Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 939 Differing Mindsets

At first, the reason for this was unclear. However, after discovering the relationship between Tempest and the Shadahi, it did not take long for Izroth to connect the dots.

Without a doubt, the Emperor and the royal family were using the power of the Shadahi to increase their strength and influence in Tempest.

If that were truly the case, then there was no way the Council and the entire Senate would be on board as they watched the balance of power shift before their eyes.

'Tempest may look united from an outside perspective; however, there has to be a great deal of internal strife going on behind the scenes. If it's like that, our enemy may not be Tempest itself but the Emperor and royal family.'

"You dare to let your mind wander before me?" Aloysius growled.

In a flash, Izroth found himself faced with Aloysius' battle axe!

〈Battle Alert: The effect «Strength of the Ancient Colossus» has ended!〉

Just as Izroth brought his Sword of the Storm to meet Aloysius' battle axe, the effects of his Strength of the Ancient Colossus reached its end, reducing his Might back to its previous value.


Izroth successfully parried Aloysius' blow; however, the difference in strength was made abundantly clear as he was sent sliding back several meters after their weapons met!

Izroth glanced down at his hands and noticed they were slightly trembling after clashing with Aloysius head-on. Though it did not take long for him to steady himself and the shaking to cease.

'The strength behind his blows has increased again.'

Even if his Strength of the Ancient Colossus had not ended, Izroth still believed that Aloysius would have held a slight advantage in terms of physical strength.

Without the Strength of the Ancient Colossus, Izroth knew that he would have to change his approach, especially considering Aloysius' strength was not the only thing that improved.

The Centurion's speed also saw a significant rise, and the battle intent contained within his battle axe could cause one to be swept away if they were not careful.


Without wasting a moment, Aloysius did not wait for Izroth to come to halt before following up with his next strike.


Aloysius swung the battle axe in his hand as the weapon released a terrifying roar that rang throughout the surroundings. This was accompanied by a black and crimson aura that exploded forth, completely leveling the area in front of the Centurion.

BOOM! Rmmmble!

The ground shook as Aloysius' attack generated several tremors and caused a large cloud of dust to kick up as the black and crimson aura faded.

A few moments later, the cloud of dust settled and revealed the entire forested area thirty meters out from Aloysius had been razed to the ground. In addition, Izroth, who was at the head of the attack, was nowhere to be seen.

When the players from the 9th Division felt and witnessed Aloysius' power, it sent a wave of cold sweat down their backs.

Even though they were not facing him directly, the members of the 9th Division could feel the threatening aura leaking from the Centurion that made them want to instinctually retreat.

"Hey... Is the Captain alright after something like that?" Bladed Conscious asked with furrowed brows.

"I know our Captain's pretty strong, but this is a Centurion we're talking about. Maybe some of us should help him out." Heartless Jade commented.

"I agree. We can't let the Captain fall here." Bladed Conscious chimed in.

"That's not possible. If it was a few moments ago, it may have been an option; however... If even one of us leaves right now, it won't take us long to fall apart." Love Mist stated seriously.

"So, what? We're just supposed to let the Captain suffer alone? How can you be so cold?!" Bladed Conscious scowled.

Although he had not been a part of the 9th Division for long, Bladed Conscious fully accepted his place as one of its people.

Bladed Conscious was incredibly grateful after receiving Izroth's kindness. For someone like him who could not afford to casually buy something like a grade-three pill, the rewards Izroth provided just for simply joining the 9th Division were like hitting the jackpot.

Bladed Conscious was a person who believed in loyalty and returning a favor gained several times in kind. Therefore, when Love Mist seemed to coldly dismiss assisting Izroth, naturally, Bladed Conscious was upset.

Love Mist released a small sigh as she inwardly shook her head at Bladed Conscious' reaction.

"Think logically for a second. If the Captain really needed help, who do you think would be the first person to rush to his side?" Love Mist remarked.

When Love Mist said those words, the other five members of the 9th Division found their gaze all drifting toward the same person.

Despite the commotion caused by Izroth and Aloysius' clash, that person stood calmly by the carriage without the slightest hint of concern on his face. Of course, this person was Niflheim.

Seeing Niflheim's calm demeanor, the others immediately understood Love Mist's point of view.

Indeed, if Izroth were in any real danger, then wouldn't Lieutenant Niflheim be the first person to rush to his side? Or, at the very least, wouldn't he show some kind of panic or concern?

Yet, neither of those things came to pass. So, if Niflheim was not worried about it, then what reason did they have to stress over it?

"We need to place our trust in the Captain and Assault Group A. Right now, our mission is to ensure that we do not allow her to interfere by whatever means necessary. We must not grow reckless and be the reason why the 9th Division fails this war objective! We will complete the task given to us!" Love Mist stated as her gaze locked onto Ranazera.

Unlike Bladed Conscious, Love Mist did not believe that she owed Izroth or the 9th Division anything except a reasonable effort on her behalf. After all, it was through her own efforts that she passed the test to join the 9th Division and rightfully earned the rewards that came along with it.

However, there was a specific reason why Menerva chose Love Mist to join her squadron. It was not due to her sense of loyalty or combat prowess but rather Love Mist's ability to calmly assess a situation and make a quick and solid judgment call accordingly.

Loyalty was something that could be slowly earned, and one's combat prowess in RML remained one of the simplest things to improve, as it merely required time and effort.

But, the ability to make accurate judgment calls in high stake situations was not typically something one could learn without years of experience. It was clear to Menerva that Love Mist was gifted in this area. Because of this, Menerva also knew that Love Mist would be smart enough to realize the benefits that came along with being a member of the 9th Division.

That's why, in a way, this kind of mindset made it so that out of everyone present, it was perhaps Love Mist that held the strongest desire to ensure their success!

Not even half a breath after Love Mist spoke, a flickering silhouette could be seen emerging right beside Aloysius.


"?!" Aloysius narrowed his eyes as he just barely managed to block the incoming sword strike with his battle axe.

"Oh? Even your reaction time has improved. Then, shall I take it one step further?" Izroth's voice sounded as currents of purple electricity could be seen flowing through his eyes.

Simultaneously, his body became encompassed in a flowing mantle of purple lightning.

'Call of the Thunder God Second State: Heavenly Cloak... Full Mantle.'

In the blink of an eye, Izroth's entire body was covered with the flowing lightning mantle as the lightning element around him surged.

The moment the mantle of lightning appeared around Izroth, Aloysius immediately went on high alert as he felt a sense of danger coming from his opponent.

All of a sudden, Izroth's body twisted and bend as the space around him became distorted, and his silhouette constantly flickered in and out of existence. Then, without warning, Aloysius found himself upside down, soaring through the air as his body crashed through multiple trees.

...Crrrrckle! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Izroth had already attacked Aloysius several times, and when the sound finally managed to catch up, a series of thunderous explosions sounded throughout the entire battlefield!

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