Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 899

Chapter 899: Meeting Adjourned!


A few moments later...

After Izroth suggested his plan, a good portion of the meeting became going over the exact details with a fine comb.

In the end, they could not afford to make any careless mistakes with what was at stake.

As for Palmer, after Izroth used Soul Pressure, he turned incredibly docile. He made a few comments regarding the role of the Resource Management Division; however, he no longer spoke with excessive aggression.

That being said, the look in Palmer's eyes had turned cold after his exchange with Izroth.

Once everything was decided, and the more minor details were taken care of, the representative meeting reached its conclusion.

"The representative meeting is officially adjourned. I look forward to everyone's cooperation." Solomon said as he stood to his feet.

He then continued, "The path that lies ahead of us will not be easily walked upon. However, as long as everyone fulfills their assigned roles, victory shall remain within our sights."

After Solomon spoke and dismissed everyone, Palmer was the other members of the Resource Management Division were the first to take their leave from the command tent.

The War Intelligence Group was not too far behind them as Veiled, and the other members vanished without a trace.

"Captain Izroth, a word," A voice sounded from behind Izroth as he stood from his seat.

'Hm? It's her.'

The one who called out to Izroth was the Rosentarus representative, Duchess. She was accompanied by Baut and U'Talow, who walked at her back.

Izroth had met with Duchess before during his time in the Demilitarization Belt; however, he never had a direct conversation with her, let alone one that she initiated.

'Ten Beast Guardian... I heard their status in the kingdom of Rosentarus is quite high.'

From what Izroth knew about them, the Ten Beast Guardians were a group of individuals made up of some of the strongest warriors from the zensana race. They also possessed an extraordinary level of combat prowess that was not seen among the typical members of their sub-species.

Duchess' case was even more unique given that she was from the rabbit sub-species—a group considered meek and submissive by nature.

Nevertheless, Izroth did not have a bad impression of Duchess. Not to mention, he was interested in what she had to say.

"Is there something I can help the Ten Beast Guardian with?" Izroth responded calmly.

"After all of this is over and done, why don't you leave the General Support Unit and come work under me? From what I've heard about your war branch, it is a waste of your talent to remain there. And, who knows? If everything goes well with this plan, I may even be able to propose that you undergo the Beast Spirit Ritual." Duchess stated.

If any other player received such an offer, they would have jumped at the opportunity without hesitation. It was not an offer made by some run-of-the-mill Captain or Commander, but a Ten Beast Guardian!

As long as one served under them and made a solid connection, they would become virtually untouchable in the kingdom of Rosentarus and treated with respect wherever they went. And, even if they left the safety of the kingdom, their enemies would have to think twice before making a move against them.

There was also the matter of the Beast Spirit Ritual. Although Izroth only read bits and pieces about it from old folk tales from some books in the Amaharpe Palace Library, there was one consistent point. Those who experienced the Beast Spirit Ritual would have their physical capabilities improved exponentially.

Izroth figured that it was either a skill or something similar to his Might stat. Either way, the advantages were definitely long-term.

Under normal circumstances, only someone from Rosentarus could undergo the Beast Spirit Ritual. But, there were expectations that could be made, especially if one was personally recommended by one of the Ten Beast Guardians. Though receiving this recommendation was more difficult than climbing a mountain with one's hands tied.

"I appreciate your offer, but I am afraid I will have to decline. It is just as you say, the current General Support Unit is a waste of my talent. However, I plan to turn it into a war branch worthy of my talent—one that no one else will dare to look down upon. Since I have resolved myself to achieve this, I cannot alter the path I've set. Otherwise, I am but a man of empty words." Izroth responded without hesitation.

Izroth was flattered by the genuine offer that Duchess made him; however, there were simply too many things he had to do. From the Lustrum Imperial Bout to the Trial of Dragons and preventing the future shown to him by the All-Seeing Goddess, Helilatiaa—Izroth had no room to rest.

Of course, the most important fact was that Izroth simply did not wish to serve under someone else. He wanted to create his own path within the General Support Unit.

