QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 206 Little Mandron Soldier 29

Yang Teng had his head lowered as he focused on the swirling the drink in his hand. He hadn't been able to get much sleep these past days... for a reason that was very obvious of course.

Whenever he shut his eyes, all that greeted him was a hazy image of a man positioned above him, thrusting into him and groaning pleasurably. The image both aroused and shamed him at the same time, leaving him troubled and restless.

Two days ago, he'd thought things over carefully and was very sure that he wasn't in the right state of mind back at the Grand hotel. The memory of how he ended up in that situation was very unclear and the last thing he remembered clearly was taking a sip out of the wine he'd snatched from Yang Xiang.

There was no time to run blood tests but the fact that Yang Liqin had been arrested because of an hallucinogenic aphrodisiac and also the fact that Yang Xiang had been on her way to her boss's table told him all he needed to know.

He had confronted Yang Xiang about it but she had vehemently denied adding anything to the wine. Angrily, he'd immediately sent over a request to the Third army to cut his vacation time short and receive clearance to return to the army but, unfortunately, that wasn't allowed.

Paperwork in the Twelve-army Coalition took a great deal of time and since he still had two more months till his vacation ended, it wasn't so easy to retract a command that was already in the process of fulfillment.

At the moment, he felt very stifled in the Yang mansion. Always fearing that someone might somehow find out about what had transpired between him and president Jin.

Speaking of president Jin... Yang Teng let go of his glass and clenched his fists in anger. If he had drunk the wine that had been drugged by Yang Xiang, what was president's Jin's excuse for doing what he did to him?!

In the middle Yang Teng's silent fuming, a person walked up to the bar and cleared his throat beside him. He looked over and then swiftly sprang up from the barstool with horrified eyes like it was on fire. "Pre.. presi... Jin?" Then he grit his teeth in anger. "What are you doing here?"

Jin Yusheng rolled his eyes with a deadpan expression. "If you don't want to run into people, why sit in the public section of a bar?" Yang Teng opened his mouth to speak but he simply held up a finger to shut him up.

Next he took out a keycard to another presidential suite at the top of the hotel from his suit jacket and slid it towards the fuming man. "Be there in ten minutes. Let's talk." And then he simply walked away.

Yang Teng's eyes moved from Jin Yusheng's leaving figure to the obsidian keycard lying next to his glass of alcohol. Should he or should he not go?

Eight minutes later, the large double doors of the presidential suite opened to reveal Jin Yusheng standing behind the in-built bar with a shot glass in his hand.

Yang Teng nervously walked in. He'd given it some thought. He needed an explanation for what Jin Yusheng had done to him. He folded his arms across his chest. "I'm here. Start talking."

Jin Yusheng raised a brow at the young man. He also needed answers from Yang Teng but... "Come here."

Yang Teng frowned. "Why?" Seeing that Jin Yusheng only took a sip of his drink without answering, he hesitated for a moment before gritting his teeth and shuffling over to the in-built bar.

Jin Yusheng's lips arched in a satisfied smile. He eyed the man before him for several seconds before pinching Yang Teng's chin and tilted the slightly shorter man's face upwards.

The personalities of the human Yangs might be very questionable but admittedly... they all had good genes.

Yang Teng felt his face burn in both shame and need as he took in the heated look in Jin Yusheng's eyes. The pain from two days ago had reduced completely to a dull ache and... His eyes widened in horror and he immediately took a step back.

What was he thinking?! How could he even consider such a thing?! He was here to demand answers from Jin Yusheng. Just answers! And not because deep down he'd been expecting something else too... Right?

Twenty minutes later,



The main issue on ground was completely forgotten as the exquisite presidential suite was filled with the moans and groans of the two males.

Hours later, the skies had gotten dark and Yang Teng slowly regained consciousness to find himself right next to a half naked and smoking Jin Yusheng. He stiffened and his face burned in shame. This wasn't how things were supposed to go!

Jin Yusheng's eyes moved to the tensed man. "Awake?"

Yang Teng grit his teeth. No use pretending now, might as well get the answers he needed. He sat up and when the sheets fell to reveal his marked up body, his face burned even more. He lowered his face as he spoke, "I had uh.. accidentally taken something I shouldn't have that night."

