Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 43

Who would have thought the killer was one of them.

On the spot, several disciples immediately vowed to avenge ran Pingliang.

Meng Li looks sad and miserable, but how can a group of disciples be better.

It's not so much the fame of Wuyan hall that it's the fame of Ran Pingliang.

Anyhow, the Wuya temple is also a new school in recent years. Its foundation is weak. Among the schools, ran Pingliang and some of his disciples are the ones who can stir up trouble.

There are Yanglian and liziyan.

The most powerful is ran Pingliang.

Now there is no ran Pingliang. His strength has been weakened a lot. It's easy for a sect to be reduced to a lower class sect. Where should they go.

Although the Lord of the temple died, he had to be sad, but after that, everyone had his own plan in his heart.

Of course, Li Ziyan and Yang Lian can see that some of the disciples are angry. They usually treat these disciples well, but they don't say anything. Let's make concerted efforts to deal with the affairs behind ran Pingliang.

They'll stay when the time comes.

However, the atmosphere between Yang Lian and Li Ziyan is strange. After all, ran Pingliang is gone now. Who should be in charge of the boundless hall.

It's mutual understanding.

Also did not have now anxious to pick out these matters, Li Ziyan wiped tears, orderly arranged one by one thing.

At this time, Meng Li was directly ignored by the public. No one asked Meng Li's opinion, and no one comforted him.

A few days later, after dealing with the affairs behind ran Pingliang, Meng Li watched with his own eyes that ran Pingliang entered the coffin, entered the scholar, and slipped out of the limitless hall when people were distracted.

Before she left, Meng Li also left a letter, saying that because ran Pingliang's death is the eternal pain in her heart, she wants to go out for a walk alone, so that we don't look for her.

She's not going back.

Meng Li of course knows that she's gone, and no one will look for her. To say these words is just to avoid the worries of the client when he comes back.

She left the boundless hall, and will not be a part of the boundless hall in the future.

Death or life has nothing to do with the endless hall.

In the future, it has nothing to do with her who owns Wuya hall and what it will look like.

I believe Yanglian and Li Ziyan will like her taste.

When Yanglian and Li Ziyan know that Meng Li has left, they are satisfied with Meng Li's interest and are in a trance. If they can, they hope to go back to the past.

There is ran Pingliang.

There's the woman who gets in the way.

But now things are different.

Meng Li is practicing and traveling at the same time, but her prohibition against system space has not been relaxed, that is to say, she can not return to system space.

Meng Li understood that when she traveled like this, sometimes she would encounter danger, but she could avoid it. She could adapt to such a life.

It should be that the client doesn't adapt.

The client didn't like this kind of life. The client grew up in the love and care of his father, and was later connected to the boundless mountain by ran Pingliang.

The client's world is relatively small, so she should want a stable residence and a stable life.

But now back, the client doesn't know where to go.

Meng Li felt that he should have guessed the client's idea correctly and began to seriously consider where he should go.

Meng Li recalled that when he was working in this world, he was worried that he didn't understand medical theory. In this case, he might as well go to the holy doctor's Valley and learn medical theory.

In this way, the client should be willing to come back with a place to live.

Moreover, if it wasn't for poisoning this time, it would be very difficult to complete the task. It can't be said that such a situation will happen in the future.

Meng Li then went to the direction of the magic doctor valley.

To enter the miracle doctor's Valley, you still need to assess. First, you need to know some basic herbs. During Meng Li's travel, he knows some common herbs, and the other is to be able to read and write.

In modern times, everyone can meet this requirement, but in this era, only those with better family circumstances have the chance to read.

Some people are still shut out.

When Meng Li enters the miracle doctor's Valley, some people recognize him. They are more sympathetic to him. When ran Pingliang is dead, Meng Li is helpless on the boundless mountain and can't stay on the mountain. They come to the miracle doctor's valley.

Meng Li has a strong learning ability. He gradually emerged from his disciples. After an examination, he became a disciple of the master of the valley.

Then Meng Li hears the news of the boundless hall. To Meng Li's surprise, Li Ziyan returns to lihuazong. She would rather go back to fight for power with her younger martial sister than stay in the boundless hall.

According to Li Ziyan's character, I can't stand Yang Lian.

Another reason may be that Yanglian is backed up by Yangyan palace. Although Wuya palace is not the same as it used to be, it also depends on the face of Yangyan palace, so Wuya palace will not be deceiving.Meng Li thought, maybe with the passage of time, the boundless palace will no longer exist. All the industries and resources of the boundless palace will become a part of Yangyan palace.

However, none of this is related to Meng Li. Meng Li follows the valley master and his disciples around all day, sometimes collecting medicine and sometimes practicing medicine.

Sometimes Meng Li couldn't help thinking, is the client unwilling to stay in the miracle doctor's Valley?

Or do you want her to take care of everything.

I don't want to come back late.

Meng Li still chose to stay in the magic medicine valley. She came to the magic medicine Valley not only because she wanted to learn medical theory, but also because Meng Li felt that the client's character was suitable for practicing medicine.

Finally, Meng Li spent her third year in the valley. Her position in the valley has been very stable, and she will not face the situation of nowhere to go.

She and the system space restrictions relaxed, Meng Li sighed, the client is really confused, not confident about the future, just want her to help her arrange all the way.

Meng Li took a look at the master of the valley, the miracle doctor beside him, and said:

"thank you, master."

The valley master's puzzled eyes turned to Meng Li.

Meng Li said sincerely, "thank you for your appreciation, and thank you for your generous gift in recent years."

Then Meng Li made a kneeling salute to the master of the valley, the great doctor. The master of the valley helped Meng Li up and sighed:

"Miaosi, but do you want to leave?"

"Going out alone in the world?"

Meng Li shook his head and said:

"Shifu, I just want to thank Shifu. If it wasn't for Shifu's acceptance, Miaosi didn't know where to go."

"That's your talent. Being a teacher is not without selfishness." The valley master was relieved and said with a smile.

"The most important thing of a sect is to inherit. Medicine can save people and kill people. Saving people and killing people is only in the mind of doctors. But as a teacher, Miaosi should be a kind and kind person." The valley Master said meaningfully.

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