A look of disappointment formed on Duchess' face. She closed her eyes and released a small sigh of regret as she shook her head.

She then opened her eyes and said, "A shame. While it is regretful, I respect your decision and resolution, Captain. I look forward to seeing what you achieve in the future. That being said, it would be an even greater shame if our conversation ended just like this."

Duchess held the palm of her hand out and squeezed it tightly into a fist. The next moment, she opened her hand and revealed a small carving of a rabbit.

"Take this as a token of our first official meeting. In the future, as long as you show this token to anyone from my tribe, you will be treated as an honored guest. Those from my tribe are very timid by nature, so I will apologize in advance for any misunderstandings." Duchess stated as she gave the rabbit carving to Izroth.

"How can I turn down such a generous gift? I will thank you in advance for the hospitality." Izroth replied as he accepted the carving and placed it into his inventory.

Duchess gave a small nod and said, "Then, we will be taking our leave. Take care of yourself, Captain Izroth."

After Duchess bid her farewell, she made her way toward the command tent's exit. As Baut and U'Talow followed after her, both gave a small nod as they passed Izroth on their way out.

"I see you still enjoy finding trouble for yourself, Captain." A familiar voice sounded as a set of footsteps approached Izroth.

"You're mistaken. It is not that I find trouble; it is that trouble seems to always seek me out, Commander." Izroth stated with a carefree smile.

The person who walked up to Izroth this time was Commander Aurie. And, she was not alone.

"I have heard a lot about you from Commander Aurie and General Solomon. But, it appears their assessment of you was an understatement. Ah, pardon my rudeness. I have not yet properly introduced myself. I am the War Brigade 1st Unit Commander of the 1st Legion, Ezra. It is a pleasure to finally meet you, Captain Izroth." Ezra said in a calm and soothing voice as he cupped his fists.

"A pleasure, Commander," Izroth replied as he returned the greeting.

"The plan you came up with was impressive. It was not that far from what I was going to suggest. Though I must admit, the way you arranged to deal with the Pzenium warriors is a stroke of brilliance. Even I could not have thought of using such an approach." Ezra stated.

"Your words are too polite. Since you were able to think along a similar line, I am certain that you would have come up with another solution, Commander." Izroth commented.

"That may be true, but the end results would have been left to a particular level of uncertainty," Ezra noted graciously.

He then continued, "Forgive the abrupt departure. There are still preparations to be made. Commander, Captain."

After a brief exchange of farewells, Ezra took his leave from the command tent. This left only Izroth, Aurie, and Solomon.

"Be careful, Captain. As the one leading the representative meeting in place of the High General, I was forced to be impartial. However, now that the meeting has officially ended, I am speaking on my own terms. After the stunt you pulled here today, you will undoubtedly be placed on the Resource Management Division's radar. And, given their fragile ego, they will not let you off easily. It is likely that they will try to make an example out of you." Solomon stated.

"Is there anything that can be done to prevent them from retaliating?" Aurie inquired with a frown.

"Unfortunately, as long as they do things by the book, there is nothing that can be done. And, if there's anything those from the Resource Management Division are good at, it's knowing how to use rules and regulations to their advantage. Of course, should they decide to overstep, naturally, I shall intervene. But, until then, Captain Izroth will have to lay in the bed he's made. Though I'm sure, he has no problem doing so." Solomon explained calmly.

"Thank you for your concern, Commander—General. But I'll be fine. I have no qualms with the Resource Management Division; however, if they want to create trouble... Even if they start it, I will be the one who finishes it—that, I can guarantee." Izroth assured.

After Izroth gave some assurance, the three went on to discuss a few topics over the next couple of minutes.

Aurie was the first of the three to leave. Then, just as Izroth was prepared to also depart from the command tent, Solomon called out, "A moment, Captain."

Izroth halted his steps and turned to face Solomon.

"There is something I need you to do. However, what I am about to ask of you must be kept strictly between us." Solomon said in a serious tone.


Several moments later...

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