Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 894

Chapter 894: The New Unsanctioned Zone, Land of Unity

Izroth looked over at the shop owner and said, "I want to use your shop to craft a few pills. Is that fine?"

"Go ahead. But, if you break anything, you'll have to pay for it out of pocket, Captain." Osmond replied nonchalantly without looking up from the book in his hands.

"I'll be sure to keep it brief," Izroth responded.

The next moment, the Dark Abyssal Armlet transformed into the Dark Abyssal Cauldron and appeared before Izroth.

Freesia was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the cauldron. It was the first time she saw a cauldron that was capable of transforming.

What surprised her even more, was the fact that Izroth was going to craft the pill public!

Even though it was only her and the shop owner present, one had to know that Apothecaries kept their crafting techniques and recipes a secret from others. That's because both things could hold a potential astronomical value and give them a clear edge over other Apothecaries.

This was even more so for the top guilds, who maintained a tight grip on their pill recipes and the crafting techniques of their Apothecaries.

Of course, Izroth was not worried about such a thing. For one, he did not think that Freesia nor Mariposa was the type of person to steal what belonged to him.

But, more importantly, even if someone wanted to copy the Self Awakening Pill, it was useless. The system made it so that the recipe could not be shared or replicated. Naturally, this meant that Izroth was the only person in all of RML who was capable of crafting it.

Izroth started up the cauldron and tossed in the first batch of ingredients. Then, after roughly thirty seconds, the first pill emerged.

Without wasting a moment, Izroth repeated the steps two additional times.

In total, it took him less than two minutes to use the nine ancient-quality ingredients.

When Freesia witnessed Izroth's unbelievable crafting speed and how he casually tossed the ingredients into the cauldron, at first, she was nervous.

Although she was not an Apothecary, Freesia was a Herbalist—a profession that focused on gathering, cultivating and studying various types of herbs. Due to this, she worked closely with the Apothecaries of Sleeping Gardenia and viewed their crafting process with her own eyes. But, after seeing how Izroth crafted pills, Freesia almost felt somewhat pitiful for the Apothecaries of Sleeping Gardenia.

"It's no wonder the guild leader wants to send our Apothecaries to learn at the Mystical Realm Palace. The difference is too much." Freesia thought to herself as she looked on in amazement.

Not too long after Izroth crafted the last pill, he recalled the cauldron as it transformed back into its armlet state and wrapped itself around his arm.

"The quality is a bit varied, but your guild's luck is not bad," Izroth said as he handed over the three pills to Freesia.

Izroth managed to craft two Self Awakening Pill IV and one Self Awakening Pill V. Each possessed an awakening chance of 50% and 75%, respectively.

As for the experience gains, the Self Awakening Pill IV was 5% with a 10% temporary experience boost, while the Self Awakening Pill V was 8% and 18%.

Fortunately, one did not require a pill of the same rank to activate the temporary experience boost effect. In other words, once someone consumes a Self Awakening Pill of any rank, they would be able to use a Self Awakening Pill I to trigger the temporary experience boost.

Otherwise, someone like Izroth, who consumed a Self Awakening Pill VI, would have to pay a steep price compared to a person who took a weaker version of the pill.

When Izroth spoke, Freesia snapped out of her thoughts and accepted the pills.

"Y-yes..! Thank you very much for your hard work..." Freesia said in a slightly futtered state.

Freesia examined the pills as her eyes widened in shock. But, it did not take long for her brows to furrow as if she were stumped by something.

"U-um...!" Freesia uttered as she quickly stood to her feet.

She then continued, "Just what are these pills...? It's the first time I've seen pills with this rank."

"Some things are better left to the imagination," Izroth responded with a carefree smile.

In truth, Izroth himself had no idea how the Self Awakening Pill compared to higher-ranked pills since the highest pill he crafted was the grade five Hundred Death Poisoning Pill.

In terms of effectiveness, comparing the two was like comparing apples to oranges.

