Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 168 A Gathering Of Future Heroes And One Villain 3

After all, this was a Green Skinned shadow leopard, but best of all, it was a beast that was a wild beast at the Green core.

This was equivalent to having a sharp-teethed tiger in Chiron's former world as a house pet.

It was just unbelievable and also dangerous.

It had been over two months since Chiron hatched Hunter from his egg. He had already grown a bit. But he was still quite little.

What truly surprised everyone was not the age of the Green Skinned leopard but the fact that it was still so young and yet, it was already a beast of the Green Core.

It was common knowledge that green Skinned Shadow Leopards never went past Green core in their entire lives.

They all started out as nearly cored beasts or in the best-case scenario, they started as yellow cored beast. But there was never one that was already a Green cored beast at such a young age.

However, it was even far worse than the children around thought. They did not really look closely. Otherwise, they would have noticed.

But the man sitting on a tree far off in the distance could see it clearly in Hunter's eyes. he could also feel the abundance of energy that was about to burst from the body of the young Cub.

Hunter's eyes were already changing from Green to having a slight blue shade.

But then again, how could it not?

With Chiron, it had the opportunity to enjoy good cultivation meat like the Devils that came during the devil invasion. It was also allowed to eat human meat from Chiron's victims, and then there was the opportunity for it to bathe in the presence of a red-core beast.

Even though it was for a brief period of only two days and it was scarred throughout, such old energy was very beneficial to its growth.

The old man rubbed his chin, "Interesting! really interesting!!"

Hunter first went to hide behind Nora.

Nora was not new to the beast. She knew it was her brother's pet.

The Green skinned Leopard rubbed its body against her legs a little before quickly running behind Chiron.

There, it opened up its shadow pool and brought out a snack.

"How dare you? You stinking FIEND!!!" A different voice was heard as a sword attack aimed right at Hunter who was at Chiron's foot approached.

Chiron looked in the direction of the person that attacked.

However. before he could move in his own defense, Nora moved.

With quick steps, she arrived before Chiron with her sword high up in the air to defend him.


The attack was strong, and even though she blocked it, it still pushed her back.

Chiron was behind her and he caught her immediately before she fell.

She coughed a little. But it was not so bad that it would result in her coughing up blood.

"Thank you!" she muttered as she looked up at the person that had just helped her. Seeing it was Chiron, she could not help but temporarily flash back to what had happened earlier on when both of them were in his room.

this was not the time to be thinking of such, but her cheeks immediately burned red in embarrassment and she jumped out of his embrace.

"Are you okay?" he asked in a caring tone.

She nodded but was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.

"Hmmm! Not bad." The voice that had come with the previous sword attack spoke up. "Even though you are so young, you still managed to block my attack. Your future will not be too bad." The young man about the age of sixteen spoke in a haughty manner.

"How about this, you kill that pet of yours and give me its head to appease my crying sister and then I'll let you leave with at least one leg still intact."

Everybody, including the man far off on the tree, raised a brow at this.

Chiron had seen a lot of prideful people in his life, but this man literally burst out of nowhere and was threatening to kill his pet and cripple his cultivation material.

Then again, "Crippling her would not exactly be a bad idea," Chiron thought to himself.

After all, it would ensure that such glory pursuing maniacs did not pop up on his door step unannounced. Also, he could claim to take care of her and instead just cultivate with her in peace.

That sounded like a better win win situation to him.

However, he could not help but size up the person that had just newly arrived. He knew he had seen this face before but he could not yet put a finger on it.

He knew that this person fought in the Gathering of the sword clans, and was so strong that he practically mopped the ground with Jan Jan who was one of the fierce cultivators from the Chikitsa clan.

"I am Lofty from the Cutlass Clan." The young man introduced himself.

Immediately, Chiron remembered him.

The Cutlass clan was one of the seven sword clans. However, they were a minority clan. There were once ruled under the unfair thumb of the Dagger clan but were given liberation by the Chikitsa clan.

However, Chiron also remembered that this young man was an incredible talent that emerged from that minority clan.

He was also the son of their chief. The Cutlass clan had a very feisty attitude. A lot of their disputes ended up in battle. The Clan might have very well been the reason why there were easily targeted by the Dagger clan. As there were far more killings within the clan than outside the clan.

That place was like surviving on a landmine. No one knew who would be stepped on and ticked off in a boom!

Chiron remembered that this guy inherited a strong part of their will for butchering people. But more than anything, he had an unhealthy sister Complex...

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