Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 253 Powerless!? Who Said So!?

"Oh! you are quite smart to have figured that out. It's already ended I don't mind telling you how the plan went," Tug still had a smug expression on his face, "But I'll like to first ask, how did you find out?"

Chiron raised a brow, "It was just a guess. However, you confirmed it the moment I gave the order and you still stayed while the others left."

Tug did not understand what Chiron was saying, but Chiron did not mind explanining.

"You are a soldier. Soldiers know one thing, and that is to follow orders. Last i check, the Vandora Army is very strict with Discipline. In other words, when it comes to orders, there is no second say. If by some coincidence, they are problems, everybody knows it all lies on the head of the commander. Soldiers are allowed to give their opinion, but never allowed to disobey orders. The only condition that warrants disobedience is if a superior order has been given."

Chiron's words were very reasonable and it made Tug praise him with a nod, "Not bad, truly not bad. It seems like losing your hands has helped you to learn how to use your head a little more. You see this plan was only executed now, but it had been in motion for many years now. Back then the King of the Chanland Kingdom was still a prince..."

Tug's mission had started when he was only just a child.

He was one of many other spies that were sent to infiltrate the Vandora kingdom army and tribes.

In fact, his task might have been one of the easiest. There were those that were required to find their way and marry into the major tribes and even produce children so that their identities would be fully hidden and cemented as Vandorians.

The border between the Chanland Kingdom and the Vandora Kingdom had always been a tight one because of the presence of Spirit stone mines in the region.

Everyone knew how valuable the resource was and naturally, the kingdom that had it would protect it tightly.

Therefore, Tug had to enter the Vandora kingdom through the long way.

For his own particular mission, Two hundred children the ages of twelve to fifteen years of age were sent.

They followed through a longer route. Going through other neighboring Countries and Cutting across them to enter a more loosened border into the Vandora kingdom as refugees.

The journey alone killed half the number. Some of them died due to attacks from bandits. Some of them died due to sicknesses and some others died because of cored beasts.

However, they were finally able to make it into the vandora Kingdom.

It was easy to think that things would somehow become easier for them, but it was not so.

Finding their ways into the heart of the Capital city was another hurdle.

In a foreign land such as this, they had no one to turn to. No money, no food and a very heavy mission to carry out.

The only thing they had was the essential cultivation techniques that had been given to them. That too came with its own type of disavantages.

The Chanland Kingdom also used Totems for their Spiritual Cultivation. However, there's was a little special and depended heavily on Bloodline in connection to that Beast.

of Course if used in this foreign country, they would easily be spotted. Especially if it was in the military.

Many of them had to seal their bloodline abilities or go through difficult means to cut connections to it from their soul.

After all, some bloodline abilities left traces on the body.

This too saw the end to many lives.

And then came the arduous process of going through screening into the military.

Back then, the nation was at peace and getting into the military in such times was not so easy. One had to go through rigorous screening processes. These were not just Physical processes but also Medical and some of them involved a search of one's spiritual energy.

some more were discovered to be spies and were immediately put to death.

in fact, the vandora army had gone so far as to kill people associated with them just to be sure that there were no more spies. Innocents died, but such was the only way to maintain national intergrity.

From then, he climbed through the ranks of the Vandorain Army. Making connections and finding a way that led to himself getting posted to the border.

Unlike most soldiers that did not want to come to this side as it made them distant from their families, he was glad to be here. After all,for him, this was his mission location.

Even when he did well and was posted out to other regions, he always found his way back. Even going as far as to voluteeer forf positions in this place.

Seeing as how no one wanted to come here and he was always willing to be here, the higher ups allowed him get his wish.

Slowly, he became stronger and climbed the ranks. By that time, he had already made contact with the Chanland kingdo and informed them that he was in a good position at the border.

Next, he allowed Citizens from the Chanland Kingdom through the Border to slowly occupy the Town. He killed people that were originally Vandorian citizens, accusing them of being Chanland spies.

Finally, he climbed up to the most powerful position.

All he had to do was now let things play out naturally.

His mission from the beginning, had always been a suicide mission.

The aim of it was simply to capture this town that sat on the Spirit stone mine.

The Garrison was supposed to all die by the poison, and then the Orcs were going to invade and kill the members of the town.

However, as it happened, the Chanland army will claim to come in and help, and this would allow them to occupy the Garrison and the town.

Naturally, their good work would not go unrewarded and the price of cause for killing the invading Orcs would be to have the spirit Mine.

Then again, even if the Vandora kingdom did not agree, it would have already been too late as the Chanland Kingdom would have occupied the place.

therefore making it their territory.

In this manner, they would have occupied the most important resource in this part of the world.

The one resource that had made the vandora Kingdom the most powerful On the Almace Continent.

Of course those that had made it into other positions such as the major tribes also had their own roles to play in twisting the decision making capabilities of the Country.

This was the plan that had been executed by the current king when he was still a prince.

However, chiron had popped up from nowhere and stop the plan that had been prepared for many years with just one move.

This made Tug feel very frustrated and he wanted nothing more but to teach this prince a lesson.

As Tug told his story, captain Timi had made an arrival and heard a good chunk of it. However, he did not move. Chiron was in a very vulnerable position.

If he attacked, Tug could easily just squash this prince.

This was not something that Captain Timi wanted.

Chiron heard Tug's words and nodded, "so you are telling me that this town his filled with your Chanland Kingdom people and they were the ones that Poisoned the well, because you allowed it."


"Hmmm, in that case, why did you allow the Orc to go into the town and kill them?"

"Didn't I tell you before, this was a suicide mission. The mission another plan to it, but situations made us adjust it again and again. Thos eones down there are just servants of the tribe. Their deaths are of no consequence. You can say that they are a necessary sacrifice."

"Oh!" chiron nodded in understanding.

"If that is all the questions you have to ask, I suggest we hurry up and get this over with. I was willing to die before and had even resigned myself to the fate of it, but now that I have you, a lot has changed. Even if you are a armless, powerless prince, you are still a recognized prince of the Vandora kingdom. The Ransom for Your release would be a big one. And who knows, I might even been given a medal for it."

Tug Chuckled some for. However, he noticed a questioning look from Chiron.

Chiron had his brows up and he looked at Tug as if he was looking at a bragging idiot, "who said I was powerless?"

Tug Chuckled, "I am not a fool. I asked around about you. None of your servants are here and your Dragon is far away. Your servants might be strong but you are a powerless..."

*DOOM!* a low nearly inaudible sound was heard as Chiron released his Aura energy of Death!

Tug was suddenly assaulted by an incredible amount of fear. He did not know why, but he could feel his knees shake. His heart pounded fast in his chest. His body was suddenly overwhelmed with Fear and when he looked at Chiron, he could see the hundreds of the bloody dead wailing inaudibly.

Tug suddenly fell on his knees blood poured from his mouth, eyes, nose and ears like a flowing stream.

He raised a hand, pointing at Chiron,"...what ar... you!?"

A TUD sound was heard as he fell to the ground dead.

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