Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 267 Where Do We Retreat To?

Unknown to General Buckle, things were nothing like he thought there were.

Firstly, Chiron had struggled nearly throughout his life to get to where he was. Even with the help of the Fate change system, it had not been easy for him.

However, he was a person that would do whatsoever it took for power.

The reason he had been victorious against General Chain was because of a detailed plan that took advantage of the General's love for women.

Chiron had sent Emma to distablilize his mental fortitude first. Even managing to cut of his manhood which greatly affected his thinking ability, as it would any man that had lost his precious private.

At the same time, her power caused death and chaos in the enemy camp.

Which of course made his power grow as a result of all the deaths.

After all, his power grew whenever he was in his autlra domain.

After which he pumped all his power into that fireball, taking advantage of the General's blood and a rune to kill him.

If this was a straight up fight, there was no way Chiron would have defeated a cultivator in the Bronze realm.

After all, the distance between both ranks was like heaven and earth.

But that was the secret about bathles thatany forgot.

The aim was not to show who was strongest but to win.

If Chiron could win his fights with straight up confrontations, then he would, but when the opponent was obviously stronger than him, trickery had to be involved.

Of course they were many that would frown at his methods, but at the end of the day, capability encompassed all thata person was capable of. Whether it was brain or brawns, it was all essential.

I am not as strong as you, so why should I fight you when I can hurt your weak family instead?

I am not as strong as you, so why should I fight you when I can break you mentally and still achieve the same goal of defeating you with psychological methods?

This was why great Generals in the military understood the value of morale in the troops.

If done right, an army of a few hundred would face an army several thousands and not shake in their boots.

This was acknowledgable history that Chiron was very familiar with.

The conditions necessary for Chiron to kill General Chain were quite special, none of which was available at the moment.

The rest of the world did not need the story of how he won the fight. The only thing they were allowed to know was that he won the fight.

With how reliant on strength this world was, it was easy for many to believe that Chiron with his copper level strength had killed a cultivator that was in the Bronze ranks.

In fact, General Chain had been several ranks into the the bronze rank.

This exaggerated Chiron's profound ability and made him a pillar that many would look up to and want to rely on.

However, it also pulled eyes to his direction.

These were eyes with power capable of threatening even General Chain's ability.

Now, a mad man like General Buckle was here for revenge.

Because of Chiron's acclaimed capability to kill off a General, three bronze level cultivators had even come with General Buckle just to handle his Dragon.


General Buckle rained attacks on Chiron.

Barely every time, Chiron dodged.

Some of the attacks brushed him, but those the he could not defend against, he used Devil's Touch to absorb the blow.

"Why do you keep running. Stay and fight like a MAN!"


"Like a man!?" Chiron thought to himself, "hell no!"

Even if General Buckle called him a Chicken, Chiron would not mind. After all, the most important thing was his life.

Chiron noticed that the attacks had started to become too much.

Even Devil's Touch was starting to show cracks.

Chiron knew that the only reason he was still alive at this moment was because of the Death aura being enhanced by the many dead around him.

The people from the Chanland Kingdom also used Totems.

General Buckle's attacks came as sharp, unforgiving Eagle Talons.

Every attack was for the kill.

Chiron ran around the place, using all in his arsenal to run as fast as he could.

He used his shadow pool and on several occasions, he even used either his own people or the warriors of the Chanland Kingdom as shield but the General pursued him relentlessly.

"Shit! Shit!! Shit!!!" Chiron cursed as he ran around the battlefield.

He already had injuries all over his body that he bleed from like a running tap.

He was in no current condition to worry for his troops.

Hunter even tried to attack, but the General spanked the cored beast with one swipe of his hand.

One hit was all it took for Hunter to be out of the fight.

Through their soul link, chifron could tell that Hunter was in serious pain.

However, around this time, Captain Timi appeared with some men. These were mostly the instructors with battle experience.

"Protect the PRINCE!!!" Captain Timi screamed as he rushed for the invaders with the instructors and the Orcs that followed behind him.

They gave war cries on top of their lungs.

As the instructors rushed to defend Chiron, Dylan and Deamon rushed over to help him, "your highness, we have to retreat," Deamon suggested.

Even without them saying anything, Chiron knew that they had to back off.

These Chanland people had come with full force, even shooting down their Tesseracts that they had come with.

The problem Chiron faced now, was where to retreat to.

Going into town was out of the question. The only option was either to retreat to the Forest or the Fog of Unbounded Demise.

Chiron was bleeding badly, the instructors and orcs will definitely not be able to hold back General Buckle for long.

Chiron could already hear their screams for life as he massacred them.

Going into the forest was not a guarantee for safety and going into the forest was practically asking to die.

Where should they retreat to?

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