Realm of Myths and Legends

Chapter 990 A Brief Lesson, Halted Momentum!

"Oftentimes, we already have the correct answers to a question. But, even if we have those answers, at times, we may look for another road to tread that leads down the same path. This is even more so for those who are already used to a certain way of thinking and viewing the world around them." Izroth stated.

He then continued, "The path you will have to take to correct the course your Tempest kingdom is on will be filled with those who share your thoughts but harbor a different outlook on what defines it. You must learn to have faith in yourself and the choices you will inevitably have to make. I hope you remember this well."

Izroth's words caused the sixth princess to go silent as she entered into a state of deep thought.

When Izroth saw Ranazera taking what he said seriously, he inwardly nodded in approval.

Izroth decided to use this chance to teach Ranazera an important lesson that should serve her well in navigating through those she could and could not trust upon her return to Tempest.

'This plan has its share of risks. There's no guarantee that she will be able to change anything, and Tempest is doomed to walk toward its own destruction. But, even then, this is the best way I can think of that will have the greatest long-term effects. If Temepst cannot be separated from the shadahi, then the Mortal Realm will lose a kingdom of great strength. With the future the all-seeing goddess showed me, that cannot be allowed to happen.'

According to what he witnessed, the shadahi clearly succeeded in conquering the Mortal Realm and toppling the kingdoms, Tempest included.

If there was a way to cut off Tempest from aiding the shadahi from the inside or even slow down their overall plans, Izroth felt that he had to give it a shot. And, right now, Ranazera was his best chance at doing that.

'I'll prepare her as much as possible. As for how much she's able to understand and implement--it will be up to her.'



Seeing Menkar bravely charge at their enemies, the Pzenium warriors who encircled the main group decided to fall his lead as their fighting spirit soared.

"Follow the great warrior! Annihilate our enemies!" One of the Pzenium warriors cried out as he charged ahead.

"Follow the great warrior!"

"Crush them and gain your honor on the battlefield!"

"We are Pzenium warriors! We know not of defeat!"

"We know not of defeat!"

Not long after Menkar personally took action, wave after wave of Pzenium warriors ran like mad beasts as everyone tried to be among the first to claim the heads of their foes.

Due to this, with every moment that passed, the encirclement around the main group began to collapse onto them from every direction.

"Protect the Captain! Don't let that man through!" One of the 2nd Unit soldiers yelled as Menkar approached their position.

This soldier had a bulky appearance and wore a set of heavy armor. It was a middle-aged man with light brown hair, hazel eyes, and a few battle scars on their face.

In the soldier's hands was a thick war door-type shield that stood almost as tall as him. This person was one of the individuals entrusted with guarding the rear of the main group upon their retreat, Lieutenant Skatal.

NPC Name: War Brigade 1st Squadron Lieutenant of the 2nd Division Skatal(Elite)

NPC Level: 52

"Make way! I have no time to deal with you pests!" Menkar growled as he swung his battle axe outward in an arc at the group of soldiers that gathered to block his path.


Skatal stood his guard and intercepted the blow with his shield.


Upon receiving the blow head-on, the veins in Skatal's arms could be seen bulging as some of them burst, and blood trickled down his arms.

"What ridiculous strength...! The captain redirected a blow like this...?!" Skatal thought to himself as he was sent flying back several meters.

Skatal was confident in his defensive abilities. Of course, he understood that he was no match for a great warrior like Menkar. But, at the very least, Skatal had hoped to slow him down long enough for his Captain and the rest of the main group to create some distance.

"Lieutenant Ward!" One of the nearby soldiers called out as he rushed over to Skatal's side, who had fallen just a few steps away from him.

"Fool, don't come over here!" Skatal shouted.

Almost instantly after those words left the Lieutenant's mouth, a towering shadow cast itself over Skatal and the soldier who rushed to his aid.

"Since you are courageous enough to receive a direct blow from me, I shall send you off with an honorable death on this battlefield at my hands!" Menkar said as the battle axe in his hands descended.

In the blink of an eye, Menkar had arrived before Skatal without halting his momentum.

Suddenly, a stream of light blue flames formed between Skatal and Menkar right as the great warrior's battle axe descended and erupted forth.

"Where did these flames come from?" Skatal thought to himself as his eyes widened in shock.

To Skatal's surprise, he was still alive. But, even more shockingly, that terrifying great warrior's attack was actually stopped by the blue flames that appeared out of nowhere!

"These flames..." Menkar was just as taken aback as Skatal by the emergence of the blue flames.

To Menkar's knowledge, there should be no one on this current battlefield capable of stopping his blow without consequence.


The next moment, the blue flames swirled before they moved off in a certain direction.

Menkar withdrew his battle axe and followed the trail of the blue flames with his eyes.

The blue flames wrapped around the arm of a particular individual as though it was a serpent made of fire.

"Lieutenant Skatal, it looks like you have your hands full. Mind if we step in to ease some of your burdens?" Niflheim stated as the blue flames returned to his side.

"It's still pretty difficult to control the way I'd like. That being said, I've gotten somewhat used to it. Still, I knew it was impressive, but to think it could completely negate the blocked damage. It was hard to tell its true strength in the face of that monster, but these flames are really something else." Niflheim thought to himself as he glanced down at the blue flames around his arm.

Despite its appearance, the blue flames were not a result of magic. The flames itself was actually a shield.

It was the same shield Niflheim received after he successfully used his Assimilate skill on the Lady of the Everlasting Rain, Tal'Nis.

While the power of the flames was certainly already impressive in Niflheim's eyes, in front of someone like Tal'Nis, it was hard to get a solid grasp on its true capabilities.

"Lieutenant Niflheim, you..." Skatal was dumbfounded by Niflheim's actions.

Skatal was prepared to throw his life away if necessary to slow Menkar down even a little bit; therefore, he was not expecting anyone to come to his aid.

"Lieutenant Niflheim, I am grateful for your assistance, but you should retreat with the others. How could I have the courage to face your Captain if anything were to happen to you?" Skatal stated as he stood to his foot.

Even if Niflheim could block one of Menkar's blows, Skatal believed that it was still too reckless for a Lieutenant to face a great warrior head-on.

Not to mention, Niflheim was not a part of the 2nd Division or even the 2nd Unit, for that matter. It did not feel right to shift responsibility to him and hand off such a heavy burden.

Meanwhile, Menkar, who decided to momentarily stay his hand out of interest, thought his ears had stopped working properly.

Lieutenant? What nonsense. How could some little Lieutenant be capable of blocking a blow from his battle axe so flawlessly?

"If you're speaking like that, I'm afraid you don't fully understand the kind of man our Captain is, Lieutenant. If we were to flee in the face of a little danger, how could we be worthy of following someone like our Captain?" Niflheim said with an air of confidence.

Niflheim was not alone. Behind him were two other members of the 9th Division, Bellum and Champion.

Bellum sighed, "I know I said I'd help you out when needed. But, aren't you a little too good at finding trouble?"

"Heh, what trouble? This guy sure had a good time talking big. I won't be satisfied until I knock that arrogant look off his face!" Champion commented with a grin.

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