Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 134 First Wave Of Fate's Knights...

After clearing the entire place of plant life, all he did was wait in hiding for his Party members to arrive.

The rest had played like a movie, while Chiron was the director behind the set.

Using the shadow pool, he had hunter drop a stalk of Snow white Tulip flower by Zi's side.

And then he waited for all of them to betray themselves. While he only came out at exactly the last moment, presenting a warm embrace like a descended messiah.

"I thought you were dead!" she cried as she held tightly to him. She really did not know which relief was greater, that Chiron saved her alive, or that he did not die.

"How... How did you survive!?"

Chiron smiled a bit, "have you forgotten elder Joules's quote so soon? 'Danger Sharpens the senses and builds the success of a cultivator'."

Even though that quote was not an obvious answer, it was still okay.

Chiron suddenly heard low sobs from behind him.

He turned and walked to Zi. Although this was not necessary to his future plans, he had no choice. In front of Carla, he must maintain his messiah Status.

He picked her up from the ground, and she also hugged him tightly. All the while, she had been the most scared.

After all, she had the least cultivation. But Scariest thing for her, was the fact that her own loving cousin wanted to kill her for money.

It was all over now, but this event was probably going to cause nightmares.

"Zi, Carla," Chiron addressed both of them, "Ponzi, Duna and Luna, died at the jaws of a scary beast. They stood and fought while we the weaker cultivators ran back to the clan for help. Do you understand!?" Chiron gave both of them an obvious truth twisting look with his eyes.

Both of them looked at one another and nodded in understanding.

It was best to get a story that they could all stick with. At least for their report to the Bureau for cultivators.

"Come, lets go home!" Chiron held both girls, one on each side as they walked.

It was at this moment that it came.

<Host, Please Defend against Fate's Knight>

Those words were alarming to Chiron.

This was not like the other times that the System had told him to defend against Fate.

This was about the Fate knight that the System had warned him about.

Just like Before, Chiron had expected an attack from Fate. After all, he had just acquired Spirit cultivation.

Fate had a habit of attacking every time he got stronger.

It was like the Heavens declaring their disapproval of his growth.

Fate's knights were going to attack. Chiron did not know what angle they were going to come from, but there was no time to think about it.

He immediately hit both girls on their necks. Effectively knocking them out.

And then he carried them. Both of them under each armpit.

Immediately, he activated his Aura energy and descended down.

He ran until he got to the side of a tree, and dropped them, "hunter! look after them for me. I seem to have visitors."

Chiron turned about. There was nobody behind him, but he still frowned.

"Come on! let's not play games. If you came looking for me, you should be polite enough to show your faces."

At first there was no response, and then the wind blew.

As it did, the snow seemed alive as many men materialized from within it.

They had on them white gowns that covered their head and their entire bodies, with the symbol of a golden sun in the center of their chest.

One look at the symbol and Chiron instantly knew who they were. But as to the reason why they were here, that was a mystery.

According to his memory of this world, the MC of the book did not meet these guys until another twenty years. And even then, they were on his side.

However, the fact that he had been told to defend against Fate's knights alone was an indication that these guys were not on his side.

These were members of the holy church.

At least it was a branch of the church. This church ruled a great part of the Human world. According to what he could remember, the closest one to the Chikitsa clan was still about several months journey from here.

There were very far away from regions ruled by clans, and considered this area to be quite primitive.

There were at least fifty of them. Most of them were of the Stone Rank. A select few were at the peak of the Wood Rank, while Chiron Could feel the presence of two people that were at the copper Rank.

Both of which were at the middle copper rank.

This number of people with the kind of strength they willed was a lot.

In fact, they were even a lot for Chiron.

One of the men that was of the Copper rank stepped forward with a scroll in hand. He opened it and read from it, "We are members of the Holy Church, and we are here to bring the judgment of the Holy Seer. You only have two options. Come with us and have your body sanctified before your death. So as to send your soul to heaven, or die here and be sent to eternal damnation."

There was nothing about what this guy had just said that even remotely made sense to Chiron.

Although he did not know what he had done wrong, but basically, he was going to die if he went with them, and he was still going to die if he didn't.

Apparently the only option these guys were giving him, was death.

"I have done nothing wrong to the Holy Church! I demand my offence and accuser be brought before me, according to the code of the Book of Holy Judgement."

Those words took the priests by surprise. What Chiron was doing, was simply invoking a rule by which Judgement in the church was passed.

This made some of the men in white whisper amongst themselves.

"Hahaha!!!" There was suddenly laughter.

A path was created and a man stepped out from within the group of people.

He had a long scar on one side of his face, and had a full black bearded face.

On the fingers of his left hand were three rings. Each of them had a different color.

"Kid! all we did was read out the order from the Holy Seer, and you have already proven to us that you deserve death."

Chiron frowned. He did not understand what this man meant.

The man laughed some more, "Firstly, How can you even speak our language? Secondly, how the fuck do you even know the Code of the Book Of Judgement? You only about ten, and from what I can see, you have never left your clan area. This place is several months away from the closest Kingdom, and even if you were, you would have to be a Believer of at least the second order. It takes the fastest amongst us five years to reach that high."

As he talked, he played with the rings with one finger, and there glowed slightly. "Even if I took five years from your age, you would be at five or four," his smile got wider, and Chiron's frown got deeper.

"Now, lets assume that you are some heavenly genius. But you still have to be able to write, or least read the Code of the Book of Judgement," he paused a little, "do you see where I'm coming from?"

He advanced slowly, "Secondly," as he talked, he's spirit energy had been ignited, and it flowed out of him slowly, "the language of the book of codes is entirely different from the language we speak."

"Shit!!!" Chiron cursed in his mind. He had totally forgot such basic essentials, and had instinctively talked to this people in their language. He had forgot that just like his former world, people of different regions, spoke different languages.

At the time, all that was on his mind was how to deal with this people. And it was a general rule that communication was not achieved until both parties understood one another.

"Thirdly," the man went on, "You were able to sense our presence even though we hid perfectly, and all I can sense from you is the high stage of the Wood rank of Aura energy."

Now, Chiron was really getting worried. Even though this man used spirit energy, he could sense Chiron's Aura energy. This showed that he had rich battle experience.

After all, Chiron had been carrying Aura energy everywhere, and only Elder Ellen had instantly sensed it.

Before meeting up with his team members again, Chiron had placed back the seal at the back of his neck.

The reason was because he did not want anybody back at the Clan figuring out that he now had Cultivation. The seal stopped the flow of Spirit energy in his body.

Secondly, the only reason he had sensed their presence was not because he did, but because the System alerted him of their arrival.

"And lastly, you did not seem surprise when you saw us. And I saw how closely you looked at our crest. I'll take that you know the holy Church well. Too well infact," he laughed some more," and then he had an ugly-stern expression on his face.

"Do you see it now," he raised the hand with rings, "the reason why you must die. Child of EVIL!!!"

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