Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 988 Ignored Provocation

"There is not much that I know about those from the Pzenium kingdom. But, from what I do know, are they not just a group of battle freaks who like to fight? Maybe this is just their way of having fun. In their eyes, we're nothing more than sitting ducks waiting to be devoured." Bellum stated.

"Perhaps," Niflheim muttered as he sighed lightly.

"Overthinking things isn't like me. Speaking of which, I'm surprised she hasn't spoken up yet. She's been really quiet ever since we left the command tent. Is something weighing on her mind?" Niflheim thought to himself as he glanced over to his side.

A few meters in that direction stood Menerva with a distant gaze.

Niflheim did not know what was on her mind; however, she seemed to be looking far ahead to a place no one else could see.

Niflheim returned his gaze forward as he looked at Menkar before his eyes ultimately landed on Ward.

In the end, whether or not they accepted Menkar's challenge fell on the shoulders of the 2nd Division Captain.

"Do you think they'll accept the challenge?" Bellum asked curiously.

"There's no way that's possible." Niflheim sighed as he shook his head.

Based on Ward's personality to avoid a direct fight at all costs, Niflheim found it incredibly unlikely that the Captain would accept such a battle—even if it were technically in their favor from an objective standpoint.

Not to mention, even if they accepted Menkar's challenge and emerged victorious, it would only mean that they won the battle itself. There was still nothing stopping them from continuing onward toward the Night Lord's Crypt.

Seeing as how their main objective was to ensure that such a thing did not happen, at best, accepting the Battle of Rites would only slightly slow down the inevitable.

"Captain Ward, what are your orders?" River asked as he kept a cautious gaze locked onto Menkar.

"Tell everyone to prepare for an Omega Class retreat on my signal. I can't fight that guy. Look at him; he's huge. That axe is huge. I'll definitely be cut in half in a split second..! What nonsense about a Battle of Rites? He obviously just wants my life...!" Ward said as he nervously bit his lip.

"I figured you'd say something like that. I've already made the preparations. You just need to give the signal." River replied with a helpless expression.

The moment they were surrounded, River had already started to set in motion the Omega Class retreat as a precaution. After all, among all those in the 2nd Division under Captain Ward, it was Lieutenant River who knew him best.

As for accepting Menkar's challenge, River obviously knew what choice his Captain would make.

"Double check...! Triple check...! Quadruple check...! We can't afford any mistakes—not a single one...!" Ward stated quickly.

"Yes, yes. I'll do that at once, Captain." River said as he started to walk back toward the core area of the main group.

As Ward and River spoke, Menkar seemed to be growing increasingly impatient with every passing moment. He had given them an ample amount of time to reply to his challenge and even personally stepped out before them.

Seeing Ward and River casually chat away in his presence annoyed the great warrior as an immense wave of killing intent erupted from Menkar.

"Do you not hear the call to my challenge?! Will you remain cowards until the end and meet with a dishonorable death on this battlefield?!" Menkar shouted.

"I can't listen to this anymore! Lieutenant, that guy is too arrogant! I bet he's all bark and no bite! Let me knock him down a few pegs!" Champion, who was a few meters behind Niflheim, said as he grit his teeth and stepped forward.

Upon witnessing Champion's actions, Niflheim inwardly shook his head.

"Although he's calmed down a bit, he's still too impatient. Though honestly speaking, it's hard to blame him." Niflheim thought to himself.

Menkar's actions were too arrogant. It was clear that the great warrior did not put them in his sights. Even someone like Niflheim could not help but be annoyed by his constant barking.

"Don't be reckless and fall for his provocations. We're staying put until it's time to move." Niflheim stated calmly.

"But, Lieutenant-!" Champion wanted to object; however, he was swiftly cut off by Niflheim.

"Since Commander Aurie allowed us to join the main group, even though we're not a part of the 2nd Unit, we shouldn't act in a way that will drag them down. If we make the wrong move because of our personal desires and fail, would you like to be the one to explain that failure to our Captain?"

"That..." Champion was unable to find the words to retort.

In the end, he knew that Niflheim only doing what was best for the 9th Division and the main group.

"Still... Do we really have no choice but to sit here and wait to be slaughtered?" Champion asked with a frustrated expression.

"I won't allow that to happen. If it comes to that point, even if I have to force a path open myself, I will make sure you guys have a way out." Niflheim replied without hesitation.

After hearing Niflheim's response, Champion felt embarrassed by his actions.

"It's not like I'm asking you to sacrifice yourself for us or anything; I was just a little frustrated with that bastard, is all... Well, I mean, sorry, I guess..." Champion said in a somewhat clumsy manner.

"Well, it's not like I don't understand how you feel," Niflheim said with a sigh.

He then grinned and continued, "If an opportunity does come to give that guy a good hit, I wouldn't mind doing so at all."

"I knew you'd understand me, Lieutenant! Right? That guy definitely needs a good hit!" Champion stated as he immediately regained his vigor and excitedly clenched his fist.

Meanwhile, after hearing no response and seeing no reaction to his challenge, the killing intent coming from Menkar reached its peak as veins could be seen protruding from his face.

Menkar had come across many who begged him to spare their lives. He even met those who wished to follow him after witnessing his strength. However, never had the great warrior of the Sandstorm Walkers experienced such a high level of cowardice from his enemies!

"Gakhan, that man—just what does he hope to accomplish by having us put up such a farce?" Menkar thought to himself as he grit his teeth.

Suggesting a Battle of Rites was not the great warrior's idea. Instead, it came from the true leader of the Pzenium forces present, Gakhan.

When Gakhan spoke of wiping the enemies out in one go, Menkar gladly moved to set things in place so that his orders could be carried out smoothly. However, now that they had them cornered, Gakhan instructed him to request a Battle of Rites. This is what Menkar failed to comprehend.

With their massive advantage in numbers, Menkar believed it was best to crush them with an overwhelming show of might. In his eyes, these weaklings who only knew how to strike and run were not worthy to undergo the Battle of Rites!

Though, in truth, a part of Menkar was grateful for their arrogance. Since they showed no signs of accepting the Battle of Rites, even Gakhan could not blame him for taking matters into his own hands.


Menkar lifted his two-handed battle axe and raised it into the air as he twisted his waist and adjusted his stance.

As the great warrior performed this action, a dense wave of mana coated the blades of the axe and seemed to be growing with every passing moment.

When Ward saw that Menkar's patience had finally run out, he hurriedly shouted, "Do it now! Now!"

After Ward gave the order, the main group started to move and shift their formation around.

Swoosh! BANG! Rmmmmmble!

Menkar slammed his battle into the earth before him, causing an intense series of tremors to erupt from the point of impact.

Simultaneously, the earth split open as a strong wave of mana rushed out and aimed directly for Ward!

"Everyone, prepare yourselves! You know our task! Be sure not to overextend!" Niflheim warned those of the 9th Division as he raised his shield and prepared for combat.

He then looked over at Champion and said, "Looks like you just might get that wish of yours, after all."

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