Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 191 Last Night (Little sister's pain)

191  Last Night (Little sister's pain)

The chaos had started.

In a particular Inn, a father gave advice to his son.

This was the Inn that the members of the Cutlass clan had booked throughout the Gathering of the sword clans.

After the tournament battles, the next was supposed to be the hunting for Cored beasts.

The chief of the Cutlass clan did not think that his son was going to lose the tournament battles. After all, Lofty had the best cultivation level in this year's competition.

Only a few more years and he would enter into the copper realm.

The reason they were having this conversation now was because Lofty had insisted on spending the entire day with his younger sister, instead of planning out the next move as proposed by his father.

For the Tournaments, there was no worry. Even though unexpected dark horses like Chiron and Dolly raised their ugly heads,  Lofty was sure that he could finish them off.

This was the pride both he and his father had in his abilities.

"If the Tamashi brat should survive the Tournament, then you'll have to deal with him during the hunt for Cored beasts. If we finish off all the geniuses of the other clans, then in a few years, our Cutlass clan will become chief of the Sword clans."

His father advised lowly.

Lofty listened to his father's words, and nodded his head.

It was at this time that the pink mist went up in the air.

For the ordinary man, this pink mist was disastrous, but for cultivators that knew what they were doing, it could easily be taken care of.

Both men feeling the strangeness in their bodies, immediately activated their spirit energies to protect themselves.

"A mind attack!" Lofty's father muttered.

Hearing it was an attack, Lofty instinctively thought about his little sister that had slept off in the other room.

He rushed with speed for the room.

However, on opening the doors, all he saw was the empty bed with the rough sheets she had used as a blanket.

This took him by surprise, and he looked around the room for her.

There was a sudden SCREAM that came from outside the Inn.

At any day and any time, he knew that voice. Even though he was older than her, he had heard it more times than he had heard his own voice.

Both men immediately rushed out of the Inn, in the direction of the scream.

However, they were not the only ones.

Other members of the clan also came out.

In front of the Inn was Carla holding a little girl up by her dress. The little girl was missing a hand and the injury bleed.

On the ground was a Green skinned shadow leopard munching aggressively on the little girl's hand.

Chiron sat on a chair behind Carla.

"Hunter!" Chiron called out lazily, "take a leg!!!"

The moment the order was given, hunter jumped in the air and aggressively bite off the left leg of the little girl.

Hunter was still very young and quite messy in his work. Even though Chiron had given it permission to take a leg, It had not bitten it off completely.

Muscle fibre and tendons still hung loosely from the mutilated leg like loosely torn clothes. Blood poured out of it, showering Hunter that hung loosely on the flesh.

Hunter finally got a good piece and chewed on it mercilessly.

The little girl's face was morphed in fear, pain and tears. Snort and pain contoured her face like the Grand Canyon.

She screamed so loudly that her voice got lost in her throat.

This was the sight that Lofty, his father and their other clan members came to see.

They all froze in surprise and confusion, and slowly, Anger set in.

Lofty was the first to make a move. However, as he did, Carla pointed her sword at the young girl's neck.

The threat was obvious.

 If Lofty moved, then his sister's head was going to roll at his feet.

"Chiron Chivalry!" Lofty's father called out. "What is the meaning of this nonsense? How dare you..."

"SHUSH!!!" Chiron placed a finger to his mouth to shut the old man up. "This is between me and your son. Side characters should shut up and remain at the side."

Chiron turned to lofty. He could see the pain and anger registered on his face.

 However, it was clear by the way Chiron had mutilated his sister's body that if he moved, she would be in a worse-off situation.

"CHIRON!!!" Lofty spoke through gritted teeth as he clenched his fist so tight that his fingers dug into his palm and drops of blood leaked out.

Hearing her big brother's voice, the hopeless look on the little girl's face was suddenly reignited with a semblance of hope, and she turned to her bother.

"Brother!" she muttered lowly, and more tears flowed out.

"Chiron! what is the meaning of this?" Lofty held back his anger as he asked.

Chiron stroked his chin, "hmmm! you came to my house and interrupted my time with my own sister, and still threatened for my pet's head," Chiron cracked a slight smile at one corner of his lips.

Even though he was talking to Lofty, he could hear the continuous alerts from the system. Emma's ability was doing wonders and many people were dropping like flies.

They were filling up his fate points. It was slow and was like using cups of water to fill a huge drum.

However, it was not a bad start.

Chiron stood up from his seat, "I'm only here to return the favor!"

As both men talked, Hunter's teeth still made crunching sounds as the cored beast chewed excitedly on Lofty's sister's foot.

It was background noise to their conversation that tuned in like the theme song of a movie.

Chiron raised a brow at this.

"Chiron! this is between you and me. Let my sister go!"

And then he suddenly gave a cheerful smile. "Carla! you may let her go to the Afterlife..."


A slashing sound was heard, and a head tumbled and landed on the floor. It bounced a few times against the ground like a very heavy ball and then it rolled forward.

However, even before it rolled off far, Hunter dived for it. It was not going to let any part of this snack go away...

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