seated around the table, discussing amongst themselves. Yang Liu, the eldest daughter, was a chemist and an assistant manager of a first class make up company -courstesy of the Ding family's help of course.

Yang Xiang, the second daughter, was the secretary of Jin Yusheng -the elder brother of Ding Weimin's girlfriend, Jin Qi. She was also secretly in love with said man and one of her major dissatisfaction with Yang Xue was due to the fact that Jin Qi had complained to her CEO brother about a mandron being all over her man and once Jin Yusheng realized Yang Xiang and Yang Xue were related, he never looked at her twice.

Yang Teng, the third child and only male, was a warrant officer in the Second Division of the Third army with the army rank of Sergeant First Class. He had gotten into the army the same time as Yang Xue and even when his achievements were much less than Yang Xue's, that didn't hinder his smooth promotion.

The Ding family seem to have no qualms advancing Yang Xue's human family members whereas they had a problem letting Yang Xue, who was the main reason for Ding Weimin's survival, to have an easier time.

The last of the bunch was Yang Liqin, who was currently receiving education in one of the top universities in the entire Plexar system -also courtesy of the Ding family influence- and was also an 18th tier model on the side.

This period was special because Yang Zhi and Yang Teng were both on leave and Yang Liqin was on holidays and taking a break from modeling so the entire family was present in the Yang mansion.

It was quite astonishing. They were all available but hadn't even bothered to show care when Yang Xue had been battling for his life yet they had no problems using all of the benefits that Yang Xue had brought them.

He Yuan watched as they all carried on with their discussion, not even bothering to acknowledge his presence. No surprise there since they all disliked Yang Xue very much.

Their mother had died shortly after giving birth to Yang Liqin so imagine their surprise when their father suddenly brought home a mandron who was age mates with Yang Teng a little over six years ago.

The odd thing was that they did not hate on Yang Zhi, the scum father, for cheating on their mother. Rather they all directed their hate towards Yang Xue who was every bit as much a victim as they were.

He Yuan quietly made his way over to a part of the table, causing the Yang siblings to all stare at him with irritated expressions. He scoffed inwardly when he realized a plate hadn't been set out for Yang Xue.

To the amusement of 888 and the bewilderment of the Yang quartet, He Yuan calmly made his way over to the head of the table and snatched Yang Zhi's hot bowl of rice and chopsticks before taking them over to his earlier spot once more.


Yang Liqin let down the chopsticks she'd been using to tap against her bowl as they all waited for Yang Zhi. "What are you doing?"

He Yuan made a soft 'ching' sound as he hit his empty side dish bowl softly with his chopsticks and stared pointedly at the array of side dishes at the centre of the table. "Getting ready to eat."

The four of them frowned and Yang Xiang's expression immediately turned into a glare. "Since when are you allowed to eat with us? And what do you think you're doing grabbing father's food like that? Where's your respect?"

He Yuan ignored her and used the ladle to dish out some beef and vegetables into his smaller bowl.

"You! H-" Yang Xiang was about to stand up and berate He Yuan fiercely when a stern faced Yang Zhi walked into the dining room with Wei Xiaoqing behind him.

Yang Zhi's eyes immediately zeroed in on He Yuan and he frowned slightly. "What's going on here?"



He Yuan made a soft 'ching' sound as he hit the side dish bowl softly with his chopsticks and stared pointedly at the array of side dishes at the centre of the table. "Getting ready to eat."

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