Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 152 The Guest Knight...

While Chiron was being swallowed by a gaint snake,


Two men made out through the forest area.

They both looked terrible.

One of them was big in size. He was a man with a lot of muscles. While the other one was skinny with a bearded face.

However, the muscular man rested on the skinny man for support.

The major reason for this, was because of the loss of one of his hands.

These men were none other than Kevin and Danfo.

They were the two men that had survived from the Avalanche attack made by the evil spirit.

They were men of the Holy church. They were a part of the Enforcer unit of the Holy church, and they had been ordered to get rid of a particular evil child in a far away clan.

However, their assault on this particular evil child ended up in a terrible failure.

After that, they had to return in failure.

However, returning was not as easy as going.

For one, they still had to defeat cored beasts that saw them as food.

Even copper ranked cultivators were still mortals.

luckily for them, the Holy church had a Forward Operating Base (FOB), not so far away from the clan regions.

When going to the Chuikitsa clan, they had also stopped here to refill their supplies.

Finally, they were out of the forest area and the FOB was now in sight.

Although it was called an FOB, this was practically a town.

However, such was the power of the holy church.

They spared no resources when it came to the spreading of their Faith. And even though they were not allowed to spread their faith into the Clan areas due to old agreements, that did not stop them from taking in strays or those that had been banished from their clans and making them strong warriors.

In was in such a situation that the original MC of Chiron's book had come in contact with these people.

The sight of the town was most appealing to them.

This town was not fenced at all. But Cored beasts never made a attempt to assault it.

There were many reasons for this, but one of them was because of the Holy Aura shining from the transparent shield on the town.

The Entire town area was covered by a very thin film of Holy Aura. This Holy Aura also had another characteristic that both men started to enjoy the moment they entered its sphere of influence which was healing.

The guards stationed inside saw them and ran to go help them.

If Chiron had seen this place, it would have probably have sparked memories in his head.

In a word, it was Beautiful.

It was far different from the Rural and more traditionally inclined setting that the Chikitsa clan had.

Firstly, the men were parched up. Their injuries were indeed bad.

After treatment, both of them were served food on their beds.

While they ate, a very important visitor was escorted in by two men.

The moment they saw him, they dropped their foods and took a knee in salutation.

The man that had just entered the room was an elderly man in full white robes. His robes had the logo of the Holy Church which was a yellow sun.

However, they were not like the usually robes every other person was wearing. His were bigger and of a different more commanding type.

He wore a white Square cap with three or four peaks or horns on its sides. The Cap also had the yellow symbol of the sun on it.

His face was fully with white beard. He had a stoic look on his face, and everything about him including his upright walking step made him seem like he was blessed right from the heavens.

In fact, it was right to say that he was. After all, he was of high ranking and standing in the church.

"Father Amos!!!" Both of them remained bowed.

The old man looked as if his eye sight was very affected, but he still worked up to them and tabbed each on their shoulder.

"I heard of what happened," Father Amos shook his head. "It is such a shame to have lost such good sons of the holy light."

As he said those words, Kevin and Danfo bowed lower.

They were obviously ashamed of their failure to capture the evil child, but more than that, they were ashamed of themselves for not being able to have protected their own men.

This was going to be a significant stain on their honor. But it was going to be an eternal stain on their hearts.

After all, those men were friends they had eat and dined with. Even though they were their subordinates, they were still family.

But such was the cultivator world.

This was one of the many reasons that a lot of cultivators did not like to form bonds, and were very stoic.

The pain of losing a friend or a lover was not always easy to bear.

"Don't worry my sons! you have done well. You are not to be blamed for this evil. However..." He paused a bit and sighed lowly, "The High Ranked Holy knights that assigned you to these task are a bit disappointed by the results."

Both men raised their heads in alert of this. kevin frowned tightly, as drops of sweat formed on his temple.

Danfo also swallowed hard.

The only church had a ranking of seniority.

They were also holy knights of different categories that translated into seniority.

The ones that had assigned this mission to Danfo and Kevin were called Holy Gold Armour knights.

They were of the highest category of Holy knights. And they were extremely disciplined and feared.

They were also all deployed during emergencies or state of importance. Although it might not seem like it, the issue of the Evil child was categorized as being very important.

Danfo and Kevin could tell that their failure was definitely going attract punishment.

Discipline was also of the highest quality within the church.

"Forgive us!" Both men bowed further.

Father Amos sighed again, "do not worry too much. I have put in a word or two with them. I also informed them about the issue of the Holy Child being protected by an Evil Spirit," he massaged his beard a little.

"They are sending a Bronze Armored Knight here. He will be here in a few months." Father Amos added.

Kevin squeezed his fist tight. He was very angry. He had lost a hand and he had also lost his friends. He wanted nothing more than to make Chiron pay for this.

"Father Amos!" Kevin called out, "can we join the Bronzed Amored knight for his assignment? I would love to see to the end to this mission."

Father Amos nodded, "I don't think you are in much of a good condition to go back out there, and strongly advice against it. However, if the Holy knight permits it, I don't see why not."

"Yes Father!" he bowed.

Father Amos said a prayer for them before turning to leave. However, only a few steps to the door, he paused and turned, "I forgot one more thing. The knight arriving, is a Magic User."

Both men had their eyes wide open at this.


Chiron had been paralyzed by the poison from the flower, and the original owner of the Hole he was hiding in, was enjoying it's free breakfast.

Also, Chiron could feel his bones about to break from the squeezing muscles of the snakes insides.

He could not move, but that did not mean that he could not do anything.

He immediately bit his lips. Blood flowed from it.

He controlled the blood to tear off the side of the snake's mouth.

This worked to his advantage as the beast bleed more. Which in turn was continually used as a weapon to attack again and again, until the Snake was dead.

However, he still could not move because of the Poison of the flower.

And as tempted as he was to use his Fate points, he just didn't want to. Getting them was not always easy.

He rather save them up for emergencies.

He splashed the blood on the flower to pollute the scent that came out of it.

After a few hours, he started to feel his body little by little, and in another half a day, he could finally move.

He pushed and struggled his way out of the Hole.

His clothes were stained by a mixture of mud and blood but he did not care.

Right now, it was more important for him to go back to the test.

He went back to the iron boulder. it was still there.

the corpse of different cored beast lay around the place.

Once more, he continued to push the boulder up the mountain.

It seemed like that frenzy with the cored beast killed a significant number of the cored beasts on the mountain.

However, two days later, he meet yet another challenge.

During the entire time he had been rolling the Boulder through the rough sloping terrain, the Boulder had been getting bigger and bigger.

And if he were to leave the boulder to rest, it would roll back down. This would also still be compounded when he pushed it up again.

There was always the option of using sticks to hold it in place to rest.

However, Chiron noticed something important that took away the fatigue and muscle pain of pushing the boulder.

And that was the fact that his spirit stat was improving...

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