That being said, the Self Awakening Pill held some clear advantages over the Hundred Death Poisoning Pill that made its effects above that of a grade-five pill.

"Ah, my a-apologies if I've overstepped," Freesia said softly.

"No worries. After all, it's not a bad thing to be inquisitive." Izroth replied.

The next moment, he removed another pill from his inventory.

"Take this. I arrived late due to some unexpected circumstances and caused you some trouble. Consider it a small gift to make up for my late arrival." Izroth said as he gave Freesia a Self Awakening Pill he crafted from his very first batch of the pills.

The one he handed her was a Self Awakening Pill III. The chances of awakening were only 20%, but as long as her luck was good, it was still a possibility of success.

Freesia's first instinct was to decline Izroth's gift. After all, it was her assignment to wait for his arrival. Plus, since she spent her time reading, Freesia did not mind the wait.

However, before she knew it, Freesia found that she had already accepted the pill.

"Thank you..." Freesia said as she lightly smiled.

Freesia did not care about the value of the pill. She simply desired something to commemorate the moment she first met a person with the same view of books as her. For that reason alone, Freesia found this trip worth it.

Izroth gave a small nod and said, "Then, since our business has concluded, I'll be taking my leave. Stay safe on your journey."

After he spoke, Izroth began to make his way toward the exit as he gave a casual wave without turning back on his way out.

Then, just before leaving the shop, he said, "Though I have a feeling that won't be too much of an issue for you."

Those were Izroth's final words before he left Cedar's Nest.

Freesia's cheeks flushed pink as her lips curved into a joyful smile.

"He is even more amazing than the guild leader described..." Freesia said to herself.

Then, not long after Izroth left, Freesia walked over to the bookshelves and returned the book she borrowed to its proper place.

"T-thank you for your h-hospitality, shop owner..." Freesia said to the shop owner.

"This much is the least I can do for those risking their lives every day on our behalf. You're welcome to visit anytime you want, Captain." Osmond responded without looking up from his book.

Freesia gave a small respectful bow before walking toward the exit.

The reason Cedar's Nest was so empty had nothing to do with its location but rather its hidden restrictions. Only those who were ranked Captain or higher could enter through its doors. As for those who failed to meet the requirements, they would be blocked from entering by an invisible barrier.

"It was a nice break while it lasted. But, it's time I return to my division." Freesia thought to herself as she left Cedar's Nest.


Several minutes later...

After leaving Cedar's Nest, Izroth met up with Niflheim at Xanaharpe's gate and departed the city for what used to be known as the Unsanctioned Zone.

However, after being occupied by Amaharpe and Rosentarus, it was renamed the Land of Unity to commemorate their alliance in claiming the land that had been fought over for years.

At the moment, Izroth and Niflheim were about to cross into the Land of Unity to join the main allied forces who were preparing for the upcoming raid on the Night Lord's Crypt.

"I meant to bring it up sooner, but while you were busy, we recruited a few useful people to join the division. Of course, it's not official yet since we decided to wait for your opinion before making any final decisions; however, I'd like to know your thoughts on the matter." Niflheim stated.

"I trust in both of your judgment capabilities. If you've found people you feel can be useful to our division, then may do as you wish. After all, since you two will be leading the squadrons under my division, you should choose those you deem suitable." Izroth replied calmly.

He then continued, "That being said, I am curious about the people who've managed to catch the eyes of my Lieutenants."

"They definitely have some potential. Just do me a favor and try not to compare them too much to the company you usually keep." Niflheim said half-jokingly.

"I'll keep your words in mind," Izroth said with a carefree smile.

"Ah, we're here," Niflheim commented as the two finally arrived at the border of the Land of Unity.

As he went through the checkpoint with Niflheim, Izroth surveyed his surroundings.

'They sure didn't waste any time. It hasn't been that long since I was last here, but it's already changed this much.'

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