QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 185 Little Mandron Soldier 8.0

"That's not how it works! We are the Yang family!" Yang Liqin shouted with bulging veins on her neck. What kind of stupid logic was Yang Xue using?!

He Yuan raised a brow. "I'm also surnamed Yang."

"You don't count." Yang Xiang added sternly and was about to continue when Yang Zhi cleared his throat loudly and gave her a pointed look.

Both Yang Liqin and Yang Xiang quietened after that. Yang Zhi nodded and turned his attention back to Yang Xue. His only son, Yang Teng, had been a sergeant for a little too long so he was planning on repairing the relations with the two families and then demand for a promotion for Yang Teng.

He needed Yang Xue's full corporation for that but at the same time, he couldn't afford to give back all he'd taken from Yang Xue. It was a lot. A plan suddenly surfaced in his mind and he smiled. "Xue'er. I only took them from you for safe keeping. You are a mandron and quite gullible so I didn't want you to be cheated."

'...' 888 blinked. Yang Zhi's change was too quick, he felt a huge whiplash across his skin.

After the cringe of hearing Yang Zhi refer to Yang Xue so intimately wore off of He Yuan's skin, he stared at the middle aged man with a blank look and said with a tinge of sarcarsm, "Thank you for your good intentions." Before Yang Zhi could speak, he continued, "I've contacted the Mandron Affairs Association and sent over the bank records to begin the transfer process."

The eyes of the remaining adults in the room widened considerably at He Yuan's words and they all shouted in alarm, "Why would you call the MAA?!"

He Yuan sneered at them inwardly. He was very clear on the reason for their alarm. The Mandron Affairs Association were a growing group that handled Mandron rights on Earth, Andron and Cladis. They had both human and andronian supporters/backers who belonged to the elite class and that was why they were taken so seriously.

He'd inadvertently come across one of their Ads a few hours ago when he was tracing Yang Xue's funds and had quickly contacted them.

Although each one of the Yangs stared at He Yuan with pure fury, father Yang aka Yang Zhi had an expression that suggested he wanted to strangle He Yuan to death. How could he not feel that way when he'd managed to escape the clutches of the MAA numerous times over Wei Xiaoqing's issue because he constantly blackmailed the mandron woman with her lack of identification but this....

With the bank records it would be clear as day that Yang Xue, a mandron, was being manipulated by him!

Yang Liu looked from her father to Yang Xue and then her eyes narrowed. "You did this on purpose didn't you?"

He Yuan opened his hands and mocked a confused expression. "Did what on purpose? Is there anything wrong with calling them? I thought they were the ones who handled fund transfer for mandrons since their catch phrase said, 'For Every Issue Concerning Mandrons -Financial And Otherwise.' Did I do it wrong?"

Their glares turned even fiercer. This dumb fool! How was it possible for the MAA to handle fund transfer for just any mandron? Were they such a low class organization with so much free time?!

He Yuan smirked inwardly at their desperate expressions and blinked at Yang Zhi "I need the funds in three days time. The doctor said the sooner I begin the procedure, the less complications there would be and the more likely for me to completely integrate with my new limb."

And then he tapped on a few buttons on his wheel chair and rode away, leaving behind the fuming Yangs.

The next day, He Yuan had breakfast alone with none of the Yangs were present at home. Unsurprising seeing as they now had the MAA on their trail. This was especially bad for Yang Zhi, Yang Teng and Yang Liqin because the first two were in the military and last one was a model aspiring for world fame.

The sooner they gathered the money, the smoother they could clear their name before the news got to the media.

He would've handed over the news to the media anonymously but he didn't need any sort of attention on himself for now.

After breakfast, He Yuan operated his wheel chair to the garden behind the Yang mansion. A couple of servants saw him but totally treated him like air -which was fine with him. The scent of the oddly shaped flowers with colours he could not even name helped calm his mind as he slowly sorted out his plans.

The quickest method to trap Ding Weimin would be to get hold of Yang Xue's medical report detailing his ability to absorb the magnetic energy of the Xor queens.

But that method would only prove that he'd helped Ding Weimin survive the magnetic energy attack. Although this news would cause a wave, it would not actually cause a dent in Ding Weimin's reputation and it would also not concretely prove that Yang Xue had been the one to kill the second Xor queen.

On the other hand, breaking the news might place him in potential danger as he was currently not fit enough to protect himself from people who would try to harm him due to Yang Xue's uncommon genetics.

He Yuan had been the victim of cruel lab experiments before so putting himself in a position that could potentially lead him or the leaser to experience such torture was out of the question.

