Quest Maker of Soul Land

Chapter 325: The Fallen Victors (2)

Chapter 325: The Fallen Victors (2)

Ja Sun look bemused as Erlong's growl reached his ears while the sheer heat from her body served to increase the temperature of this tiny realm beyond the norms, "You broke her, bastard!"

"Eh, not really. She's suffered far worse while practicing mental acupuncture technique," Ja Sun hummed and Erlong rebuked, "That's not the same! You"

"Did she say anything?" Ja Sun inquired calmly, his words making Erlong silently as she bit her lip, "It's not the same... we can endure that kind of injuries."

"I expected Lana or even Yin to get angry well, because, Yin would take some time to heal the bones... ah, maybe Bi Ji can quicken the situation. But here's the thing," Ja Sun smirked, "I don't need any explaining to do. Yuehua had nothing to complain about because she understood what I did and why I did it. Now, you can either cry your eyes out or you can do something about your anger with a perfect target in sight."

Erlong scoffed. She understood deep down that... Yuehua's skills meant little if her ultimate defenses can be broken down, something that was experienced by Yuehua's body this time. But still, out of everyone in the team, Yuehua was more than just a simple sister to the dragon and it hurt Erlong far more to see the bluenette in that bruised state.

And she was angry, her bloodlust roiling out as her body layered into her spirit transformation with eldritch red wings tearing out of her back and her body growing more beast-like, making Ja Sun's smile widen.

"Let's discuss what you want"

"You," Erlong hissed, her body tearing from the sandy ground as her draconic claw was onto his face, "Beaten!"

Current and past frustration despite their newfound relationship exploded. Or... it was because of their newly built ventures that Erlong was so excitable as they had yet to... settle like he already was with Ah Yin and Bibi Dong.

"No rules, huh," Ja Sun grinned as her basic claw attack was stopped with his own claws as Erlong was quick to forget her source of anger and just focused on the fact that she was annoyed, angered, and had an urge that needed to be released and if not that way then this! A brutal grin formed over her lips as she growled and pulled back. Her seven spirit rings emerged from her body with the crimson one glimmering the brightest as her already tough scales molded together and hardened akin to a familiar figure. She just turned into a female but a blood-red version of a war dragon, one of the two abilities of her seventh ring because the first, surely, is her true spirit avatar.

"What? Don't want to turn into a dragon?" Ja Sun questioned as Erlong scoffed, "And turn into a bigger target?"

"Hah, things a good fuck can do to a brute even like" He didn't have the opportunity to complete his words as she shot forward. It was too easy to rile Erlong up, really. Just a few keywords were needed as he easily waved past the attack with his fist balled and clocked her right into her nose... but the audible crunch he thought he'd hear didn't happen as he raised his brows in surprise. Erlong, after the evolution of her Martial Soul, had the probability of reaching the top... Ja Sun was well-aware of that... and for a second, his smile grew excited when, despite blood leaking from her nostrils, Erlong cackled instead, delighted!

"Seventh Spirit Skill, second half War Dragon's Armor. 100% boost in defense and 200% increased resistance to physical strikes."

"And you think I won't use my spirit skills?" Ja Sun grew even more interested.

"Not with how you're smiling. Give it up, I'm the best there ever will be!" Erlong cackled, her wings spreading out as she flapped the devilish appendages and kicked towards him all the while lighting herself up with Ultimate Fire.


Ja Sun was quick to find the current limits of Erlong's defense and wasn't stunned that she reached the upper limits of a weak 100000-year-old beast with one of her seventh spirit skills called the War Dragon's Armor. He even felt that if she used this in tandem with her Spirit Avatar and turned into a living Infernal Dragon King then this limit may just reach to the peak of a 100000-year-old physique or a weak 200000-year-old one. This would only increase with her rank and the physical core once she attains it.

Ja Sun stood within a ring of fire, his first million-year-old spirit ring still glimmering around him. The ring of ultimate fire happened to be Erlong's domain as Ja Sun himself was still burning with the Ultimate Fire as she set him up in flames with a glance, an ability she gained after reaching rank 70.

But that wasn't all. Erlong had all her spirit bones equipped. Her skull bone came in the form of a golden-red head gear that covered her horns and trimmed over to the tip of her nose while tapering around her eyes as another horn grew from the helmet around the tip of her nose. Under the headgear, her crimson eyes glimmered with a green glow.

Her skull bone came equipped with a domain Furnace of War. It was an unusual domain as it sapped the strength of the enemy and increased the user's strength by 1% after enduring any form of attack. Unless Ja Sun took Erlong out with a single blow... she really might just become a beast uncaring of anything because there was no upper limit to her own growth and the strength her domain sapped.

All her other spirit bones were equipped, too. She was currently at her second strongest state without getting into True Spirit Avatar which would consume too much energy at her current stage.

"Fight me seriously! Xie Xan told me that your first skill increases the enlightenment of the opponent you strike... and that's what you're doing with me! The skull bone allows me to predict any form of attack 1 second before, too, so... get serious!"

Ja Sun chuckled as he enjoyed himself getting bathed in the Ultimate Fire and let his skin and fur get charred and slowly melt to reveal a gloomy goop of purple underneath.

