Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 1000 Destruction Of A Trump Card, Commence The Final Stage!

Back when Izroth defeated Falcinean, and even after eliminating 2,000 Pzenium warriors, he did not gain any fame for the Pzenium kingdom. Yet, after dealing with Gakhan, his fame immediately shot up by 1,000 points, which was by no means a small amount.

This could only mean that Gakhan's existence in the Pzenium kingdom was of significant enough importance to affect things on a sizable scale. However, the reason could not be due to his individual combat prowess.

It was true that the Pzenium kingdom respected strength above all else, but, in terms of raw combat power, in Izroth's eyes, Gakhan was not that far off from someone like Falcinean. Rather, if not for the Scarlet Sand Spiders and Gakhan's unique physique capable of housing the creatures, it was likely that he would outright lose to a warrior of Falcinean's caliber.

If that was the case, why did his fame in the Pzenium kingdom not increase by even one point after defeating Falcinean?

'Is it like this because he had a closer connection to the Great Duke? Even so, how unusual.'

Under normal circumstances, if someone killed a person of importance from a kingdom, that person would lose fame and be placed on unfriendly terms with the kingdom in question. But, for some reason, this was the opposite case with Gakhan and Pzenium.

Izroth had several guesses as to why this may be the case; however, without any evidence, it was only all baseless assumptions that he decided to push into the back of his mind for the time being.

'Well, whatever the case, it doesn't change the fact that I earned quite a bit this time around.'

Not only was Izroth able to reclaim his first-place spot on the event leaderboards, but he also acquired some insight into a few things.

For one, he discovered that his artificial mana pool, while being a part of him, remained unaffected by abnormal status effects. This a huge considering the number of outside factors that could have adverse effects on one's mana. This meant that, in the future, even if Izroth lost all the natural mana in his body, he would still have the mana stored separately within the artificial mana pool to utilize as he sees fit.

As Izroth briefly contemplated his findings and organized his thoughts, he set his gaze on the east side of the battlefield.

'I was planning on meeting up with the 9th Division right away, but it seems that won't be necessary. Besides, it's not good if I interfere too often and ignore letting them build up some experience. For now, I'll return to where Sagarus and the others are. While I don't think she'll do anything reckless with Sagarus watching over her, I can't be too certain.'


Izroth kicked off the ground and soared into the air using Sky Steps as he started to make his way toward the west battlefield.

'It should be about time for the main event to start.'


Somewhere in the kingdom of Pzenium...

At the moment, in a grand castle located in the Desert's Gem, a certain man sat motionless on his throne.

Kneeled over on the ground before this man was a trembling servant with a darkened expression.

"...Say that again." The man on the throne said coldly as an overbearingly suffocating aura spread through the room.

This aura caused all the other servants and guards in the vicinity to shiver instinctively as cold sweats ran down their backs. That's because this was the first time they had seen their master this enraged ever since he received news about the death of his only son during the second team's selection. However, even compared to the loss of his son, the anger this time seemed more deeply routed in unfiltered rage.

This man was none other than one of the Great Dukes of the Pzenium kingdom, Great Duke Hammer.

"G-Great Duke... C-Controller Gakhan's l-life stone has s-s-shattered." The servant explained with a shaky voice without daring to lift his head from the floor.

"I see. So, my hearing is not deteriorating in my old age. I see, I see..." Hammer uttered to himself.

As he did so, the atmosphere in the room became deathly silent. The only thing that could be heard was the constant tapping noise coming from Hammer tapping his finger on the armrest of his throne.

The life stone was a magic item connected to a specific individual. If something happened to that individual, the life stone would be damaged. A few cracks meant that the individual's life was in danger. However, for a life stone to shatter could only mean one thing—that individual was no longer in this world.

The Great Duke's temper was well known. If he was in a bad mood, no one was safe from his wrath.

Even though the servant was just delivering the message, in his heart, he had already accepted his death.

However, against the servant's expectations, his head was still attached to his body as he heard the Great Duke release a heavy sigh.

"Who else has learned of this news?" Hammer inquired as he closed his eyes and the wrathful around him subsided.

The servant's mind momentarily went blank. He was caught off guard by the Great Duke's calm response. But, fearing that his delay would cause the Great Duke's rage to reignite the servant quickly answered.

"I-I came to report to the Duke immediately upon its happening and made sure to erase all traces of the life stone shattering. Rest assured; this servant is the only one who knows of Controller Gakhan's fate." The servant responded proudly with haste.

"Good, then there is still time to prepare some countermeasures. You did well- what did you say your name was again?" Hammer asked as he stood up from his throne.

The servant's excitement grew upon hearing the Great Duke personally ask for his name.

"Great Duke, this lowly servant's name is Rasar. It is my honor to serve the Great Duke." The servant, Rasar, responded.

"Rasar... You have done a good deed. For that, you deserve to be rewarded. If news of Controller Gakhan's fate were to spread outside the Desert's Gem before I could make the proper arrangements, the repercussions would have been rather troublesome." Hammer stated with an air of authority.

"I dare not ask for a reward! Just serving the Great Duke for the rest of my life is reward enough!" Rasar said quickly.

"You speak well. I planned on claiming your head, but I suppose you still have your uses. That being said, because you delivered such news so openly, I'm afraid their lives will have to be carried on your shoulders, Rasar." Hammer said as he descended the throne and walked past Rasar.

Rasar did not understand the meaning of the Great Duke's words; however, the following moment, something bizarre took place.

A gentle breeze blew through the room as tiny grains of sand could be seen floating in the air.

It was strange considering that this place was deep in the castle's center where wind nor sand should be able to reach.

Rasar's nose twitched as a familiar scent passed by that caused his eyes to widen in shock. He swallowed nervously and did not dare to move a single centimeter.

That scent, there was no mistaking it—it was fresh blood!

"Gakhan's death means that I have lost one of my trump cards. His Ten Thousand Nesting Physique and ability to control the Scarlet Sand Spiders cannot be replicated. The others will find out eventually, but I must make my move beforehand in order to keep the situation under my control. Who was it...? Who was it that dared to touch what is mine?" Hammer thought to himself with a cold look in his eyes as he strolled casually toward the doors at the other end of the room.

"Rasar, make sure to clean up this mess properly. Oh, and although it goes without saying, not a word to anyone about our conversation today. I look forward to your continuing loyalty." Hammer said as he walked through the doors, and they closed behind him.

When the Great Duke took their leave, and he heard the doors close, Rasar slowly lifted his head and looked around the room.

"I'm afraid their lives will have to be carried on your shoulders, Rasar."—Rasar finally understood what the Great Duke meant by those words.

Every last one of the servants and guards in the room had been killed!

The most frightening thing was Rasar did not hear a single scream or sound.

"As expected of the Great Duke. To kill off an entire room without sound or commotion... He's truly worthy of being called the Hushed Sands of the Desert's Gem. If I had misspoken in the slightest just now, I would have ended up the same as everyone else here. How terrifying." Rasar thought to himself.


Meanwhile, in the Nightfall Glades...

Located roughly two hundred meters away from the battlefield, Aurie stood atop a small cliff with her gaze set in its direction.

"All the Pzenium forces have gathered. Everyone is in position. Kalmesia, Ward—commence the final stage!" Aurie declared.


The moment Aurie gave the order, the entire south portion of the Nightfall Glades began to tremble.

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