888 soon materialized and tucked a tuft of silky silver hair behind his ear as he watched his host think. He was also aware that the list of possible moves was quite small. This was mainly due to the fact that the influence of the Ding family was too broad.

Turning his attention to Jin Qi would not be any different either as the Jin family was also quite influential too.

After several minutes, 888's eyes suddenly glinted. He adjusted his glasses with his knuckles habitually and looked at He Yuan with his head cocked to the side and an arrogant smirk on his face. "Hey, He Yuan."

That one call snapped He Yuan out of his thoughts and he looked to his system. Seeing 888's proud smirk, he was a little stunned. His mind drifted back to the first time he'd appeared in the system space. The arrogant man seemed to have mellowed down a bit since that time.

It could be partly because, unknowing to the untrusting 888 and despite He Yuan's error in the apocalypse realm, he'd come to have a little more faith in He Yuan after their time together. He Yuan's lips arched automatically as he asked, "...What?"

888 opened his mouth to speak but then narrowed his eyes when he caught his host's smile. "What are you smiling about?"

He Yuan locked eyes with 888 and his smile increased. "Nothing."

888 maintained the stare down for a couple of seconds before looking away and coughing softly into a fist. His face felt a little hot but he ignored it and got down to business. "How about making Ding Weimin confess voluntarily?"

He Yuan frowned. "Why would he do such a thing?"

888 smirked and lifted his chin up arrogantly. "Because he wouldn't have a choice of course."

He Yuan raised a brow. He was still lost.

888 groaned. "Yang Xue is genetically able to absorb the magnetic energy of the Xor queens but you have to understand that it is possible that the absorbed energy could also be extracted from his blood."

He Yuan immediately saw where his system was going with this. 888 wanted him to look for a way to extract the magnetic energy from Yang Xue's body and secretly inject Ding Weimin with it.

Special one number one would have no choice but to admit the truth if he wanted to live. Even if he refused, his parents and the Third marshal might force him to. He was their only descendant after all. It was a very good plan but... "No." He shook his head resolutely. "The entire Plexar Federation would find out about Yang Xue's genetic makeup then."

He could hold off against two or three organizations but how could he defend himself against Earth, Andron, Cladis and tons of other minor planets? On the off chance that he indeed pulled through, how about when the leaser returned? How would the simple mandron defend himself against so many? He Yuan shook his head again. "What if I or Yang Xue get captured and experimented on due to this?"

'...' 888 was a little dumbfounded. His host was usually so smart. "...what kind of crazy thoughts are running through that head of yo-" He paused. He kept forgetting that He Yuan had been a victim of obscene experiments. He had glossed over the fact that his host had gone through such a thing in the apocalypse realm because he hadn't been present.

So of course it was totally possible and very reasonable for He Yuan to have thoughts like that at a time like this.

When people were ignorant about something, they either strongly rejected it or sought enlightenment and understanding. Most often than not, enlightenment was obtained through unconventional and shameful methods on a series of trials and repeats. Whether in a laboratory or in the world.

888 sighed and patted He Yuan's shoulder. "Back then was an era where chaos and lawlessness ruled. The very foundation of the justice system had been upturned and actions were without consequences. You can't compare it to an era like this one. There is an established law system and even if the system is still corrupt, you can use the public as a certified shield.

-If the entire Plexar federation were aware of Yang Xue's uniqueness, people would naturally think twice before acting rashly because all eyes would be on him. In fact, he would have more chances of being protected by the government.

-I'm also sure that not all experiments are inhumane. Scientists could actually carry out ethical practices during research without endangering your -or Yang Xue's- life."

He Yuan did a double take as soon as 888 finished. He was more perplexed by 888 letting out a long tirade of comforting words when his life wasn't in danger than the actual words that were said. His eyes darted to the man's slender hand on his shoulder before looking up with a wolfish grin. "That was... Very nice."

888's face reddened as he quickly withdrew his hand with an embarrassed glare. "I wasn't trying to be nice. I was just reasoning with you so we could finish up this task faster. Remember, there are two special ones so we can't spend too much time on one person!"

And then he dematerialized.

He Yuan chuckled breathlessly and then he froze. The plan was great and he was thoroughly convinced but...

How on earth was he going to get close enough to Ding Weimin to inject the magnetic energy into him? Was it even possible for a substantial amount that would affect the man to be extracted?

In fact, was it even possible for the energy to be extracted at all? Everything they'd thought of were just conjectures!

He Yuan sighed and operated the wheel chair back into the mansion. He needed to do a ton of research.

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