Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 194 Last Night (Misunderstanding)

Aleen was not at all a fool. It was true that he was angry with Chiron, but he had seen as Chief Sancca had attacked Chiron.

At the time, he wanted to also attack her. But Chief Dona had handled the case.

Also, they were in public, and it would have been bad for the reputation of the clan for an elder to attack the chief of another clan.

In the end, Chief Sancca stayed her hand and left the Arena in anger.

Aleen was smart enough to know that no mother was going to let such a thing as what happened earlier in the day to slide.

However, he had thought maybe she would have been more careful with planning her revenge. After all, the Chikitsa clan was not a clan that could be pushed around.

The Chikitsa clan still held strong power over the other sword clans.

However, things had progressed fast.

There was suddenly poison in the clan's air that was making the clan members run mad with desire.

As an elder of the clan, he had a duty to maintain the peace.

He and the other elders immediately ran around the place using their spiritual energies to cleanse the bodies of those affected.

He had not been very far from Chiron's home.

It was at this time that he saw and felt the explosion.

He could see that it had come from the direction of his son's home, and he had rushed over.

Aleen did not at all hate Chiron. If he did, he would have allowed Chiron to die all those times that he fainted when training hard.

But he always made sure to help his son and treat his injuries.

The only problem was that his mindset was too rigid that he could not admit that his son who was a Tamashi trash now had power.

As far as he was concerned, Chiron was still unworthy of his eyes.

This was the reason he allowed Chiron to fend for himself. At least that way, he was sure that if Chiron saw how hard the world could be without cultivation, he could stop his stupid pursuit of strength.

However, Chiron had not stopped and even went onward to prove the strength he acquired.

It was natural for one to expect that a father should acknowledge his son after much hard work.

But Aleen was just too stubborn to admit that Chiron had grown and become stronger than he imagined, and he even did it in such a short amount of time.

In other words, what was truly holding Aleen back, was his pride.

However, the moment he heard the explosion that had come from Chiron's place, the fatherly protective part of him had been triggered.

He immediately rushed to the sight.

Only for him to see Chief Sancca and some strange people he had never seen before.

Immediately, he attacked her.

Chief Sancca was a cultivator at the Middle stage of the Copper rank.

her reflexes were strong and she had been baptised by war many times.

She dodged the attack, and then she turned to the person that had just assaulted her.

"Chief Sancca, I knew you could be petty, but I never knew that you could also be very foolish! To think that you would even attack the entire clan for your revenge."

Aleen thought that the poison mist in the air was the handy work of Chief Sancca.

He was not the only one. The other Elders and cultivators of the Chikitsa clan that had arrived here also thought the same thing.

In their opinion, that was the only logical explanation.

Aleen looked at the home that belonged to Chiron. He had never been here to visit Chiron before, but that did not mean that he had never visited the place.

There were times he would come and sit on a tree not so far away and contemplate entering to peacefully set things with Chiron, but his pride never let him.

And now, it was all over.

As far as he was concerned, Chiron was inside his home when that explosion went off.

Aleen had studied Chiron's habits enough to know that his son was never one to leave his residence unless absolutely necessary.

Considering the Tournament for the gathering of the sword clans, he was sure that Chiron was inside the house when the explosion went off.

"As an Elder of the Chikitsa clan. No! as a father, I'm going to make sure you pay for this!" Aleen spoke through gritted teeth.

He was angry, but more than that, he was pained.

"Sound the emergency alarm and send word to the Chief. The Saber clan has rebelled!" Aleen ordered and a cultivator beside him nodded and immediately left to do as he had been instructed."

Hearing Aleen's words made chief Sancca frown tightly.

This was not what was supposed to happen. Although certain aspects of Aleen's words might have become true, she had never intended for it to become this way.

The plan had been simple. She only wanted to come and kill Chiron as revenge for what he had done to her daughter, and then leave in the dead of the night.

However, she did not know that a trap was already in wait for her.

She waved her sword as she pointed it to Aleen and the elders behind him.

Menwhile, her husband also rushed to her side with his sword in hand.

Cultivators of the Saber clan that had come with her and were still alive despite the explosion from the house also joined her.

It had suddenly become a stand off between two of the strongest tribes within the sword clan.

"Kill them all!" Aleen gave the other.

Sword techniques and Spiritual energy went off in the air like fireworks.

Aleen was fast, and even within the Chikitsa clan, he was the only one that could stand against his brother.

However, it was popular knowledge amongst the elders that he was a cultivator of the middle stage of the Copper realm.

But then again, was this true?

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