Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 186 Practice Dummy...

Willow pointed her sword at chiron.

Those words she was hearing from the crowd, that gaze from her parents annoyed her to no limit.

No matter what, she had to win this fight. She just had to.

As there fought, Aleen also watched carefully. Once again, his no good of a son had stepped up. Now, he was even teaching a genius a lesson. Even though this was just a competition and it did not amount to everything that happened in an actual battlefield, it was close enough.

At least, the sure thing was that Chiron was strong.

Dolly also watched the fight. He had one hand under his chin and rested it on the chair. He seemed to be humming a tune lowly. His eyes were solely focused on Chiron.

At this moment, Elder Fatso suddenly came along and whispered something into Elder Joules ear, and she in turn whispered it into Chief Dona's ear.

"I see!" he nodded.

"AHHHH!!!" Willow screamed at the top of her lungs as she forced her spiritual energy in an attack for Chiron.

This time around, the initial nervousness she had at the beginning of the fight had been replaced with geniue anger.

Yes! she was angry. Angry at her parents for not having faith in her, angry at the crowd for ridiculing her, and most of all, angry at her self for failing to win this match.


She proceeded with the same attack that she had at the begining.

This time around, her blade got several times bigger than the first time she used the technique. Apparently, her anger also fueled her focus.

It hammered on her skill and it brought the best of her out into the open.

With her fierece speed, she reached Chiron and waved her sword for his head.


Chiron dodged it by squatting low.


the wind whistled as her blade passed over his head.

But her attack did not end there.

Using the momentum of her first strike, she followed her initial foot work and turned about. She squat low. Her aim was his legs.

"not bad!" Chiron muttered lowly.

Even though he was obviously complimenting her, his eyes showed something else, 'Mockery'

It was as if he was playing with her and was enjoy the nagging look on her face, as she gave it her all.

The look in his eyes pissed her off, and she attacked fiercely.

Then again, Chiron was really not fighting. For the most part, he was just dodging her attacks.

However, in his mind, he was actually training.

The thing was that Chiron had never really been in many fights.

And after seeing Dolly's fight, he realized that Dolly had incredible combat experience. In fact, he could tell that Dolly was the kind that could enter a battlefield and dominate it.

In Dolly's match with Tempede, the only mistake Tempede had done was to remove his eyes from Dolly for a slight second in an attempt to remove his sword.

That was all it took for him to have met his end.

Obviously, Dolly was one that could take advantage of the slightest, most minute of opportunities. This was a very scary opponent.

Chiron could tell that Dolly was one of those guys that could even take advantage of the direction the wind was blowing when attacking.

Chiron had the memories of the initial MC of his book, and had indeed inherited many skills. However, his muscle memory was still many steps behind that of his mind.

He was essentially using Willow to try out some of those skills, and sharpen his body's response.

At first, many people thought he was just running, and dodging for his life, and it did look that way. But those with well discerning eyes like those men in long dark robes that had placed a bet on Chiron's head to win the fight against Jan Jan, could see that his movements were at first rough.

And then like ironing a rough cloth into smoothness, The rough unnecessary moves that Chiron made were suddenly reducing.

His movements became smoother with every side step. If he needed to jump backwards to dodge an attack before, now, all he needed to do, was slightly move his head.

His improvement was soon noticeable to even the eyes of the Chiefs watching.

"His he crazy!" One of the chief's subconsciously muttered.

But he was not the only one that thought this. What Chiron was doing was a deadly risk.

He apparently did not use spirit energy and he was defending against the attack of someone that did.

In other words, he was intentionally putting himself in harms way just so that he could get better,and sharper.

He was ready to harm himself to grow.

Many of Willows strikes could have made him cripple for life, and many others could have made him lose his head for life.

However, he managed to dodge by a hair's breathe.

Soon, even those dumb ones in the crowd could see it.

And the crowd that was hype with excitement of Willow's comeback suddenly went silent.

The only thought in their mind was that Chiron was a madman.

At this point, it was right to say that he was practically mocking death.

It was like a pig wagging its tail to a butcher even though it could see the knives and the chopping block.


Willow gave an attack and this time around, Chiron jumped and somersaulted backwards.

Willow breathed heavily.

Her sweat had soaked her clothes. Chiron had been like a slippery eel. Every time she thought she had finally got him, he would move and then he would dodge her fierce attack.

It was very frustrating, but what could she do? The only option was to continue attacking until he slipped.

Chiron got his footing right, and then he pointed his sword to her, "my turn!"


There was no fancy to his attack. It was not as stylish and flair as hers. It was just the plain old regular strike.

But the speed at which he brought it was devastating to the mind.

He kicked against the ground and then he was in front of her.

They say people achieve breakthroughs at the point of life and death. This might have been one such moment.

However it was too late...

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