Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 949 Cover Blown At The Gate?

'It's already expanded that far?'

Izroth did not know about the origins of the Cursed Grounds; however, he was aware of the fact that it was constantly expanding from an unknown point of origin located within Malentansium.

But, according to the texts he'd read, its rate of expansion was abysmally slow. It should have been impossible for it to reach the foot of the Endless Mountain Range within just a single decade. Even if it had ten times as long to expand, it still should not have come anywhere close to it.

'Did something change within the last ten years that significantly increased its rate of expansion?'

Of course, there was also the possibility that everything Ranazera said was a well-crafted lie, and she wanted nothing more than to travel through the Endless Mountain Range for some reason.

Though Izroth found this to be unlikely as his instinct and experience were telling him that Ranazera's words were not false.

'If the Cursed Grounds has expanded that far out, it's true that we would have no other choice but to take a detour through the Endless Mountain Range.'

Izroth did not know much about the curses inflicted upon those who set foot into the Cursed Grounds; however, those who returned from that place alive were few and far in between.

Perhaps his Might stat could help fend off most of the negative effects brought about by the curses there. But, even if he had the ability to cross that place alone, there was no way he would be able to take Ranazera through without the risk of harming her or worse.

"Next! Keep it moving! Have your identity plate ready before you reach the front of the line! If you slow down the process, you'll be sent to the back of the line to await your turn again!" One of the guards at the gate checkpoint shouted.

Izroth removed the Tempest identity plate from his inventory to have it ready in hand, as they were now only a handful of people in front of them.

"Whether or not we cross the Endless Mountain Range—I will decide once I see the situation myself. While I won't go as far as making any promises, I will take what you've told me into account. If it can be avoided without paying too high a price, I will consider it." Izroth said calmly.

"Very well. As long as you are willing to take it under consideration, I cannot hope to ask for anything more." Ranazera replied graciously.

Ranazera inwardly sighed. She understood that making such an absurd request of her captor was highly unorthodox. It was already a miracle that he did not immediately dismiss her; therefore, she did not continue to push the matter.

Nonetheless, even though Izroth did not make any promises, his objective stance caused Ranazera to view him in a slightly different light.

"I am still not convinced that he can be trusted, but... He does not seem to harbor any ill intentions. Second brother—what was it that you saw in this man before your death?" Ranazera thought to herself with furrowed brows as a hint of melancholy flashed through her eyes.

"Next!" The guard at the gate called out as the previous group he'd just inspected made their way through the Gates of Aegis.

Izroth and Ranazera were up next. The two made their way forward, with Izroth leading the way.

As for the sixth princess, she made sure to wear the Moonlit Concealing Mantle in such a way that hid her hair and the birthmark on her forehead. After all, Ranazera's azure hair and typhoon birthmark were unmistakable signs of her identity as a member of the Tempest royal family.

As Izroth approached the checkpoint and held out the Tempest identity plate he confiscated, he discreetly examined the guards at the gate.

'I felt it a while back, but these guys really aren't your ordinary gate guards.'

NPC Name: Order of the Eternal Aegis, Calyx(Rare Elite)

NPC Level: ???

NPC Name: Order of the Eternal Aegis, Jubal(Epic)

NPC Level: ???

NPC Name: Order of the Eternal Aegis, Vincent(Epic)

NPC Level: ???

Each of the gate guards gave off a ferocious aura that was not in any way inferior to Centurion Aloysius. There was even one guard in particular who appeared to be leagues ahead of someone like Aloysius.

'Order of the Eternal Aegis... I've heard that it was formed for the specific purpose of guarding the Gates of Aegis since the first day of its creation. In terms of prestige, it holds one of the highest among the Tempest Orders.'

Izroth handed the identity plate to the guard named Jubal. He had been the one shouting for everyone to have their identity plates ready before they reached the front of the line.

Jubal carefully examined the identity plate before setting his gaze on Izroth.

Jubal narrowed his eyes as his gaze met with Izroth's. In response, Izroth immediately averted his own gaze toward the ground.

When Jubal witnessed this, a light smirk formed on his face as he said, "Alright, you're all set. You're up next."

Jubal handed the identity plate back to Izroth as he turned his attention to Ranazera.

Izroth reclaimed the identity and waited patiently as Jubal checked the identity plate he gave to Ranazera.

'They are even more cautious than I presumed.'

The reason Izroth swiftly averted his gaze was that he could feel Jubal's suspicion slowly building.

A normal person would not be able to meet the gaze of someone as battle-hardened as Jubal without showing some form of fear or uneasiness. This was even more so considering the constant battle intent being released by those who guarded the gate.

Therefore, Izroth made a quick decision to turn his gaze to the ground to alleviate any concerns or suspicions toward him. Fortunately, due to his timely reaction, it was enough to fool Jubal into believing that he was merely seeing things.

"You're all set! Next!" Jubal called out.

Ranazera successfully made it through the checkpoint, and she walked with Izroth toward the entrance through the Gates of Aegis.

Despite hiding her face and appearance, Jubal did not bat an eye, as it was not unusual for those who wanted to venture into the Endless Mountain Range to take some extra precautions. After all, most of those who passed through the Gates of Aegis were merchants looking to make some connections with the mountain tribes in hopes of opening a path to trade. Of course, it was not easy to gain the trust and favor of the mountain tribes; therefore, only a select few merchants had ever been successful.

The Gates of Aegis were protected by several layers of magic barriers and a complex expert-level magic formation. However, what was extremely well hidden from a distance was another layer of defense that one could not perceive until they were right at the gate itself.

'This is... A pinnacle-level magic formation?'

This was Izroth's first time seeing a pinnacle-level magic formation in RML; however, he was certain that this thing was infinitely more powerful than the advanced-level magic formation that protected the carriage.

'If someone tried to force their way into this place without any foreknowledge, they wouldn't know how they died. Tempest really went all out to create this place.'

When Izroth and Ranazera approached the first magic barrier, a small opening formed that was just large enough for the two of them to travel through.

Just as the two were about to step through the magic barrier, a voice sounded from the side, "Oh, what this? Princess—is that you?"

Ranazera was startled when she heard one of the gate guards suddenly call out her title as he approached her, causing her heart to sink.

"My apologies, but I fear you are mistaking me for someone else," Ranazera responded as she was quick to think on her feet.

Her gaze slowly drifted over to Izroth, who maintained a calm and relaxed expression. However, there was an underlying coldness that reminded the sixth princess of what would happen if their cover was blown.

"Hm... No, the aura is a bit weaker, so I wasn't certain at first, but being this close, now I'm absolutely positive. You are the Sixth Princess, Ranazera. I don't know if her highness remembers me, but I attended your 20th year of life celebration. To think we would meet once again at the Gates of Aegis of all places. My, what a fortunate coincidence, wouldn't you say?" The gate guard stated with a wide smile that gave one an unsavory feeling.

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