Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 155 Getting Played...

The Traps were set and ready.

Chiron took time to get the best sleep.

He needed to fully optimize his strength for the task at hand.

After which, it was time to strike.

Chiron laid in waiting.

It was the usual patrol that the dragon went around the mountain in search for Chiron.

Just as planned, Chiron waited till the twelve hour mark when the beast was about to go up the mountain to get some rest.

Naturally, the dragon rushed at him with all its might.

Chiron ran into the forest. Running as fast as he could, and burning a lot of spiritual energy to boost his speed.

And then at a particular region, he stopped.

This was the same place that he had started his journey pushing the boulder up during the first test.

He stopped, turned about and then he raised a middle finger to the blood dragon.

Chiron was not sure if the dragon understood what he meant, but one thing for sure was the fact that it got angrier and dove lower for him.

The wind that came with the wings of a dragon were not at all easy to bear, but he used his spirit energy to stay and try to withstand the force.

Meanwhile, his mind calculated the distance the dragon had from the ground as well as the angle of its flight. Luckily, his target was pretty big.

When the dragon was low enough, he waved his hand, sending a burst of spiritual energy to a rope under tension not so far from him.

The rope snapped and the first projectile was jetted fast into the air like a bullet leaving the barrel of a gun.

It shot into the air. Unluckily for Chiron, the dragon sensed the incoming missile in time to move its head out of the war.

Even the dragon thought it had successful dodged.

However, Chiron suddenly made hand seals, and the spirit energy seals on the projectile explored violently.

This took the blood dragon by surprise.

And it leaned backwards in the air. Unfortunately for it, it was at nearly the right angle.

Chiron immediately released the second one.

This time around, the missile made it to the abdomen of the dragon.

However, Chiron was not stupid enough to think that tree trunks from a catapult was strong enough to kill a Dragon.

After all, this beast had natural armor for its defense.

Therefore, the moment the missile touched the dragon's skin, he activated the seals on its body, and yet again, another violent explosion went out.

Chiron did not hold back.

He released the remaining two catapults.

Another one made it to the dragon's body, but the last one missed.

Although the missiles did not manage to pierce the Dragon's scale body, it was able to create a good diversion for the next part.

Because of the attacks from the catapults, the dragon's height from the ground, was no longer high.

Chiron ran up a tree, and then he jumped out on the Dragons body.

He willed and Devil's touch appeared.

Immediately, he allowed devil's touch to have some of his spirit energy.

He stabbed at the dragon's skin.

However, he was surprised to see that his sword that could cut an iron boulder into two did not do anything to the dragon.

It felt like he was hitting Iron against Iron.

The dragon's scales were too strong and sturdy.

The blood dragon noticed Chiron on its back.

It rolled over in an attempt to shake him off. However, Chiron held on strong to its body.

Hitting the dragon with the sword was not working.

He needed to give a definite strike at a soft spot.

Thinking this far, he looked towards the head of the dragon. HE immediately made up his mind.

He focused his spirit energy on his body against the wind pressure and on his feet in other to have good support sticking to the dragon's body.

However, he had underestimated phis plan too much.

The dragon saw that it could not throw him off, and resulted to the next best thing.

It flew higher and higher into the air.

Naturally, this ate at Chiron's spirit energy. It felt like he was matching against a storm.

His Dantain pool got lower and lower.

Also, his body faded more out of existence.

However, he persisted onwards. Matching on the back of the dragon against the wind, until he got to the head.

He noticed that his Spirit energy was heavily low, but he had to do it. This was the closest he ever got to killing this dragon.

He could not allow the months he had spent here go to waste.

"Devil's touch, you may drink some more," he whispered.

The last of the spirit energy he had went to Devil's touch.

However, it was enough.

The dark blade whizzed through the air. It curved and extended as it moved in the direction of the will of his master.

The sword aimed for the weakest part of the dragon, which was its nearest eye.


Devil's Touch penetrated its left eye and spread itself inside the dragon's brain.


It growled loudly to the sky. And then its head plumbed. And gravity did the rest of the work as it pulled it to the ground.

A loud sound of the heavy body falling echoed all over the mountain.

The beast smashed against the earth.

The trees on the ground broke the fall. Or rather, the dragon broke them.

It a while, but Chiron crawled off the body of the beast. He was totally exhausted and his body was already half gone.

Blood flowed from his ears and nose. He had received terrible damage expecially after that final attack.

his body had been left to the nakedness of the wind, and a fall from that height should have rightly killed him.

from his waist down had disappeared, but he had finally done it. He had killed the dragon.

This time around, he did not have to call for the old man before he appeared.

"Good! Good!!" The old man commented as he approached Chiron.

"You have really done well." The old man walked forward until he got to Chiron.

He squat down close to him. Chiron's eyes looked nearly lifeless and he coughed out blood from time to time.

"Di... Did," Chiron forced himself to talk, and his lips only barely mentioned the right words, "did I pass?"

The old man nodded, "Yes boy! you passed very well."

"does that mean i can get the scabbard?" Chiron asked again.

The old man nodded. And then he tabbed Chiron's head. His fingers tracing from the head to his neck, "yes boy!"

However, his expression suddenly changed when his fingers got to Chiron's neck.

His smile was no longer kind and gentle.

It had all totally disappeared, and was replaced with a more honest expression.

He now had a vicious smile on his face, as he squeezed tight.

Chiron flared his arms as he struggled for air.

"Why!?" Chiron barely asked.

"Why!?" The old man laughed out loud, "because I'm tired of hiding in here. It has been over hundreds of years and I have been trapped in here. but with your body, I can finally leave this damn place."

Chiron struggled, and after a while, he stopped moving.

The old man laughed heartily.

He took a step back and watched as Chiron's body slowly disintegrated.

"I did it! I did it!! I'm free. After cheating death, and hiding here, I'm truly free!"

He raised his arm to the sky in celebration. And then he willed...

However, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

He tried again, but nothing happened. And then he heard a voice from behind him.

"Don't worry! It won't work."


The sound of sword passing through flesh was heard.

The old man paused and then he looked down. HE could see Chiron's sword through his chest.

"How... How!?" He coughed out blood as his eyes widened in surprise.

"How I knew, or How I'm I still alive? Which would you like to know before you die," Chiron came closer to his ear and whispered, "Which would you like to know? Ancestor Chikit!"

The Man's eyes shut open.

He pulled himself out of Chiron's grip. However, Devil's touch was still in his chest. He turned and looked at Chiron. Chiron's body was fully formed and not fading like he would have loved to think.

Chiron smiled as he explained.

Firstly, this was not the first time that he was coming in contact with a will within a weapon. From the experience with Devil's touch, he could instantly tell that the person he was dealing with, was in fact a person.

Secondly, when had asked if the old man was the will of the scabbard, the old man had only responded with "I am the Will within the Scabbard," and not "I am the Scabbard's will."

Secondly, the old man had said that Chiron needed to pass three tests.

Chiron was not one to call himself the smartest person in the world. but he geniuely came from a world with abundance of fantasy stories.

If this was not within the scabbard's world, then he might have believed it, but for some reason, he subconsciously felt like this was a little too Clichy.

And then came the fact that the old man never told him that he was going to fade out of existence.

However, he used the Fate change system, and he always Checked his stats from time to time. It was not long that he noticed a correlation between his fading body and his lose of spirit energy, and that was when it clicked in his head.

This world was created in relation with consciousness, but was kept stable with Spirit energy.

There was also the fact that through out the entire time fighting the dragon, the blood dragon never ever used blood Manipulation...

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