Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 142 Pushing It A Step Further...

Turning Carla's life around was like arranging tiles of dominoes in a straight line.

All he had to do was places the right pieces in the right place, and everything fell into the plan.

For example, he placed Emma in the Lost Treasure. For the last few days, regardless of her hatred, she had flirted with Leongu continually at the Lost Treasure.

It was in this method that Chiron had an upper hand against Leongu.

There was an old saying in Chiron's former world that a man would first boast to his concubine or adulteress about his plans and achievement before his wife.

All the while, Emma with her mask on, flirted with Leongu, and while the man was drunk, he would talk about his plans for stealing Devil's Touch.

Secondly, Chiron had known about the affair between Carla's mother and Leongu. When he came to pick up her bag the other day, this was the person hiding his face that she had taken into her room.

At the time, Chiron thought that the reason why Leongu hid his face was that he did not want his apprentice to know that he was having an affair with his wife. But it turned out that it was just because it was daytime and he was trying to hide his face.

Apparently, Fanum was not only aware of the infidelity of his wife, but his loyalty to Leongu was also so blind that he handed his wife over.

Carla's mother had planned to poison the food the other day when Carla brought her teammates home after the defeat of the Giant grey-horned Ape, but seeing that Chiron was not a part of them, she suspended her plan.

Of course, she bugged Carla to bring Chiron home. Even going as far as to plant future thoughts in motherly advice in Carla's head.

This was the reason why Carla invited Chiron home after they came back with the Snow white Tulip Flower.

Chiron agreed. However, he sent hunter with a letter for Emma.

Emma was already familiar with Chiron's pet. She got the message and immediately went to work with her favourite customer.

As she flirted with him, she had already whispered into his ears that Chiron was seen going along with Carla.

Immediately, he sent Fanum to inform his wife through the kitchen window to kick-start the plan.

Meanwhile, Emma had used one of the drugs Chiron had given her. She poured a lot of it into Leongu's drink.

Leongu was aware of this.

The drug she had used, was a very potent aphrodisiac.

This was the reason why Leongu was feeling very in the mood when he came to Carla's house.

He kept on feeling his body was hot all over, and he needed to vent.

In truth, Chiron would have wished that Leongu started with Carla. That way, it would have made convincing her all the easier. But that was not what happened.

Nevertheless, it was not bad to watch as Carla watched what she thought to be the personification of perfection become perverted before her very eyes.

In fact, in its own way, it pushed for more.

After all, the best way to affect to change a person's mind, was never by convincing, but by showing.

Chiron had thought hard about this plan and its target for it to work.

He knew that people's ideas and beliefs were mostly formed based on the influence of their environments. This meant that what he needed to change was either the environment or the attachment to it.

For Carla, it was the fact that her pure and hard-working mother, was a saint.

According to Chiron's memory, Carla became an influential figure that helped the clan during its disaster and was one of the pillars that brought it back to its feet and to greater heights.

After the MC of the book had gotten cultivation from the remnant of the dragon egg, he did not go back to the clan in fear for his life. Instead, he roamed the world.

It was only when he came again that most of the clan had become destroyed that he heard stories.

Carla had been a very brave warrior that resulted in the preservation of the clan long enough for the Mc to come and save them from their plight.

She served as a building stone for his story arch which further built his indomitable character.

This was the reason why changing her Fate gave him so many points.

Chiron replaced her mother's image with that of a sinner.

When he pretended to have died on the ground, he used his aura to poison the children in the other room. He had only done it for her to feel true despair.

If she still had other things to rely on, then there was no way she was going to rely on him.

And therefore, he pushed her by destroying all love and connection she had with this world.

At least all of them except himself.

And then he gave her the opportunity to enact a little revenge on her sinner mother.

But that was not all. Chiron felt like he could push it a tard bit further.

He looked around and many of the things he saw on the floor were just the right ingredients for a particular spell to work.

Immediately, Chiron used up ten points for two memory boosters. He needed to be sure he got the spell right.

The MC of the book had dabbled in the demon energy and had learnt a lot.

Chiron was currently fetching from that memory well.

He walked up to Carla and lifted her bloody face.

"Do you..." he paused a bit, "do you love me!?"

In Carla's head, that question had popped up from nowhere, and this was definitely not the time to be considering such a thing. But when she looked into Chiron's eyes, she couldn't help but feel herself lost in the affection he had shown her so far.

Her eyelids fluttered, "yes..." she muttered subconsciously.


Chiron tenderly took the knife from her. He used it and carved out Carla's mother's chest open.

He dug his hand into her chest and removed her heart. He presented it to Carla, "show me your determination. EAT IT!!!"

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