Ranker's Return

Chapter 891

Chapter 891

ese thoughts as he looked between Jamie Moore’s appearance and the chat window.

‘I’ll have to ask after the streaming is over.’

However, he couldn’t ask now. The live stream was turned on.

“This is the daily instructor I specially invited. Please welcome him with a round of applause.”

Hyeonu shifted the eyes of the viewers to the other side. As Hyeonu intended, the viewers quickly shifted their attention away from Jamie Moore. No, in the first place, there were far more viewers who had their eyes on the man than Jamie Moore. It was because the person who became a hot topic in the battle that took place just a few days ago was standing here.

Hyeonu beckoned to Tang-E. Then Tang-E bowed toward the place that Hyeonu had been looking at.

“Please understand that the daily instructor doesn’t speak due to personal reasons. Even so, he is definitely a person with real talent.”

Hyeonu gave a reasonable explanation for why Tang-E didn’t speak. After using Polymorph to become an adult human being, Tang-E’s voice was different from when he was a bear. However, there were definitely some similarities. There would definitely be some people who could sense the similarities among Hyeonu’s many viewers.

‘That would be a problem.’

Even if there were only ten thousand people gathered, there were bound to be people with strange abilities. Meanwhile, Hyeonu’s viewers exceeded 10 million and approached 20 million. It wouldn’t be strange if such a ridiculous coincidence occurred.

-There is no need for anything else. Just reveal your identity.

-Tell us about your relationship with Alley Leader.

-These items are definitely the equipment that Alley Leader used.

-It is from the weapon to the armor. It is impossible to support him in such a manner unless there is a blood relationship.

-A hidden little brother? But Argon and Yuri said that he is an only child...

-Then maybe his parent...?

The viewers raised all their doubts as soon as Hyeonu introduced Tang-E. The suspicions were concentrated on his relationship with Hyeonu.

“This isn’t a family member I share blood with or a younger brother from the same school. He isn’t even a relative. He is just a younger brother I care for as much as my family,” Hyeonu calmly responded to the suspicions raised by the viewers.

-Then why is the fighting style so similar?

-You must’ve been raising him for a long time...

-Has he been raised?

-A successor?

-Hey, it can’t be.

-Then how does he use a style that no one else can imitate?

Nevertheless, the suspicions continued to grow. It had to be so. The exquisite magic power control that only Hyeonu could use in actual combat—this daily instructor showed it. It meant the daily instructor’s magic power control was ahead of all rankers, except for Hyeonu.

“That’s because I taught it well. I said he was like a dear younger brother, right? I taught him really hard. Additionally, I just temporarily loaned out my items. He originally had his own equipment.”

Hyeonu’s answer was true. It was right that Hyeonu taught Tang-E and it was true that he cared about Tang-E. It was also true that he temporarily lent out the items. Additionally, the fact that Tang-E had separate equipment was the truth. It was just that they were invisible.

“If this is the case... have I resolved some of your questions?”

-Hmm... I see... I have nothing to say, but...

-The little brother who knows a monster is also a monster.

-Then why wasn’t he brought into Crescent Moon?

-Idiot. Would he want to be a pro gamer when he came out with his face covered on the live stream? Think about it. Sigh.

-Then Jamie Moore will be beaten up today?

-Yes, that’s right. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The viewers now took back their suspicions about the masked man, Tang-E. They got all the information they could get. It was because it was obvious that Hyeonu wouldn’t tell them anything other than this.

“Now that the introductions are over, let’s truly start Alley Leader Academy. The two of you, please go to the center of the arena.”

Hyeonu stretched out his hand.

Jamie Moore and Tang-E walked toward the place where Hyeonu pointed while exuding different auras—one was like a cow being dragged to the slaughter, while the other was like a boy entering the amusement park.

“The daily instructor handles many attributes. That is the key point of the spar today,” Hyeonu opened his mouth again when the distance widened to the extent that Hyeonu’s words couldn’t be heard properly. The attributes that Tang-E handled were based on chaos and covered three attributes: fire, ice, and lightning. In other words, it seemed like Tang-E could handle four attributes from the standpoint of the victim.

-Dealing with many attributes?

-Is it a rare class?

-But if it is a class like this... it doesn’t seem very good.

-There is nothing good about a melee class with high magic power.

-It is space junk without control.

The viewers didn’t accept Hyeonu’s explanation in a good manner. It was because a melee class where magic power was the main stat was the worst. It was rubbish that couldn’t do this nor that. In order to use it properly, good items and delicate control were required.

