Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 978 Wisp Of An Instinct

The allied forces consisting of Amaharpe, Proximus, and Rosentarus, had been marching nonstop through the territory of Malentansium.

Thanks to the diligent and skilled mages entrusted with maintaining the large-scale AOE stealth magic, as well as the efforts of the War Intelligence Group, the allied forces were able to penetrate deep into Malentansium without being detected.

"2nd Unit, halt! We will set up camp here!" Aurie's voice was carried throughout the section of her troops through the use of a communication talisman.

When Aurie gave this order, a little more than 1,000 thousand slowed their march before quickly coming to a standstill.

Since they were located at the rear of the allied forces, their abrupt stop did not interfere with the progress of other units.

"Eh? Why did we stop all of a sudden?" One of the soldiers commented.

"Did I just hear right? Is the Commander telling us to set up camp here?"

"We're right in the middle of Malentansium territory, setting up camp here away from the main group... The Commander definitely has a good reason for doing so."

Although the troops of the 2nd Unit followed Aurie's orders without question, there was a look of confusion and bewilderment on their faces.

Even the Captains of the 2nd Unit, even though they hid it well from their Divisions, were surprised by the order to set up camp at this location.

Though the 2nd Unit members were not the only people at a loss.

Those of Izroth's 9th Division were traveling together with the 2nd Unit, so they also received the message to halt from Aurie. Though they were just as lost as the members of the 2nd Unit.

"Ha? Why are we stopping here? Won't we miss all the action?" Champion groaned.

"Heh, maybe we're about to go on some super secret mission. Isn't it a bit exciting to think about?" Astral Knight commented.

"Secret mission? You've been watching too many of those old spy film marathons. We're probably just taking a break or something." Clouded Sky stated.

As the players from the 9th Division casually spoke among themselves, Niflheim and Menerva looked at each other with meaningful gazes.

The moment Aurie gave the order to stop, the two immediately knew that something more was going on behind the scenes.

"Did our Captain happen to mention anything to you?" Niflheim inquired.

"I was preparing to make the same inquiry," Menerva replied calmly.

"I see. So that guy just went and left us in the dark, huh? That's not like him."

"I concur. Therefore, we must assume one of two paths of thinking. Either our Captain is also unaware, or..."

"There's a good reason why he had to keep it a secret," Niflheim said as he finished Menerva's trail of thought.

He then continued, "Whichever way it goes, we should try to find out what's going on. Let's go meet with the Commander and get to the bottom of things."

Niflheim called out, "Love Mist--we'll be leaving the 9th Division in your hands for a bit."

"W-what..?! So suddenly? But I'm not-" Love Mist responded frantically; however, her words were cut short by Niflheim.

"You'll be fine. All you have to do is keep these guys out of trouble. If anyone gives you any problems, they'll have to answer to us when we return. Until then, try to keep the division in one piece." Niflheim said the latter part half-jokingly.

Though to Love Mist, who just had a huge responsibility, dropped into her lap, instead of the light humor helping her relax, it only seemed to make her increasingly more tense.

What if something troubling arose out of nowhere? Would the members of the 9th Division even listen to her? What if something did happen, and she ended up giving the wrong orders that led to people being lost? These were all questions that flowed through Love Mist's mind as her nervousness was beginning to become more and more apparent.

That's when Love Mist felt a light hand touch her right shoulder.

At first, Love Mist was shocked as she snapped out of her spiraling thoughts. But she was even more stunned to see the person in front of her.

"You should have faith in yourself, Love Mist," Menerva said firmly as her resolute gaze met with Love Mist's.

"Oh?" Niflheim's muttered to himself as his brows rose in pleasant surprise.

Although the 9th Division had not been together long, they already had a decent grasp on the personality and temperament of those around them.

For example, the 9th Division viewed Niflheim as someone reliable and steady. He gave them a feeling of reassurance whenever he was around and would always tell them to keep their heads up if doubts started to surface.

Menerva, on the other hand, was seen as cold and calculative. The coldness she gave off was not one of heartlessness, but rather it was as if an invisible barrier was around her at all times that kept people at arm's length. While this made her somewhat difficult to approach compared to someone like Niflheim, the members of the 9th Division still respected Menerva.

She would not merely point out their mistakes and then scold them. Instead, whenever she pointed out a mistake, Menerva always gave a flawless solution on how to correct it. She also understood the limitation of each member of the 9th Division and never pushed them further than what she knew they were capable of handling.

That's why that same cold and calculative Menerva to step up to Love Mist and encourage her to have faith in herself was the last thing anyone expected from the 9th Division.

In the end, those of the 9th Division came to understand why their Captain chose Niflheim and Menerva as his Lieutenants.

"You possess remarkable attention to detail and always maintain a high level of awareness when it comes to your surroundings. Additionally, you have a good head on your shoulders. That is why Lieutenant Niflheim and I have decided to place our trust in you, not on a whim, but after meticulous consideration. Do not underestimate yourself." Menerva stated confidently.

Love Mist's eyes widened in shock. Then, a few seconds later, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Not long after, her anxious nerves seemed to fade as she opened her eyes with a look of newfound clarity.

At that moment, for some reason, Love Mist was unbelievably calm.

"I understand. Leave the 9th Division to me." Love Mist said clearly.

Menerva gave a small nod in return as she removed her hand from Love Mist's shoulder and began to make her way toward Aurie's location.

Niflheim followed alongside Menerva.

Once the two were far enough away, a light smile formed on Niflheim's face.

"Where did that come from?" Niflheim questioned.

"I, myself, am not certain. All I know is that when I witnessed her panicked state, I was vaguely reminded of my old self. Back then, if I only had one person who told me to have faith in myself, then perhaps life would have paved forth a different road for me to tread upon." Menerva replied.

"Ah, I see. So, you're saying you did it because it just felt like the right thing to do back there in the moment, right?"

"I suppose I am."

"Then, you chose to go with your instinct."

"I chose..." A certain look flashed through Menerva's eyes as if something had just dawned on her.

Seeing that expression, Niflheim could not help but inwardly grin.

"Our Captain sure missed something interesting just now. What a shame." Niflheim thought to himself.

"A bit strange, I know. But, you'll get used to it." Niflheim noted.

"A strange feeling, indeed." Menerva released a light sigh.


A few moments later...

Niflheim and Menerva arrived at the makeshift command center where Aurie was located.

At the moment, the command center was guarded by several soldiers. However, upon seeing the two approach the tent, as if they were expecting their arrival, the soldiers stepped aside and let them enter the command center without obstructing their path.

"Lieutenant Niflheim, Lieutenant Menerva, I'm glad you could join us. I was about to send word for you to report to the command tent, but you've arrived just in time." Aurie stated.

"Commander, this is..." Niflheim said as his gaze swept over the room.

In the command tent, gathered around a table at its center, was every one of Aurie's Captains from the 2nd Unit.

For everyone to be gathered here like this, Niflheim and Menerva knew that they must be planning to make a huge move soon.

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