Rebirth of a Farming Wife

Chapter 27 - 27: Unthinkable

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Unthinkable

Translator: 549690339

Su Wenyue could not say that she had lived through a lifetime and been reborn; she did not intend to reveal this secret in this life. First, there were some hidden secrets in her heart that she did not want people to know; moreover, the notion of rebirth was really too bizarre. Even with her own parents, Su Wenyue dared not guarantee they would believe her and not think she was a demon possessed by a ghost.

Therefore, Su Wenyue planned to pick some experiences from her previous life and fabricate them into a dream. In this way, her changes would have a source, and her father would be more likely to believe her. Even if he did not fully believe her, given his cautious and thoughtful nature, he would take precautions once he saw even a hint of something amiss.

“Good girl, what is the matter that is so serious that even Han Yu cannot be told? Tell it to daddy, and daddy will help you come up with a solution.”

Su Wenyue recounted the dream and the set of excuses she had prepared in advance, feeling much relieved in her heart, “Father, at first I also thought it was just a ridiculous dream, although it felt so real in the dream, as if I had truly experienced it myself. But then a few things happened just like they did in the dream, although they were only minor incidents. Even that day when Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Wang made things difficult for me during the tea ceremony, I was prepared in advance and saw through their intentions, which is why they did not succeed. So I started thinking, could that dream be a warning from our Su Family ancestors, advising us to prepare early and seek a foothold in this chaotic world.”

If it had been before, Master Su might not have believed such things, but this time, when Su Wenyue returned, Master Su clearly sensed the changes in his daughter. It was impossible for a person to change so drastically in just a few days, which made her seemingly absurd reasoning actually explanatory. Moreover, many of the things that happened in his daughter’s dream had already shown signs of occurring, it was just that his daughter had always been sheltered in the inner house and was unaware of the external situation.

Master Su was not a conservative man; otherwise, he would not have built such a substantial family business. His intuition told him that the words his daughter spoke were true, and the events that took place in her dream might actually occur, so he kept everything she said in mind.

“Father, do you believe what I’ve said?” Su Wenyue had been ready to convince her father at great length and was surprised to find her father believing her so easily. With her father accepting it so quickly, Su Wenyue was somewhat at a loss for how to react.

“Silly girl, don’t doubt it, you are daddy’s daughter; how could daddy not believe you? It was because you were still immature and mischievous in the past. Now you have grown sensible and started worrying about your family.” Master Su said affectionately, patting his daughter’s head and smiling, feeling greatly comforted. Regardless of whether the dream was real, the fact that his daughter was concerned about home was valuable in itself. However, seeing his daughter’s expression of such grief and pain made him feel sorry for her. He knew that something unpleasant must have happened in the dream; since she was unwilling to talk about it, he wouldn’t pry further.

“Yueyue, you asked your Second Brother to distract your Son-in-law, did you do it because you didn’t want him to know about this matter?”

Su Wenyue nodded, “Father, I’ll be honest with you, although Han Yu has been treating me well these past few days, I do not really understand him as a person. Even in my previous life, it was the same. So I cannot fully trust him, especially something as inconceivable as this matter. I’m not sure what he would think or if he would believe me after learning about this, so I currently have no plans to let him know. Moreover, your Son-in-law is no ordinary man, he’s quite capable, so there’s no need to worry about him.”

Upon hearing her words, Master Su knew that Old Master and his own judgment had not been wrong; Han Yu was destined to achieve great things. However, his daughter’s attitude caused some worry and disapproval; if the couple had a good relationship in the dream, his daughter would not be reacting this way. It was clear that, influenced by her dream, she was guarded and distanced from her Son-in-law, which was not a healthy state for a marriage.

“Yueyue, you and Han Yu are Husband and Wife; do you understand what that means? If there are no accidents, you will be together for a lifetime, aging together, bearing children. From the moment you married Han Yu, your relationship with him became inseparable. As the saying goes, ‘When the

Husband prospers, the Wife flourishes.’ If he is well, so can you be.”

Su Wenyue nodded; this was precisely her thinking, “I understand all that. That’s why I’ve been nice to him, and I also asked our family to be good to him.”

“That’s all on the surface. You know in your heart what it’s all for. Han Yu’s future achievements will surely not be modest, will they? You want to make a good connection between him and your mother’s family, right? So you’re not truly kind to him. What you show in your daily life is nothing more than a way to use him, isn’t that so?” Even though his daughter had changed a lot, Master Su could still guess what was on her mind.

“Father, don’t make it sound so ugly. What do you mean, ‘using’? He is your Son-in-law; isn’t it natural for him to look after you all?”

“It is natural, but whether he does it willingly or out of obligation makes a big difference. Moreover, if a marriage is maintained only by that little sense of obligation, how long can it last? The relationship between two people needs to be nurtured with care, not just through superficial efforts. Your Son-in-law is clearly no simple man; he has his own plans. Can’t he feel whether you are sincere towards him?”

“Don’t be too clever. You think, just because of those incidents in your dream, you can have everything under control. Only by truly being good to him from the heart can you make him keep you in his heart and treat you sincerely.”

Master Su spoke with deep meaning, hoping his daughter would understand. Otherwise, even with the examples from before, nothing would change.

Master Su’s words hit Su Wenyue like a sudden enlightenment, and she suddenly realized her errors. She had always blamed Han Yu for not treating her well enough, holding a grudge in her heart. But what about her own actions? From the very beginning, she had not treated Han Yu as her Husband. The actions she took were even too excessive, completely unbecoming of a Wife, let alone being sincere. No wonder Han Yu became indifferent; his attitude towards her was, in fact, predictable.

Thinking it over, Han Yu had actually treated her quite well, especially now. Although she was motivated by utilitarian purposes, their relationship had improved a lot, and Han Yu showed her more care and consideration. If things continued like this, and as long as she put in the effort, they could indeed have a good life together.

“Yes, daddy, I understand now. I was wrong before, but now that I’ve realized my mistakes, I will definitely live well with Han Yu..”

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