‘It isn’t unreasonable to think this way.’

Hyeonu’s own thoughts didn’t differ much from the viewers. His class, the Knight of Keon, was also rubbish without his own powerful stats, skills, and great control. Normally, the magic power was lacking and the other stats were ordinary. It naturally couldn’t be good.

‘However, Tang-E’s stats are fraudulent, right?’

Tang-E was different. His stats did everything for him. His magic power stat was over 10,000 and the other stats were well over 4,000. It had gone beyond the vague category of stats that people defined. No one knew this except for Hyeonu. Jamie Moore was also included in this ‘no one.’

“Please take care of me,” Jamie Moore greeted this person as politely as possible. It was a natural thing to do. The pressure given off by Tang-E, who was standing in front of him, was too sharp.

Tang-E was asked not to speak by Hyeonu, so he naturally replied with actions rather than words. He nodded a few times before immediately drawing his weapon.

‘There is no need for words...’

Jamie Moore sighed heavily and pulled out his two swords. It was the unique rated two swords that had always been reliable, but not so much today. He even wondered if it would be better to fight with his bare hands.

“Then I will go first.”

Nevertheless, complaining wouldn’t change anything. He had to do his best in the given situation.

Jamie Moore took a light step and narrowed the distance with Tang-E. Tang-E saw this and also rushed at Jamie Moore. The distance between them narrowed in an instant. It was a distance where they could reach each other if both of them pulled out a weapon and wielded it.

It was Tang-E who wielded his weapon first. He didn’t hesitate to swing his black sword at Jamie Moore. The longsword quickly cut through the air. No matter how long the sword was, the length of it was less than two meters. It was less than three meters even when combined with Tang-E’s arm. However, the distance between Jamie Moore and Tang-E was around five meters. It was a distance that could never be reached in reality, but Arena wasn’t reality.

Purple pure energy rose like lightning from the black sword. Jamie Moore stopped with a look of astonishment and leaned back.

‘If I hadn’t thought about it... I would’ve died.’

This was the learning effect brought about by sparring with Hyeonu. It wasn’t like Pavlov’s dog, but it was enough for him to think about it one time. It wasn’t completely ruled out.

Jamie Moore quickly adjusted his posture and injected magic power into his two swords to prepare for a follow-up attack. It was just that there was no follow-up attack.


The man in front of him stood in place and cocked his head like he didn’t like something.

Jamie Moore thought this was even scarier.

‘Be satisfied with this, please. You are right after Alley Leader.’

Apart from Alley Leader, no one had succeeded in using the previous technique in actual combat. The man in the mask wasn’t the first in Arena, but he was the second. Yet he didn’t seem to like it.

‘I don’t know anymore.’

Jamie Moore thought he should show off his skills if he was going to get hit anyway. Thus, he jumped right at Tang-E without hesitation.

‘It isn’t working... like Master dude...’

Just like Jamie Moore thought, Tang-E was upset. He didn’t like it very much. He had the clear feeling of something being stuck, unlike when Hyeonu used it. It wasn’t natural. It was the same this time as well. In order to be faster and more natural, something different was needed.

‘I need time to think...’

Then he saw the man holding the two swords release a dark red sword energy. At this moment, Tang-E saw this man as a hindrance. Tang-E’s sword moved once again.

This time, there was a bit of purple, but in general, it was a cold colored sword energy. Ice formed in the place where Tang-E’s sword passed. Everyone watching the spar could see the trajectory of the sword with their own eyes.

Tang-E’s sword energy collided with Jamie Moore’s sword energy. The two of them pushed at each other fiercely, but it was only for a moment. Tang-E stepped forward lightly and extended the sword, causing a cool colored sword energy to be released. Jamie Moore was pushed back by the sword energy.

-Uwah... His heels are all gone.

-It would’ve been horrible if this had happened in reality...

-It seems like at least four weeks in a cast.

-It would be good if it was only that much time.

-It hurts even in Arena, these jerks ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

The viewers groaned as they watched Jamie Moore being pushed backwards with both heels supporting his entire body. It was like he was plowing the field with his heels. Two furrows were dug into the arena.

“Crazy guy...” Hyeonu saw this and grabbed his forehead. He sent Tang-E to fight in moderation, but he was completely crushing his opponent with his stats.

‘Who did he learn this from...?’

A sigh emerged from the depths of his chest.


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