Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 115 I Know A Way To Pay The Debt.

That night, Chiron established the seeds of a scheme in the pub.

When he got back home, he used the entire night to concoct some special pills using the herbs he had gotten from Elder Ellen.

For Chiron, most of the elements were in place.

Emma fed him valuable information from the Lost treasure and the rest was just for him to work on his own.

The next day came along.

Once more, the party gathered at the Bureau for cultivators.

Chiron was usually observant of his environment.

He quickly noticed that Carla looked a bit bothered.

This was his target. A change in her emotions could lead to a change in his plans. On top of that, she had arrived late.

"Are you okay!?" Chiron asked affectionately as she sat in a corner.

However, the moment he asked, he noticed the extra detail of bags under her eyes and the fact that her mother had not escorted her today to the Bureau for cultivators.

Chiron sat close to her and brought her head to his chest, "don't worry, okay? We'll find the Snow white Tulip flower and help your mother."

At first, she wanted to pull away, but having a caring shoulder to lean on was too tempting to resist. After a while, she could not help but lowly shed tears on him.

A few minutes passed and the last person to show up today was actually Ponzi who was the leader of the group.

Carla felt better and it was soon time to set off, but as usual, Carla had to go record their mission at the staff counter.

It was at this moment that she remembered that she had forgotten her bag pack back home.

In her state of worry and making up time, she had left it behind.

Then again, her mother was the person that always carried it for her.

Chiron understood to a large extent that while men were more logical creatures, women were emotional creatures.

And right now, he had started to capture a piece of Carla's emotions on himself.

"Don't worry! just go record the mission. I'll help with the Bag," Chiron suggested.

She almost wanted to protest, but Chiron's comforting nod made her acknowledge him.

Meanwhile, Zi watched both of them in jealousy.

Since Carla's mother already knew Chiron, it sounded like an okay idea.

Chiron immediately went out of the building and proceeded towards Carla's place.

The Chikitsa clan was a big place, but the people here except merchants and cultivators, never really left the clan. Almost everybody knew everybody. After all, for the most part, they were connected by blood.

Chiron had never considered himself to be a selfless person, going on an errand for another person was not something he would usually do. But right now, it was important.

So far, he had spied on the residence of his other teammates. Knowing what happens behind close doors at Carla's house, would not be so bad.

Chiron landed on a building not so far away.

However, the moment he wanted to advance towards the house, he paused.

Someone else with a cloak over his head had made it to the house first.

Chiron watched as Carla's mother opened the door. She looked left and right to ensure no one was looking before inviting the person into the house.

"Interesting!" landed close enough to the house. Close enough to allow his aura spread into the house and see what was going on in there.

Aura allowed for Chiron to be able to easily sense and see his environment without looking.

And what he saw, was unbelievable.

"Virtuous and kind!? Unbelievable! If such a person exists, then that person is already dead. They can not exist in this world," Chiron smiled to himself.

He had always wondered how it was possible that Carla's mother took care of the family even though her husband was a fervent asshole that practically worshipped Leongu and barely cared for his family.

It all made sense now.

And to even do it in the day time, she must have been very desperate to survive. Not to talk of the identity of the person that had visited too.

Chiron never believed in saints. Every man always had skeletons in their cupboards. In fact, the holier the appearance, the uglier the hidden skeleton.

This knowledge he had just received, was not known to him before. After all, the MC of the book never came this close to Carla. In fact, while in the clan, she was ever too far for him to reach.

Now, however, was totally different. Chiron could tell that she looked up to him. Even if it was a bit.

Now that he had this information, breaking that image of mother in her heart would be easier, but he would need to give a push with some cheese. So that the rats will come for them.

Chiron took out Devil's touch and stroked it a bit. "Hmmm! this will be fun."

Carla had forgotten her bag pack in front of the house.

Chiron immediately took it and ran back to meet the others.


As they left the gates of the clan, they saw Jan Jan and his crew as they hurried past them.

Without asking, they already knew that this crew were going to once more try and hunt the Giant grey-hound Ape.

Of course, Jan Jan and his crew made fun of them as they passed.

"Hey, Loser Ponzi! that debt is going to drown your party and your father!"

To which only the twins responded back in insults.

The day was going like any other one was. They were about to hunt Rabid bigfoot rabbits. However, Chiron could see the look on the faces of his team members. It was time to act.

He suddenly stopped walking.

"Senior Ponzi, at this rate we will not make it! The deadline will come and our debt will increase."

His words made all of them stop. They all knew that what he said was true, and that was the main reason why the morale of the entire party was down.

Everybody remained silent.

Ponzi turned to Chiron and sighed, "I know. But this is all we can do for now. Although our party looks strong, it is actually very weak, and we don't have the financial capabilities that Jan Jan's party have so they can hunt big game. All we can do is at least ease our debt a little before the time of the deadline reaches."

All the others had their heads down. By now, they all knew that there was no way to beat the timing. All they could do was shave a little at the points.

The atmosphere was moody, and hearts were down. Chiron had a smile at the corner of his lips.

"I know a way we can pay off the debt."

Everybody lifted their heads and stared at him in surprise.

"But you'll have to trust me!"

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