Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 209 Last Night (Two Against One)

Some time ago, Chiron had visited Elder Ellen in her manor.

He had left her place with his hands bloody.

back then, he had done something to her body using Carla's demon blood.

Now, he was revealing her.

Chiron had a number of reasons why he choose Elder Ellen for this.

Firstly, she was a half Elf.

This meant that she had her origins connected to Nature.

Also, even though she appeared young, she was already more than a thousand years old.

There was also the fact that her blood was already tainted with Demon energy.

Elder Ellen sorted power to break the limiters that had been set on her as a result of her origins.

For the longest time, she had been using the Yang energy of the male children of the Chikitsa clan.

Harvesting pure Yang blood Essence from them when they were still innocent.

This was how she built her power.

However, she came across a particular hiccup in her cultivation that started to eat away at the progress she had made.

It was around this time that Chiron came into the scene.

Chiron had a vast sea of knowledge about this world.

He knew many cultivation secrets. many of which were not yet even invented.

He helped Elder Ellen correct the defect in her system, but then, he placed his own.

After all, if it was not for his benefit, then it was useless.

The last time he visited her place, he had placed the last of the requirements.

Ironically, because of the kind of person that the Half elf elder was, the other Elders could not be bothered with whether she showed her face n public or not.

In fact, if she was silent, then it was a good thing for them.

As far as anyone was concerned, she had entered close-door cultivation and would not be available for the longest time.

Knight Sheyi approached with tremendous force.

He had only taken a part of his power from his doll, and it was already so overwhleming that Chiron could not move.

By now, Chiron's Aura side had broken into the Copper realm as a result of the abundance of death around him.

yet, the moment the Bronze knight moved, he felt like a mice in front of a lion.

No one needed to tell Chiron before he knew that he was about to die.

But then again, there was a saying in Chiron's former world: A man can never over plan.


Elder Ellen had lifted her hand before her chest in defense, but the impart of the landing punch still sent both herself and Chiron flying.


Chiron crashed into the seating area of the Arena.

He coughed up some blood to the side.

He could feel the impact of that punch vibrate his inner organs.

And this was even after he had protected them tightly with both Aura and spiritual energy.

"Hmmm! I was right about your kind. Evil Children have a way of multiplying like yeast." Knight Sheyi complimented.

He was obviously referring to the Half Elf Elder that was giving off demon energy in front of Chiron.

Chiron wiped the blood from his mouth.

The impact of that punch had also shaken the half Elf Elder, but she was obviously doing better than Chiron was at the moment.

Chiron had his eyes on the Knight in front of him.

However, he suddenly felt the approach of danger from behind.

"Shit!" he cursed as he pulled Elder Ellen by the shoulder, using her as a shield for the surprise attack from behind.

this time around, she could not lift her hands in time.


the attack sent both of them flying once more.

they both tumbled on the ground a little before standing up.

Elder Ellen stood up. She wiped away the blood that leaked from her mouth.

Dagger father could not help but frown.

that surprise attack just now had been from him.

He was a cultivator at the first stage of the Bronze rank.

Firstly, Chiron was not supposed to have sensed that attack. Secondly, Even if he used Elder Ellen as shield, it was still supposed to have torn her into pieces.

What he did not know was that the reason why Chiron had sensed the attack was not because Chiron was actually that good, but because he was using Aura.

Chiron's Aura was the Aura of Death.

In domains occupied by the dead, his power increases and so does his sense about his environment.

This place was home to hundreds of people that had died as a result of Chiron waving his sword like a mad man.

Till this moment, Elder Ellen still had a blank expression on her face.

It was as if she was a doll that only did as she was told.

Chiron had tampered heavily with her system.

then again, she had allowed him to do it for the sake of power.

Chiron had a cocky smile on his face.

"don't you guys think it's unfair!? I mean the odds of me winning this fight."

Knight Sheyi raised a brow, "I was about to say the same thing. But for some damn reason, You are at the Copper rank and you can still be alive even though you face opponents of the Bronze rank."

"Well, I have my ways!" Chiron giggled as he brought his hand to his mouth and bit into it.

And then he placed the bleeding hand on The back of the Half Elder, "Release!"


A low hum was heard from the Elder's body.

The clothes on her back tore off revealing a set of complicated Rune set.

There were in a spiral and they rotated like crawling ants on her skin.

The moment the Runes were activated, more blood fell from Ellen's mouth and her face contorted in pain.

However, she remained standing.

Knight Sheyi frowned.

All the while, he had noticed that something was wrong with the woman Chiron had pulled out from No where.

Now, he was seeing that he was right.

It was the same reason she had been able to take a punch from him and also the Dagger Father.

Elder Ellen was at the Bronze rank.

Chiron suddenly waved his hand a bottle appeared, "Since you too want to play this game unfairly, then I'll play unfairly."

Chiron grabbed Elder Ellen by the head and forced the bottle into her mouth.


Another strong Humming sound was heard.

On the spot, Elder Ellen's skin started to peel off. As it did, red scales replaced them.

Her eyes changed and became white. The hair on her head fell off, and her body suddenly increased in size.

Seeing this subconsciously made Knight Sheyi's frown get deeper, and the Dagger father even took a step back.

Elder Ellen had a blank expression on her face.

What Chiron had just fed her was a simple mixture he had made specially for her.

This was a mixture of Carla's demon blood, and the blood of his dragon.

He had done all this to amplify her power. Even going as far as to speeding her demon transformation.

"Kill them!" Chiron whispered into her ear.

Elder Ellen's movement were like the moving of a bullet train on a rough track.

She created a long trenched path as she moved.


She gave one punch for each of them.

Knight Sheyi defended With his hands across his chest. However, the Punch still sent him screeching against the ground.

However, the punch sent Dagger Father flying.


He broke through the Arena.

This was a punch of someone in the Bronze rank.

The impart was strong enough to render the Arena useless.

But she was not done. She did not give Knight Sheyi who was the nearest any time to breathe.

She bombarded him with attacks like the way a kid would rush a piñata at a birthday party, hungry for candy.

Every blow she gave him was like the resounding of thunder. It echoed off the earth and the walls.

At first Knight Sheyi defended but soon, he was no longer able to keep up with the speed of the attacks.

On seeing that Knight Sheyi needed help, Dagger Father rushed to his Aid.

It was two against one, but surprisingly, Elder Ellen held her own just fine.

It was not that the other two Bronze rank fighters did not land hits on her skin, but for some reason, those hits did not seem to make any impart in the fight.

Meanwhile, Chiron watched from a corner.

His eyes were bright with excitement.

he suddenly sensed movement from one of the seat spots behind him.

He looked in that direction, and he could see a particular smallish figure peeping at him and the rest of the fight.

Chiron recognized this person.

However, he could care less.

This person was but an ant in his eyes.

he placed his attention once more on the fight.

Elder Ellen was making progress. However, something unexpected suddenly happened.

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