QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 197 Little Mandron Soldier 20

The system was dressed in a white mosaic patterned silk shirt tucked into fitting black pants and black boots. His silver hair was pulled into a low ponytail and cascaded down his back with his glasses seated perfectly on his nose. He had on his usual 'prim and proper' appearance only that....

The silk shirt had no buttons so it formed a narrow V from his neckline to the point where the shirt was tucked into his pants. Not just that, the shirt was a bit transparent so there was full view of 888's toned upper body.

He Yuan's eyes moved to the red peaks on the system's chest and then he gulped. His face felt hot and his body felt even hotter. Worse still, his perverted mind chose that moment to show a visual of the illusion he'd had in his last realm.

A debauched looking 888... glistening with sweat and spread out beneath him.... panting and moaning as he plunged deeper and deeper with his hand wrapped around the system's nec-

"What are you doing?"

He Yuan's eyes widened at the system's call and he automatically adjusted the empty wine tray to the front to his uniform pants as he asked, "What do you mean?"

888 raised a brow. "Why are you still here? The guests are staring at you like an idiot."

He Yuan looked to the nearby guests with a dry chuckle. They stared back with frowns that called him a lunatic. He didn't blame them. 888 was invisible to all except him so to them, he had been standing and staring at an empty spot for close to a minute.

"Shit." He whispered as he turned around and walked away. He usually had much better self control over his urges. It was just that... Even if the Soul realm had a warped concept of time, judging from the time he'd spent in his task realms, it's been years since became a tasker. It was unsurprising that he was slowly becoming pent up. So much so that his mind was automatically zoning in on the quickest option.

Too bad... 888 was into women.

That thought succeeding in killing whatever urge He Yuan had as he went back to his mission.

888 watched his host go with furrowed brows. Just like a leaser's soul thread could affect the tasker if the emotions were strong enough, a tasker's intense emotions could have the same effect on a particular part of the leaser's body.

A while ago, the eyes that had been staring at him heatedly weren't Yang Xue's brown and red ringed eyes. Those pure black irises that had taken up 70% of the cornea could be recognized anywhere and was unique to only one person.

Just what was the perusal about? He could be misinterpreting things so he shrugged it off and got back to the task he'd been assigned.

The giving of gifts and congratulations were done so now the guests were happily mingling with each other and proposing toasts. Yang Zhi had left the table and was now talking to a few men from the army.

Yang Liu had ended up closer to Ding Weimin and Jin Qi. After giving her gift and congratulations, she decided to hang around that part of the hall for whatever reason but she made sure not to get too close to the future Mr. And Mrs. All she did was roam around them whilst clutching her purse tightly.

Yang Xiang had intended take the glasses of wine she'd grabbed from He Yuan earlier to Jin Yusheng but before she could get very far, Yang Teng snatched one of the glasses from her and gulped it down with a playful mocking laughter.

She had only mouthed 'overgrown brat' before continuing on to Jin Yusheng's table with the glass of wine she had left. Funny thing was, she kept trying her best to stay out of his sight so what was her purpose of going there?

888 also spotted He Yuan edging close to Ding Weimin. He wondered how his host planned to get special one number one out of the crowd of people but didn't dwell on it for long. He was about to turn away when he suddenly remembered something.

Where was Yang Liqin?


Jin Qi sat by Ding Weimin with a slightly flushed face. They'd both had to accept toast after toast -in minusculze quantities of course- and Ding Weimin had accepted more toasts than she did but she was beginning to feel a bit tipsy.

She'd long forgotten her initial anger as she was surrounded by so many well wishers -at least they appeared to be wishing her well. The surrounding was beginning to become hot and she had just lowered her head a bit when she inadvertently caught sight of a smooth white hand slipping a powdered substance into her Weimin's drink whilst using the crowd of people as cover.

Jin Qi's eyes sharpened immediately, all traces of drowsiness gone as she stretched forth her hand and grabbed the white hand in an iron tight grip.

"Aaah!" The owner of the hand cried out in pain when she was unexpectedly dragged forward by Jin Qi.