"Domain is an expression of law as is law an expression of domain... so this the concept of war, huh. Everything is fair in love and war... this domain is similar to mine, somewhat..."

"Which one?" Erlong questioned.

"The one I haven't shown," Ja Sun shrugged, "Besides, there are two ways to break this domain, the Furnace of War... first, having a higher understanding of the law of War or... letting your spirit energy run out. But this ability stems from a 100000-year-old bone... the consumption of this quality of spirit bone is lower than even a 70000-year-old one and that's why it's considered a treasure in the world of spirit master."

His melting skin burned off completely but Erlong didn't feel disgusted as everything about Ja Sun except the glimmering orb in the center of his chest melted away, revealing the monster underneath the tough skin of the sage. A purple monster that she was the first to witness from the group as eight lance-like spider legs grew out from his back while her Ultimate Fire lost its use.

"As for predicting 1 second prior... I suppose your skull bone allows you to not only note the barest hint of internal energy moving within the body but also mental and spirit energy, right?" Ja Sun chuckled, accurately grasping the skill of the woman as she scoffed, "What of it?"


She felt her nose bleeding the next second as the impact on her consciousness faded, making her groan.

"So... it cannot notice divine intent, huh. Maybe if you have divine intent yourself, you may grasp the ability to predict it, too. But... don't you get it?"

Ja Sun flashed in front of her, his kick slamming her into the ground as the Ultimate Fire around her became a simple inconvenience at this point.

"Every strike means 1%... what about 1000? 10000 strikes. Remove the Infernal Drake Domain, it's costing you more than it is providing at this point."

Meanwhile, Erlong growled. Ja Sun still used his skill and inspiration flashed in her mind about how to use a few skills better. She did remove her fiery domain and what was left was an orange dome filled with a primal aura that did sap Ja Sun's strength... barely.

His words made Erlong grow more expectant as her eyes lit up under the metal headgear as she shot at him with the intention to hurt but even if she predicted most of Ja Sun's attacks with the intent of only getting hit by the non-fatal attacks that will let her stay in the game, Ja Sun had eight additional limbs. Even if she used most of her close combat skills and the two explosive ones... Ja Sun beat her into new realms of enlightenment and strength.

Ja Sun, too, was excited. Ah Yin was strong, no doubt... but she wasn't made like this. Neither was Bibi Dong.

"Damn, you really might become the best!" Ja Sun laughed happily, his attacks hurting Erlong but the next second she would return with even greater strength.

The domain didn't just sap the strength of the enemy to empower the user but also took strength from the surrounding, converting the multitude of waves of energy for one's use.

"Not might!" Erlong grinned, her lips busted long ago as she gave a bloody grin, "I AM the best!"

Ah, that's the confident Erlong Ja Sun loved making mewl like a kitten!


All good things must come to an end. Just his external million-year-old bone was something that proved Erlong's match but... she was stronger than most Titled Douluos already.

Exhausted and out of spirit energy in 15 minutes itself, Erlong knelt while huffing deeply. Her body only now experiencing the pain of the bruises and broken parts yet... she had the widest grin. Her bloodlust had disappeared as she felt content. After all... this was the first time she felt anywhere near close to the purplish monstrosity recovering its skin, fur, and mane. Ja Sun had already gotten past the cure of balding head in every extreme condition and ruffled his hair in contentment.

"It was good, huh, you really made my day, Erlong."

"F- fuck off!" She huffed with a smile before falling on her back yet Ja Sun couldn't have her back touch the ground after such an admirable display of strength and he caught her. Although he wasn't a healer, the energy within him did serve to restore her somewhat as he didn't mind the blood on his furry coat.

"So? I won, right?" Erlong questioned, making Ja Sun smirk, "Yeah, you won a good tender loving, that is but... you know, you're getting more and more pleasant to the eyes. Let's call it a draw."

"I'll win next time..."

"Sure, you may just win one of these... centuries. Anyway, I'll have something good for you prepared but since we didn't have any rules before... I'll just think of a fun way to get my worth of the deal back."

"What is it?" Erlong inquired impatiently as she reverted into her human form.

"Hmm... don't you want to break through to rank 81 while forming a core... I have something that can help you with the mental core."

Erlong's gaze grew interested before she questioned cautiously, "You won't ask anything perverted in return, right?"

Ja Sun's smile grew wider... and predatory.

"You won't, right?" Erlong's voice broke for a second as Ja Sun narrowed his eyes, pecked her forehead, and sent her out.

And then he silently waited for the next contestant.

If he was amazed by Yuehua's growth and her courage in demanding him unlike the meek one she was when seeing her brother with a tigress in the form of one Dai Mu then Erlong impressed him with her actual skills. And even more, Ja Sun was impressed by the War Dragon itself.

Dragons... really ARE the cream of the crop, aren't they?

Still, he now couldn't help but feel a little expectant.

What kind of show the others would bring him in. He was ready to invest in them... somewhat reluctantly, of course, but... he could also expect to be surprised even if the slightest bit, right?


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Shoutout to Raymond Shallis, Maximilian Seifert, Skywind117, Alexander S, and James (Silencian)!!

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