Realm Wars

Chapter 140: Clyde

Chapter 140: Clyde

Ryu was taken aback when they were brought to their hut. It was the same tent as Marcus, only a little smaller with faded tapestries sewn together. Holding it to the ground were barks and stones tied with ropes.

His and Seraphina's tent was just two steps away, and when they entered her abode, it was furnished with carpet and rags with a simple lamp on the center post.

"Uh. . ." Echbert was appalled at how simple it was. He did give instructions to the others to fully furnish it with a bed and table. Seraphina was a water mage, and her status should at least be equal with Marcus! "S-sorry. I'll ask the others to put a bed and table in your room at once!"

"It's fine. " Seraphina chuckled. "I don't often sleep in bed anyways."

Echbert scratched his head. The resources to make a bed and table were woods, but the trees here were all sacred because it was their primary sources of food, so cutting just a branch that yielded fruits was a sin. But on the other hand, Seraphina was also important because she produced water.

"It's fine, Echbert. This place is perfect." Seraphina assured and patted Echbert's head.

Smokes puffed from Echbert's nose and flappy ears as his head turned all red. "T-then. .. I-I'll leave you two to rest first. Call me if you want anything. I'll just be near the gates."

When Echbert left, Seraphina produced a chair and a table made of twisting twigs. 

"That sure is handy," Ryu muttered. "Could you produce fruits too?" this was what he was dying to ask her ever since they came here. But he was afraid that the others might hear, and she was put on a tight spot.

Instead of answering, Seraphina peeled a bark from the post. "This should be a banago tree." Soft vivid green light enveloped the piece of bark, and Ryu watched in amazement when it grew leaves and produced fruits.

"I can't pop fruits like magic, but I can imbue my magic on every plant life to give them nourishment and hasten their recovery, and in turn, they'll produce fruits in a short amount of time."

Instead of being happy, Ryu was attacked with worry. If the other found out that Seraphina was the answer to all their problems, then he was afraid that she would be the target of every group.

Seraphina poked the center of Ryu's frowning brows. "Relax. That's why I didn't tell them about this. I think Marcus only thought of my plant abilities as some kind of an offensive attack. Not knowing that I could do so much more. The reason why I told them that I'm a water mage is so that they'll treat us with more importance than the rest."

She then winked and placed a finger on her mouth. "But regarding about my plant abilities, it will be our little secret."

Ryu sighed and put distance between them. "You shouldn't use it as much as possible." Too bad about the others, but they had no obligation to save them, neither was he willing to put Seraphina's life at risk.

"What about Marcus? Should we tell him?"

".. ." Ryu held Seraphina's hand when she was about to poke the frown off his face. "I think we should observe this place first before we decide to tell him."

Seraphina nodded in agreement, and Ryu turned to exit her tent.

"Where are you going?"

"To my tent."

Seraphina's eyes twinkled, and she followed Ryu to his tent, which was just right beside hers.

"It's. .. barren than I expected," Seraphina mumbled the moment they entered Ryu's tent.

Nothing was there. No rags and carpets, just patches of grass. It was simply a shell of a tent.

Seraphina's lips jousted out. "I don't know why they even bothered to put up your tent. You could just sleep with me."

"Forget it." Ryu ignored Seraphina and went out. Outside, the light was almost going out. "I'd rather sleep outside anyway."

"Eh?" Seraphina puffed her cheeks. "You just don't want to sleep with me."

Ryu faced Seraphina's cute puffing cheeks and flicked her forehead. "Stop saying misleading words. It's better that I sleep outside your tent in case something happens."

"Ehehehe." Seraphina giggled as she rubbed her forehead. Though she could protect herself, having someone to take care of her and protect her wasn't so bad. "If you insist, then I won't change your mind. But know that you can always come inside my tent when you get lonely and need hugs."

Ryu briefly closed his eyes and looked the other way when his lips curved in a smile. "I'll think about it."

Seraphina's teasing was reminding him of Ferris, and this put a smile on his face. When he was with her, his worries and problems lessened. It was truly nice having her around. Not to mention that she was knowledgeable and strong and very handy in times like this. She was the perfect companion. 

Ryu's face then turned serious. However, he didn't completely trust her yet since he felt that she was hiding something.

While Ryu and Seraphina were engaged in their conversation, a man from the Right Oasis observed them from thousands of meters away. He was Clyde Ludwig, ex-fianc of Jane. 

Clyde was spying from the tower post using a special item that let him see within certain kilometers. Seraphina's beauty caught Clyde's attention, but he was more interested in her ability. 

He then asked someone to gather information about the newcomers in the Left Oasis before he climbed down the stairs of the post and proceeded to look around his camp.

There were more humans than any other race in here, and that was a problem for Clyde. Though they were high-rank mercenaries, and it seemed like they were a powerful group, but in truth, their supply of water and food was already depleted. If not for the two water mages in their group, they'd be in trouble. 

As for the food, they came by with beast's meet outside the protective barrier but lately, that too was getting scarce.

There were also a couple of elves and demons though only a few. Most went in the North Oasis. Clyde knew that for him to reach the next Islet and get out from this hell hole, he needed all the strength he could get.

But since he was just a noble, not even a mercenary, he needed someone strong to lead and instill fear in the camp. That was how he made a deal with the Demoness, Reyna. 



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