The surroundings turned silent, with the nearby guests watching in confusion before Jin Qi slowly asked in anger, "What did you just put in brother Min's wine?"

Everyone froze and murmurings ensued.

"That lady looks a little familiar doesn't she?" A human female spoke up.

"Hm. I've seen her in a couple of low budget advertisements when I was picking jobs for the newly debuting models under me. Don't know her name though." This came from an andronian by the side. She was a famous manager who had top models under her.

"Ah? Isn't that Yang Liqin?" A different person spoke.

"Which Yang Liqin? The one from the Yang family that's been on the news recently?" This person laughed softly. "I knew they were trouble right from the moment they walked into the hall."

The words succeeded in catching the attention of Yang Liu, who was nearby. She moved a little closer to the commotion. Yang Liqin? What powdered substance could she have put in General Ding's wine? She was about to rush forward and ask if there'd been a mistake when she changed her mind and opened her purse.

And then her eyes widened. The drug packets were gone!

Her eyes trailed to the commotion once more with deep fury. She'd been clutching her purse tightly all night so how had Yang Liqin managed to steal the drugs? And how could the brat go behind her back and try to steal General Ding?!

At the centre of the commotion, Yang Liqin stared at Jin Qi with deep fear in her eyes. She had been extra careful, she had no idea she would get caught!

Three days ago, she'd eavesdropped on her father's conversation with Yang Liu out of curiosity. Who knew that she would hear her father trying to set Yang Liu and General Ding tigether? She had been furious.

Who cared if humans now had a longer lifespan? Yang Liu was still so old! How was she deserving of the General? Rather than the old maid, was she, Yang Liqin, not a better option? She was beautiful, a model who had risen from the 18th tier to 10th tier in a mere three months, currently undergoing her studies in a top Plexar university and most importantly... She was much younger than the General.

She'd quickly gone to inform Yang Xiang about it but her second sister had not cared much until it got to the part about the drugs. Next, they'd planned on how to slip away with their targets in a room full of people once the drug was successfully ingested.

They made a deal then. Whoever manages to drug their target first would have the other person cause a huge distraction in order for the victor to quickly take away their target!

In the limo Yang Liqin had successfully stolen the drugs from Yang Liu's purse and split it with Yang Xiang. Things were going fine until she realized that Yang Xiang was already making her move.The thing with the deal was that... it was impossible for both of them to capture their targets.

The loser who was left behind to cause a distraction would no longer have the chance to drug their target so seeing that Yang Xiang was almost successful, Yang Liqin had panicked and had rushed over to drug the General first.

Who knew she'd get caught in the act so soon? She looked around as more and more people gathered. She couldn't say the truth! The drug was banned goods, she could go to jail for possession of it!

And so Yang Liqin's face twisted in pain as she tried to pull her hand out of Jin Qi's grasp whilst saying, "I have no idea of what you're talking about! I'm just a guest here. Is this how the Ding and Jin families treat their guests?!" Seeing that she was unsuccessful in taking back her hand, she tried to sway her body and knock the glass to the ground but Jin Qi was faster and quickly snatched the glass.

Jin Qi sneered. "You have no idea? Good." She looked to a soldier and held out the wine. "Go and have this wine examined."

Yang Liqin completely panicked. "No! You can't have it checked! I admit I put something in it but it's nothing serious, just a harmless aphrodisiac." She absolutely could not let them find out!

The murmurings increased even more and Xia Yueyu, who had ended up at the other end of the hall, soon noticed the commotion. She began walking towards that end with a confused frown. This was the same for Yang Zhi and a lot of other guests.

Ding Weimin's face twisted and he eyed the soldier. "Have it checked regardless." Someone dared to attempt to drug him? How audacious! He looked to Jin Qi with gratitude.

Jin Qi saw Ding Weimin's expression and felt renewed vigour. Ding Weimin had never looked at her like that! She absolutely would not let this matter go.

Besides, this was the Yang family. She had a strong dislike for all of them.

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