Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 240 To Make An Entrance With A Blade...

In the cultivation world, strength was expensive to achieve. Its price was sweat, blood, hardship and a constant strive towards perfection.

As they trained zealously, Captain Timi stood from the Tesseract.

In his hand was a cup of tea.

At the moment, he was standing on the tesseract, observing the performance of the traniees.

In front was Dylan. Since the start of this trianing, he had managed to always stay ahead.

Even for a second, he did not fall behind.

His constitution was amazing. It was almost as if his body was built for the specific purpose of being beaten by sun and rain.

Even now, as he ran, while other people felt total fatique, he felt a mixture of both.

pαпdα-ňᴏνê|·сóМ Was almost like he got a refuel anytime he was about to totally gas out.

For some reason he did not know, only a little sxtra effort showed significant result.

Deamon on the other hand, was lacking behind terribly. Twice, he had almost fallen down, but the whip from the soldiers following along from beh was the encouragement that made sure his feet did not stop.

From time to time, Dylan would take a look back to check on Deamon.

Seeing as how his friend was not out of the race yet, he would continue moving forward.

However, this time around, Deamon was lacking terribly behind.

He was so far behind that Dylan became worried. After all, all of them remembered the head of the unfortunate child, as it was kept in a leather bag and taken to storage.

Deamon kept going. However, his legs were screaming for a break, and the next break was not until another hour.

The life of a Cultivator was tough, but that of a soldier was many times worse. This training was to weed out the weak ones.

After a while, Deamon could feel the invasion of the fatique in his eyelids.

More than anything, he wanted to stop. At least for just a quick minute to get himself back. However, something told him from the back of his mind that if he stopped, he was never going to be able to move again.

However, the snow on the ground was starting to look more like comfortable pillows laid all around him.

More and more, his senses kept on telling him that a little rest was not going to be bad.

His mind even isolated the sight of the other children from him, and the comfortable whispers even drowned the screams of the soldiers urging him to keep moving forward.

After a while, it finally hit him in the head. All he needed was a little rest to get himself back.

Slowly, his leg paused just as it was about to take the next step, and he found his head diving head first to the snowy ground instead of his leg.

"Shit! i messed up!" He said to himself as he fell.

However, just before he would enjoy the comfort of diving head-first into the snow, a hand suddenly grabbed him by the shoulder.

Deamon raised his head up, and behold, it was his friend Dylan.

"Don't worry, I'm here!" Dylan comforted.

Dylan through his tiredness, gave him a smile, and Deamon smiled back.

Just then...


Whips on their backs for them to keep moving ruined the touching moment.

Dylan turned behind. The person whipping them was Dan.

"get a move on maggots!"

Dylan frowned. Since his encounter with Dan the other day, he had developed a subtle dislike for the soldier.

However, he was his superior and there was nothing he could do about it.

Meanwhile from on board the Tesseract, Timi watched.

What he saw Dylan do, made him smile a bit.


Meanwhile, Chiron arrived at the central Barracks.

This place had been organized in such a way that it accommodated thousands of soldiers.

Chiron's Dragon landed where the Flying Cored Beasts were kept, making an entrance as he did.

Everyone looked to the sky at the majesty of the legendary beast as it landed on the ground.

Even the cored beasts all around became restless at the presence of the dragon and moved to the sides, all trying hard to stay away from him.

A lone figure stood on top it.

Once it landed, Chiron came down from it and immediately, Carla and Emma approached him.

"What is the latest update!?" he asked.

"Prince Victor made it here before you. He came yesterday. Right now, he is in the war room with the commanders and generals planning out strategies for the war." Carla reported to him.

"Hmmm!" Chiron nodded in understanding.

Because of the number of soldiers in this place that had gathered, many fields were made into camps. Tents littered everywhere.

However, although they looked scattered, they were actually quite organized.

The Vandora Army was divided into five major parts which consisted of warriors of all the tribes. Of course this included major tribes and minor tribes.

Four armies for the four main cardinal point of the country and one last one that protected the king and the Royal Family within the palace.

There were also three flight Brigades.

The first one consisted of using flying cored beasts. Most of those in this Flight brigade were from the Tribes that were naturally gifted with the talent of using Totems for Flight.

The Second Flight Brigade was a little different but still required the Talent of those that used Totems with Flight capabilities.

Only this time around, they did not mount Flying cored beasts but majorly used their Totems. The Second Flight Brigade were men and women that Skillfully used their Flying Totems, and of course, had a little mixture of Tesseracts.

Lastly, was the Third Flight Brigade. This brigade consisted of the most powerful Air force power of the Vandora kingdom.

It consisted Mainly of the most skilled and Talented soldiers who also formed a part of the royal Guards.

Just like the Fourth Army they primary job was also the protection of the King and the royal Family. Commander Hardstone was the most senior ranked officer in the third Flight Brigade.

As a bronze ranked warrior in the fourth stage, he was also a favorite of the king.

These camps were made with tents of different colors that signified were one army or the other was stationed.

Without a doubt, the meeting with the Commanders was happening at the center.

After all, it was the only logical point.

Strolling through the camp, all eyes were on him.

Many that were maybe working on their weapons, armors and the like stood up to look at him.

Without a doubt, they knew who he was. After all, he wore royal robes that had silver linings at the edges signifying his royal bloodline.

Also, many rumours had already been passed around about this 'armless prince'. For example, he was the reason why they were going to war and were not going to see their wives and families for a long time.

No one liked to leave their comfort zone, and Chiron was the reason that they had no choice but to do so.

As he passed, a big meaty soldier spat rudely on the ground right in front of Chiron's path.

Chiron only took a look at the soldier, and then he went around the spit like it was none of his concern.

Seeing that he did this, the soldier spat again. This time around at Chiron himself.

However, before the spittle reached him, it caught up in visible flames in the air.

All the while, Chiron did not so much as look back.

However, the fire burning the spit in the air suddenly rushed in the direction of the Soldier, setting him ablaze. He was just a warrior in the early stage of the stone rank.

Naturally, he got an alert of ten points from the Fate Change system. However, ten points were just too small for his needs at the moment.

The unfortunate soldier was burnt to a crisp on the spot. But Chiron had controlled the fire in such a way that it did not burn the man's head.

"bring it along!" Chiron whispered and the head entered Hunter's shadow pool.

Seeing this, no one dared to show their displeasure again.

Chiron got to the center tent.

This tent was far bigger than all the others.

They were two guards in front. But on seeing Chiron's clothing, they gave way for him to pass.

As he approached it, Emma lifted up the binds for him to proceed inside.

Just in front of him was his Uncle Victor. He wore a Military style uniform. However, his was a bit fancier. At the moment, there was a map on the wide centre table.

Some men in their Military Uniforms sat at this table and listened as Victor explained his plans for this war.

The moment Chiron entered, everyone turned and looked in his direction.

On Seeing Chiron, Victor also noticed Emma behind him, and for a brief moment, he frowned. However, he immediately smiled, "Nephew! you are late. But don't worry, we are already..."

Before victor would finish talking, Devil's touch suddenly appeared from no where and sliced off one of the commander's head.

Everyone paused and looked at Chiron in surprise....

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