Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 247 I Shall Begin The War On My Own...

Chiron sat on the ground and invited Dylan to join him.

Together, both of them laughed and told one another stories.

Along the line, Dylan even asked about Chiron's hands.

"I was protecting my sister!" Chiron told him and he nodded in understanding.

On this day and this very night, Dylan created a friendship bond with Prince Chiron.

Of course Chiron also asked questions. Except that his questions were more surrounding Dylan's S-grade Dantain.

Dylan became fond of Chiron and when the night had gone far, Chiron thought it was time to return back to the central camp a d they did.

As they flew on the back of the Dragon, Chiron was in deep thought.

A lot of things had changed from the initial timeline.

For example, Dylan's home town had not yet been ran through by Orcs.

According to Chiron's calculation, it was most likely the group of Orcs that he and the rest of commander Hardstone's team had dealt with that was supposed to have raided and destroyed Dylan's town.

That was the event that would have pushed Dylan on the part of survival and made him enter into the forbidden fog of unbounded Demise.

In other words, Dylan had not yet had the faithful encounter that would make him the Great King he was supposed to become.

According to what Chiron remembered, it was a sword that was sealed within it, the soul of an ancient core beast.

Legends had it that this soul beast made Dylan's power climb by several levels. It had even taken his cultivation to the third stage of the bronze realm.

For Chiron, this was good news. After all, it was a short cut for his growth.

With the strength he had now, if he could get his hands on that sword, then he was definitely going to at least climb to the sixth stage of the bronze rank.

Chiron's initial plan was to become king and change the fate of the country, thereby giving himself enough fate points that would launch him into the bronze realm.

This itself was not a bad plan.

The reason he had settled on this plan and not gone into the wild world to hustle out those hidden treasures that could assist his cultivation, was because of the existence of the Holy church.

At the moment, they hunted him, and the only reason they had not come for him here knowing fully well that he was parading himself as a prince was because of the existence of the Zodiac Houses.

plainly speaking, Chiron was essentially hiding in plain sight.

However, another opportunity for growth had been presented before him.

Taking over the Vandora kingdom as king was obviously not an easy task and as things stood, it seemed as if it was going to take a while to achieve.

However, Dylan had delivered himself like a serving wife to her Starving husband.

Chiron smiled in his mind.

Even as the dragon flew back to the camp, he was adjusting his plans.

As great as they were, if they did not fit with the times, then they were as good as being useless.

Dylan had told Chiron a great deal of things about himself. Naturally, these were tools he was going to make use of in good times.

For example, Dylan had to get the Sword as it was his Fate, but getting it and getting it's gifts was two different things.

As the Dragon landed within the camp site, Chiron noticed that there were some people waiting for him.

The wind from the wings of the dragon blew away some of the tents however, these men did not back off.

It was now a few hours to day break.

"Chiron!" one of the men called to him the moment he came down from his dragon.

This man was one that Chiron recognized from the meeting with the chiefs.

This was Chief Wallow of the gentle Swallow tribe.

Beside him stood two other Chiefs.

They were the Chiefs of the Horned Eagle Tribe and the Double Tiger Tailed tribe.

"CHIRON!" Chief Wallow called to him again.

However Chiron still did not respond to him.

All he did was walk away towards his tent.

After all, the Chief had not called him respectfully by his title.

"Prince Chiron!" he called once more.

This time around, Chiron paused and turned.

"You know titles are there for a reason." Chiron rolled his eyes to the Chief's disrespect.

"I heard that you are planning to leave for the border by daylight. Is this true!?"

Chiron nodded, "yes, and what is it to you!?"

"I'll assume that you are still very NEW to the customs of this Kingdom. The aim of the Main campsite is to receive the blessings of the Bear mother from the Elder Shaman before the war begins! It is for this same reason that we have arrived here."

"Oh! and I thought it was you were all tired of hiding in your lands while the war efforts were being put in place," Chiron gave a light giggle.

"PRINCE Chiron! I believe that you take this matter lightly. I employ you to wait for the Elder Shaman to be here in a day's time and give the blessings. Then, you may leave for war as you so desire."

Chiron raised a brow at the Chiefs, and then he nodded, "of course! I'll do as you have asked."

He turned around and walked away. As he did, Chief Wallow called to him again.

"I heard you stopped by the tribal land of the giant serpent tribe for days. It seems like they have already washed your head with their nonsense. I advice that you stay away from that clan. They are not the best of allies."

Chiron stopped, "Thank you, I will take your words into consideration."

Chiron and Dylan went back to their various tents.

In this manner, the night ended.

Apart from the sentries gisting at their sentry spot, the campsite was quiet.

The sun was slowly rising up, and some soldiers went about some of their morning routine in silence.

However, they was suddenly a loud Trumpet sound.

Many people woke up and ran out their tents. some of them with their under wears ready for war.

This included the Chiefs Chiron had seen previously.

However, when they came out, they were surprised to see that it was not what they thought.

A soldier ran to Chief Wallow and reported, "my Lord Prince Chiron as commanded his army to match for war."

At that exact moment, a loud GROWL was heard as Chiron's dragon passed over their heads.

Atop the dragon, Chiron looked below and smiled at Chief Wallow.

If he had hands, he would have definitely waved at him.

The usually calm and gentle Wallow frowned and cursed heavily at Chiron's willfulness.

However, there was nothing he could do.

As Chiron's dragon flew in the sky, so did the Tesseracts carrying his men for war.

After a few days, The army made camp not so far from a village for a temporary rest.

Tents were put up and the soldiers enjoyed their rest.

Captain Timi as well as his lieutenants waited for Chiron in a tent that was made to discuss the war plans.

The lieutenants stood around a wide table with a map of the border in the center.

This map had distinctive towns and villages clearly indicated.

The Vandora kingdom shared a large expansive border with the Chanland Kingdom.

However, a chunk of that border was occupied by the Fog of unbounded Demise and the Highwood forest that houses the Orc tribes.

At the moment, the Chanland Kingdom had already made their move.

It was not a very big one, but it was tactical.

Firstly, they found a way to poison the border troops stationed for the protection of the villages close to the border.

And then they made things very uncomfortable for the Orcs of the Highwood Forest.

Thereby making them flood the now unprotected villages.

The Chanland Kingdom had not sent their armies and on the surface, one could say that things were still peaceful.

However, it was not.

Their rebellion against the sovereignty of the Vandora kingdom had sparked several rebellious behavior from other kingdoms and tribes.

One could say that the issue with the Chanland Kingdom was the most important and if settled the right way, it could allow for the ease of things with the other kingdoms and tribes.

Of course, that did not mean that the Vandora kingdom was weak in any way.

It just meant that war had consequences that many would rather avoid.

Chiron walked into the tent and Captain Timi gave the signal for all to salute.

Chiron nodded and took his seat.

The moment he did, he signalled for them to also take their seats.

However, as they did, one of them did not.

It was an elderly man. He frowned at Chiron, "Prince Chiron, did you bring us out here to die!?"

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