Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 825: The target of the rant

  Chapter 825 The target of the brainless roar


Charlemagne shot an "arrow" on the bowstring at the huge Sha of Pride. This huge arrogant aggregate let out a gloomy laugh, using the Sha energy pools that filled the entire room to teleport ...like the Sha of Wrath.

   But it wasn't over yet, Charlemagne's arrow turned suddenly in mid-air, once again precisely found the Sha of Pride's position, and pierced into his body fiercely.


  This time, the Sha of Pride finally couldn't help howling in pain. He looked down and saw a white short knife was piercing his left half of the body.

  At the same time, Charlemagne's second black dagger was already in the air, and Onyxia immediately changed back to her original form and greeted the Sha of Pride with her claws.

  While the fight was in full swing, Zhou Zhuo called out to Norusha from outside the room, "Norush, come here!"

  Norush was still a little confused by the reinforcements that suddenly appeared in front of him, and turned his head to look after hearing the call, "Huh? Isn't this Zhou Zhuo?"

  At this moment, the Sha of Ao's attention was no longer on him at all, and Norusha looked vigilantly at the Sha of Ao who was summoning a large number of arrogance incarnations, and quietly moved away to Zhou Zhuo's side.

  Zhou Zhuo carefully looked at the battle scene in the underground palace, Charlemagne and Onyxia had clearly gained the upper hand at this time.

However, the sudden appearance of a large number of arrogance-incarnated evil fish made Charlemagne have to be distracted to clean up these little things. Onyxia seemed to be enduring the strange emotions in her heart, her movements were obviously not very sharp, and she was a little restrained. Feel.

   Fortunately, her tank is fully qualified. Her huge body and strong defense block most of the Sha of Pride's sight. If she wants to attack Charlemagne in the rear, she must first break through the black dragon's blockade.

  Zhou Zhuo beckoned Norush to squat down, "Norush, can you control the Titan defense facilities in this underground palace? Charlemagne asked me to inform you, stand outside the field and try to cooperate with their actions to provide support."

  Norusha nodded honestly and said, "I see, I understand, Zhou Zhuo, you should back off first."

Charlemagne, who was watching all directions and listening to all directions during the battle, naturally noticed the movements on Norusha's side. After cleaning up the arrogance incarnation present with the rain of arrows, he immediately took a big step back, and at the same time reminded loudly, "O Ni!"

Suffering consecutive emotional attacks from the Sha of Pride, Onyxia's mind was already a little unconscious. After hearing the call from her master, she managed to pull herself together and flapped her wings to fly backwards in the vast hall. go.

Seeing the enemy being forced back, the Sha of Pride taunted again proudly, "Ha! I admit that you are indeed difficult enemies, but you are the same as Shaohao, as long as you can't overcome your arrogance, I will be invincible! "


  The Sha of Pride chased Oni and launched a teleportation, and the Sha energy spewed out from the sky, attacking Charlemagne and Onyxia in the room at the same time.

   At the critical moment, Charlemagne avoided the impact of a large number of Sha energy fragments with his sensitive movements and small steps, and the occasional fragments that hit him did not cause much damage.

  Looking at the black wound on his shoulder, Charlemagne smacked his lips in displeasure, 'tsk... If it wasn't difficult for me to understand this energy for a while, I could just stand up and masturbate. '

   And Onyxia's huge body can't hide, she can only rely on the earth barrier on her body to resist attacks.

  Physical damage is not a big problem, but the mental attack attached to the Sha energy attack makes the Black Dragon Queen feel very uncomfortable.

  Fortunately, Norusha outside the arena finally launched support at this time, a silver halo shrouded the huge body of the black dragon, and Onyxia's sanity was immediately cleared.

At the same time, a ring device suddenly appeared under Ao Zhisha's body. When Ao Zhisha felt bad and planned to launch a teleportation, the ring device had already activated its own function, and the golden light shrank Ao Zhisha firmly. in place.

   "This...impossible! Why is the Titan equipment here still functioning normally, I obviously..."

  Charlemagne patted the black smoke on his shoulder, looked at Sha Ao with a playful smile on his face and mocked, "You have obviously corrupted the facilities here? Do you remember that happened tens of thousands of years ago?"

"what do you mean?!"

Seeing Sha of Pride's suspicious look, Charlemagne shrugged his shoulders and said, "It's not interesting, but when Raiden came to take Y'Shaarj's heart a few years ago, I asked him to purify all the Titan equipment here. So...you get the idea."

  The Sha of Pride was taken aback for a moment, and then he roared furiously, "You little mortal! You've been plotting against me since a few years ago?!"

   "Hehe~ What do you think?"

  Charlemagne stopped answering, and put the eagle's claws on the bowstring with a mocking smile on his face.

  At this time, Onyxia also completely regained her sanity, staring fiercely at the Sha of Rage, her chest was gradually bulging, and a clear sound of breathing could be heard vaguely.

   "Planning the escape for tens of thousands of years can only end here. It's really hard work for you, so let's do it, never see you again!"


Accompanied by the arrow of Longinus shot by Charlemagne, the Sha of Pride struggled desperately in the confinement below him, and at the same time laughed wildly in his mouth, "Hahahaha! Do you think you have won? Wait! ! The final victory will belong to the Old Gods, and we will meet again..."


  Before he finished speaking, Charlemagne's attack completely exploded the ugly head of the Sha of Pride. Onyxia took a deep breath and followed, burning the mass of evil energy into a black mosaic.

   "Nice job!"

  Zhou Zhuo jumped up from the outside, and walked in with an excited expression, "Haha! I knew you could do it. Next, just... Charlemagne?"

  Excited Zhou Zhuo unexpectedly found that Charlemagne's face was not happy, but lowered his head with frown, as if he was thinking about something.

   "What's wrong? Did you find something wrong?"


Charlemagne came back to his senses after hearing Zhou Zhuo's question, rubbed the center of his brows and replied, "I had a premonition and a guess. Before he died, Ao Zhisha seemed very sure that he could be reborn again. Where did this confidence come from... "

Zhou Zhuo patted Charlemagne on the shoulder comfortingly, "Anyway, we won this battle. The Sha of Pride, the strongest of the Seven Demons, was finally killed. As long as everything else goes well, the reverberation of Y'Shaarji will disappear from Pandaria completely."


  Charlemagne froze for a moment when he heard Zhou Zhuo's words, and then gradually connected a series of clues in his mind.

   "The Sha of Madness's abnormal behavior, the Sha of Fear's sudden inaction, the Sha of Pride's self-confidence...Garrosh abandoned everything and came to Pandaria..."

  Onyxia obviously also thought of something, she asked with some suspicion, "Could it be! Master, you mean that Garrosh's goal is the heart of Y'Shaarj?"


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