Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 235 Prove Your Love To Me!

The king's words were finally.

The moment the order was given, the king waved his hand, signalling that the meeting had ended.

He stood to his feet and walked majestically to his inner chambers.

Everyone was stumped for words.

Just like that. a race to the throne had started.

King Richard did not even consort with the elder Shaman. he had already made his decision on the subject.

firstly, war was going to start on three ends and this war campaign was going to be led by two princes with qualifications for the throne of Vandora.

Victor stood to his feet. he looked at Chiron straight in the eyes.

his anger was apparent.

He could not believe that he had just been put in a competition with a boy that was barely eleven years old.

The moment the king left, Victor followed after him.

Without a doubt, he was planning on changing the king's mind.

However, Chiron was more sensitive to such matters than his uncle.

for one thing, Kings were very prideful people. once it had left their lips, there was no way it was going to come back, or even worse, touch the ground.

Chiron turned and was about to walk out the room. Naturally, Nora steadily followed behind her brother.

Everything that had just happened was too much for her young mind to comprehend.

However, just before Chiron left, there was suddenly a loud burst of laughter in the hall.

Everyone turned to the person.

It was none other than Chief Ban.

He laughed so hard that he even beat his thighs.

"Good! good!! very good!!! Prince Chiron, you have truly made this old man have his fill of laughter today."

Chiron turned to him, and gave him a nice smile.

"Oh! thank you. I'm glad I could entertain you."

"Yes! yes!! you know what? for this campaign, anything at all you need, just ask me. I'll help you with it."

"Oh!" Chiron's eyes widened a bit. He bowed his head slightly in thanks, "then I shall take you up on your generousity."

This was really good news for Chiron. After all, he might have been a prince but is influence was like a tooth pick compared the huge tree that his uncle had.

What he needed now, was allies that he could use to achieve his goals.

Chiron knew about Chief Ban. As the Chief of the Giant Gorilla tribe, he was a very straightforward man. he also had one of the most stable finances.

With his help, funding could become easier.

Chiron left the room and so did the Chiefs.

Elder Baldie looked in the direction that Chiron had gone and he cracked a faint smile.

Things for him, were progressing steadily.

The chiefs Conversed with one another as they left the palace.

Surely, new talks were soon going to be in town.

Also, some of them were quite impressed with Chiron, while some others had descovered a new found hatred for the prince that had instigated war.

Meanwhile, Prince Victor followed the king to his inner chambers.

The moment King Richard entered, maids came along to undress him.

However, Victor suddenly appeared.

King Richard waved his hand and the maids stopped what they were doing and left.

As they did, King Richard stopped one of them, "get me something to drink!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

she bowed and left.

"Father, you can't do this! Chiron is but a child he knows nothing about war. If we are going to go to war, I should be the one to lead."

King Richard massaged his temple a bit as he sat on a chair.

"Victor, You have been prince for a long time now, I think you already know how I stand on my decisions."

The king spoke softly. It was true that he felt a bit guilty about this, but it couldn't be helped.

It was not just the fact that Chiron was heir to the throne that made him make such a decision, but it was the way Chiron had taken the attention of all in the room hostage.

He carried a proud presence that spoke volumes of his confidence, and even in the presence of Tribal chiefs, he did not faulter.

Every time Chiron talked, he could not help but see a shadow of his own father in him.

That commanding capability spoke directly from the soul.

Just then, the maid walked into the room with a tray carrying refreshments.

She dropped it on the table, "Your majesty, should I send word for the taster!?"

This was how it was for the king. every meal to drinks and even bowl of water he drank was firstly Tasted by a taster.

However,before the king could respond, Victor rushed for a the bottle of wine and drank some.

he turned to the maid and waved his hand. "Leave! there is no need for that."

She bowed and left the hall.

King Richard sighed, "Victor, how many times have I warned you to stop doing that? if it was poisoned, you will die in my place."

"Then so be it, Father! I'll die for you without regret any day any time!"

King Richard sighed again. such words from his son was touching, but no father wanted his son to visit the after life before him.

"Victor!!!" he called to him with an intonation that left no room for disobedience.

This was not as his father, but as his king.

"you will take your armies and match for our enemies! And that is an order. Chiron does not deserve this opportunity? then prove it to me with your actions!"

Victor frowned. He bowed and then left in annoyance.

The king slumped into his chair. On the wall not so far away from him was a portrait of his wife and beside that one was a portrait of his daughter, Nora.

He suddenly felt very exhausted.


News spread like wild fire in the kingdom.

The kingdom was about to go to war.

In every nation and in all times, war was never a good thing. especially to the ordinary man. it meant that their comfortable life's were about to turn around.

Unlike most war campaigns that took a long period of preparations, the king had only king a week's time for all to be ready.

Then again, Vandora was a Avery capable nation. it's facilities were topnotch and even though the nation had not experienced war in many years, it's soldiers were not the type to slack.

After all, as the most powerful nation in the Almace continent they had a reputation to up hold, and even peace to ensure within neighboring states.

Although it was bad news for a lot of people, it was great news for some others.

After all, one man's food, was another man's poison.

Merchants were in celebration of such a wonderful opportunity.

They opened their store houses to being out the stock they had saved up for years.

Prices for food and commodities suddenly took a rise up.

There was also a drafting of orders everywhere for young capable men to join the army.

Many.that had been looking for such an opportunity to display their loyalty and zealousness for their countries were happy about this, while some others sort ways to hide.

Many others used this opportunity to confess their love to their sweet hearts, promising marriage once they returned.

One such person was a young man named Dylan. Dylan held a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

He was on his knees confessing to a child hood crush of his.

"Carren, I love you. I have always loved you. When the war is over, I want to come back and marry you."

The moment he said those words, the bunch of young ladies behind Carren burst in laughter at this.

Firstly, Dylan was about five years younger than her.

Also, he was a farm boy while Carren was the daughter of a wealthy merchant.

They were only just fortunate to be in the same city.

Dylan wore rags and even his accent borish, evidence of his lack of a proper education.

As he spoke, Carren could not even be bothered with him. She looked away from time to time. Also laughing at the ragged poor boy that was confessing his heart to her.

It was really a funny sight. But Dylan had true passion in his eyes and every word from his mouth spoke of how he would steal the heavens and the earth for her.

Carren took the flowers from his hands. and then she walked over to a barn by the side. where the pigs ate, she threw the flowers into their bucket of feed.

"If you truly love me, use your mouth and pick the flowers out of this bucket of pig feed. If you can do that, then, " she gave a charming smile, "I'll maybe think about it a little."

"Really!?" Dylan's eyes were bright with joy.

He immediately dived his face into the pigs' feed bucket.

pushing the feeding pigs as he tried to prove his love for her.

Everyone laughed loudly at this...

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