Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 884

Chapter 884: Truth Unveiled, The Most Basic Instinct

Izroth had been silently observing everything and everyone ever since he entered the main hall. Naturally, this also included Avia.

He could tell from her behavior that she did not plan to be stuck in the middle of a situation of this scale.

By now, Avia must have come to the realization that she was only a disposal tool to those who were above her in status within the Fifth Great Clan. And, now Pelyria had lost control of the situation, what little fate and hope she held onto must have perished.

Right now, she understood that her life was no longer in her own hands.

Not only that, but she had offended that ruthless Holy Maiden, who was supposed to be bedridden and powerless. How could she not feel as though she had been purposely deceived and sacrificed?

'Unless she is the type to die for another's cause, she should be searching for a way to survive right about now. Either way, there no longer exists a path she can take that someone else has not paved for her.'

If Avia chose to remain silent, she would ultimately be disposed of by the Holy Maiden as a sacrificial token of sorts. But, if she betrayed the Fifth Great Clan, she would become a person marked for death by all the Great Clans that resided within the Mother of All Forests. This meant that no matter what path she took, her life was practically over!

"...If I stay quiet, then perhaps the elder will-" Avia tried to organize her thoughts as she glanced over at Pelyria.

However, the moment their gazes met, a look of dread swiftly found its way onto Avia's face.

There was a cold and distant look in Pelyria's eyes. That look obviously was telling her to throw her life away! Without a doubt, she had been abandoned!

"Did she betray us? I have been monitoring everyone's movements since before we even set foot on the Thousand Blossoms Peak. If she tried to communicate with someone ahead of time, I should have realized it. Is she working with one of the other Great Clans to undermine our Fifth Great Clan?" Pelyria's thoughts raced as she tried to make sense of everything.

On the surface, the relationship between the Great Clans may seem amicable; however, in truth, there was a massive power struggle and intense competition over who would become the next great ruler.

The only way Pelyria could explain Izroth's knowledge about the Spirit of Mana was that someone leaked it to him. And, the only person who could have done so among those present was either herself or Avia.

Of course, needless to say, Pelyria ruled herself out. This left Avia as the obvious choice.

"Wait..!" Pelyria's eyes widened as she was suddenly reminded of something.

Izroth approached Avia, who currently looked as if she had been frightened by a ghost.

"You are a member of the Fifth Great Clan. Tell me, is there a herb called the Spirit of Mana that exhibits the effects I've mentioned that your Fifth Great Clan processes?" Izroth inquired.

"Don't you dare!" Pelyria warned.

Swoosh! Crrrck!

Out of nowhere, a heavy force descended upon Pelyria, causing a bit of blood to trickle down from the side of her mouth.

Seina gave Pelyria a meaningful look that contained a clear warning of what would happen if she misspoke.

Avia remained quiet to Izroth's inquiry. At the moment, her thoughts were still in a state of chaos after discovering that she had been so casually used and discarded by those she spent so long trying to impress.

"Think carefully about whether you wish to answer or not. As well as about those who threw you away after your purpose was served. Why must you sacrifice yourself and bear the consequences of their actions? Their scheme failed, but it is not surprising. After all, when it comes to experience in scheming..." Izroth said as he then glanced over at Yuveil.

He then continued, "I fear that with this level of mediocre skill, even five times the amount may not necessarily suffice."

Izroth's words caused Yuveil to tightly clench her fists at her side until she drew blood from her own hands out of anger.

Back in the crafting room when she mistakingly thought that Izroth crafted a Fractured Pill, she said those exact words to him. Now, he was using his own words to mock her!

Yuveil had not suffered so much humiliation in a single day since her master chose Seina as the Holy Maiden of their Order over her!

Izroth set his sights back on Avia, who finally lifted her head.

She was still shaken by everything; however, there was a look of defeat in her eyes.

"...Yes. The Spirit of Mana, everything you've described—it is all true..." Avia confirmed as she closed her eyes while tears streamed from her eyes.

"It's over. It's all over." Avia thought to herself.

She had just betrayed the Fifth Great Clan. Her life was over. She would never be able to return to the Mother of All Forests.

But, as someone who still had a long life ahead of her, Avia did not want to die for the sake of another's cause in some faraway place. At least, in this way, she could keep her life and still have a chance at survival—even if it was miniscule.

Without missing a beat, Izroth returned his attention to Pelyria, who was brimming with killing intent.

The moment Avia opened her mouth, any plans she had to deny the existence of the Spirit of Mana had been thrown out!

"A person from your Fifth Great Clan has personally verified my words. Is this enough to prove its existence?" Izroth asked with a carefree expression.

However, Pelyria did not answer him. Instead, her gaze landed on someone who had been unusually quiet since this all started to unfold—Yuveil.

"It's her doing...! It all had to be her doing!" Pelyria thought to herself as her killing intent exploded, directed towards Yuveil.

As for Yuveil, she was taken aback by Pelyria's sudden display of killing intent. She had no idea what caused such a drastic change in the Sacred Leaf of the Fifth Great Clan.

"It all makes sense now! We've been had...!" Pelyria internally concluded.

"Well played... Well played, indeed...!" Pelyria uttered as an eerie smile appeared on her face.

She then continued, "Who would have thought that your Order is so good at colluding with others? Feigning the sickness of your Holy Maiden and conspiring with a member of our Fifth Great Clan to lead us into a trap—how fearless! Yuveil, you will pay for your betrayal!"

Yuveil's facial expression turned extremely ugly as she quickly stood to her feet and shouted, "You- Don't speak nonsense!"

"What's this? Is there something you wish to share, First Guardian Yuveil?" Seina said without looking back.

However, just the tone of her voice alone was enough to send shivers down one's spine.

"Junior sister- No, Holy Maiden Seina! You cannot trust the words of an outsider! She is merely attempting to sow a seed of distrust among our Order!" Yuveil spoke hurriedly.

"That old fool! What is she doing?!" Yuveil thought to herself as she was overcome with a sense of panic.

Pelyria had gravely misread the situation. She believed that Yuveil and the Order of a Thousand Blossoms colluded with Avia to gain knowledge about the Spirit of Mana beforehand. And, by doing so, worked together to smear the reputation of the Fifth Great Clan and the little princess.

Given the competitive nature of the Great Clans, it was not uncommon for them to plant spies in a rival Great Clan to undermine them from within.

If news of what happened here got out, it would bring about a great deal of shame to the Fifth Great Clan. But, more importantly, now that everything was aired out, regardless of what action she took next, the Holy Maiden would be justified!

"So dedicated! Even now, you are still keeping up with such a pathetic act! Just know this, Yuveil, Avia—our Fifth Great Clan will never forget this betrayal." Pelyria stated.


Out of nowhere, Pelyria vanished as hundreds of golden leaves scattered in every direction outside of the main hall.

"I have to report this to the clan head at once!" Pelyria thought to herself as she sped out of the main hall at incredible speeds!

She used her natural movement skills along with a high-ranking magic item that allowed her to instantly teleport a certain distance away from her previous location. The uses were limited; therefore, she only used it in dire situations. Of course, this was just that.

Pelyria knew that if she stayed any longer, her life would likely be forfeit. So, she had to escape while there was still a chance!

"Want to escape from my Thousand Blossoms Peak? You can enter when invited, but if you wish to leave, you first need my permission." Seina said as a large pattern made of glowing pink mana formed beneath her feet.

This pattern was in the shape of a cherry blossom tree and covered the entire floor of the main hall!

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