Jin Yusheng stared at Yang Teng's skin with intrigued eyes. The man's body was like a canvas he'd taken artistic liberties on. His lips arched slightly. He'd already figured that Yang Teng had also been drugged that night. He just hadn't been sure of why. He switched off his automated cigarette and stood up. "Get dressed. I'll drop you off."

Yang Teng, taken aback, blinked. "That's it?"

"Hm." Jin Yusheng answered with a shrug as he got himself dressed.

'Why did you jump me then?!' Yang Teng screamed in his heart but seeing Jin Yusheng's casual demeanor, he swallowed down his words and shuffled towards the bathroom with the sheets bunched up around him.

It took another hour for both men to arrive at the Yang mansion. Immediately Yang Teng got down from the hover car,

"President Jin!" Yang Xiang screamed from a faraway window in the house and immediately turned around to dash out of the mansion.

Yang Teng froze with wide eyes. He'd been too preoccupied with thinking about Jin Yusheng's motive that he forgot to reason who exactly was dropping him off! He subconsciously lifted his collar with a nervous look on his face.

Jin Yusheng merely glanced at the huge gate with a cold look before nodding at Yang Teng and signaling at his driver to drive away.

Yang Xiang arrived over two minutes later and stomped her feet angrily. She felt her insides twist into tight knots in regret. If only she'd been a second earlier! She turned to the side and at that moment, her brain finally registered the fact that she'd seen Yang Teng stepp down from her Yusheng's hover car.

Her eyes widened. "Yang Teng?" She went on to lift a shaky finger at Yang Teng. "You're friends with President Jin?!"

"D.. Don't talk nonsense." Yang Teng countered almost immediately. "We ran into each other and he offhandedly offered to drop me off since the Yang mansion was in his direction."

Yang Xiang's eyes narrowed. "How could such a coincidence exist?" She walked over to grab Yang Teng's arm with a sweet smile on her face. "I know you're still mad at me for the drug thing. Fine. I admit I did it. It was just a joke, ah~"

Yang Teng looked down at her with a shocked glare but she ignored his expression and continued, "Don't hold a grudge over such a little thing okay? Now tell me how you became friends with President Jin."

Yang Teng felt his anger swell to boiling point. She didn't even feel any remorse! He angrily snatched his arm from her hands. "We're not friends!" And then he crossed the gate of the mansion.

Yang Xiang stood still, staring after her younger brother with a betrayed look in her eyes. What was he even angry for?! He was the one who had snatched the wine from her. If anyone should be angry then that person should be her!

Yang Teng soon walked into the mansion to find his father and eldest sister, Yang Liu, huddled together on the sofa in the middle of a hushed conversation. He nodded at them in greeting and turned to walk up the stairs but before he could get very far, Yang Xiang walked into the house.

"President Jin had dropped Yang Teng off a while ago but he refuses to say how he made friends with President Jin!"

The conversation between Yang Zhi and Yang Liu ceased at that moment. "Teng'er?"

Yang Teng took a moment to take deep breaths. He was very tired and needed to sleep. He wished for nothing more than to sew Yang Xiang's mouth shut but instead he drummed his fingers on the railing and turned around to answer his father's call. "Father."

Yang Zhi looked from his second daughter to his son. "You're friends with Jin Yusheng?" His mind was already setting up plans on how Yang Teng could set up opportunities for Yang Xiang. If he was unable to provide Yang Xue in time, it wouldn't hurt to have President Jin as a backer.

Yang Teng tiredly ran a hand over his face. "No." Seeing as his father's shoulders fell, he added, "He... must have recognized me as Yang Xiang's brother and offered me a ride."

Yang Xiang froze then. "Oh." Why didn't she think of that? Jin Yusheng and Yang Teng had nothing in common so of course she was the reason. A self satisfied smile slowly formed at the corners of her lips.

Yang Teng winced internally at his second sister's reaction before turning to continue to his room.

From that day on, Jin Yusheng's and Yang Teng's secret rendevouz begun.

On the other hand, the Ding family became increasingly restless as the days flew by. Ding Weimin regained full consciousness on the fourth day and had a full blown mental breakdown when he learned of his condition.

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