Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 121 Ezio (1)

Although Eren was trying to ignore Zephyr's rejection, he was getting irritated by the continuous requests of Zephyr to spar.

Eren's irritation simmered like a quiet flame within him as he walked away from Zephyr, his mind consumed by the frustrating turn of events. Although he recognized that worrying wouldn't achieve anything, the weight of the upcoming midterm exams and the urgent need for a teammate bore down on him.

The path to the training grounds was a mix of cobbled stone and dew-kissed grass, the light from the illuminating stones brightened up the surroundings as there was still no sign of the sun in the sky.

As Eren reached the training grounds, the imposing figure of Professor Joshua stood against the canvas of darkness, his silhouette commanding attention. Eren wasted no time in approaching the professor, his bow a gesture of respect tinged with regret. "I apologize for oversleeping, Professor."

A stern glance from Professor Joshua met Eren's apology. "You better make up for it with your performance today."

Eren's nod was accompanied by an unshakeable resolve. He understood the importance of showcasing not just academic prowess but also unwavering dedication.

The training session that followed was a grueling test of Eren's physical and mental fortitude. Every movement, every strike, was executed with precision and determination. Beads of sweat formed on his brow, and his muscles ached in protest, yet Eren pressed on. 

The sun rose from the horizon, climbing higher in the sky, its warm embrace mingling with the exertion that soaked through his clothes.

As the training reached its end, Eren's breaths were deep and labored. The end of the session brought both relief and exhaustion, a mix of sensations that blended into a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

"Hufff~" Eren exhaled, leaning on his knees to catch his breath. 

Just as he was regaining his composure, Zephyr approached him, seemingly undeterred by Eren's previous rejection.

"Hey, Eren. If you don't mind teaming up with him, I have a suggestion," Zephyr said with a playful grin.

Eren straightened, his curiosity piqued. "I'm all ears."

Zephyr's shrug was accompanied by a knowing smile. "I have already teamed up with someone else but I might have a solution for you. I know someone who's also looking for a partner too."

Eren's attention was drawn to Zephyr's pointed finger. 

The training session had concluded, the sun inching closer to its zenith, and the academy grounds were typically quiet at this hour, with most cadets nestled in the embrace of their dorm room beds. However, as Eren followed Zephyr's outstretched hand, his gaze alighted upon a solitary figure.

The young man stood amidst the tranquil surroundings, the soft morning light casting a gentle glow upon him. His appearance was striking, and Eren's keen eyes took in the details. A certain frailty clung to him, his physique lean and almost ethereal. It was difficult to discern whether his pallor was a result of malnutrition or a natural attribute, lending an air of mystery to his presence.


No further introduction was needed; Eren recognized him instantly. The threads of Ezio's story were interwoven with Eren's consciousness.

As Eren studied Ezio from a distance, memories of their previous interactions resurfaced. He recalled the brief yet meaningful exchanges they had shared during the weapon selection. After that he don;t remember talking to him much as he was in a different class and it was recently that he was shifted to the 'Kshatriya class'.

Zephyr's voice broke Eren's thoughts as he called him out.

  "What do you think about teaming up with Ezio?"

Eren's thoughts churned, considering the potential of a partnership with Ezio. He knew that strength came in various forms, for Eren is a knight while he uses a long range weapon, a rifle. Whereas Ezio was a short range fighter mainly using his chakrams and could also use them as throwing weapons.

  Together they would be ideal and their skills could indeed complement each other. 

A partnership with Ezio might not guarantee the same powerhouse advantage as teaming up with Zephyr, but it held promise in its own right.

Eren's gaze shifted back to Zephyr. "I'm willing to give it a shot," he said, his voice carrying a newfound determination.

Zephyr's grin widened, a hint of approval evident in his eyes. "Great!"

The reason Eren accepted Zephyr's advice was because of his knowledge about Ezio from his past life.

The memories of Eren's own struggles mingled with the tale of Ezio's origin as he was an orphan without parents. 

  'He is more miserable than me,' Eren couldn't help but think, his empathy tugging at the corners of his heart.

Born to a maid of a high-ranking noble, he was the product of a clandestine affair. His father had disowned him, and his mother had rejected him, abandoning him to fend for himself in the unforgiving corners of the slums. 

He was just a child when he was left all alone in a dark valley.

But fate had other plans for him as it was there, in that forsaken place, that he encountered his savior—the Assassin King.

The name itself held a sense of dread, an aura of danger that sent shivers down the spine of anyone who heard it. The Assassin King was a legendary figure in the underworld, renowned for his unparalleled skills and unmatched strength. He had taken in the abandoned baby, shaping him into a weapon, a tool of his trade.

'He hasn't even shown any of his powers; he sure is an excellent assassin.'

Ezio's current power level stood at intermediate 3-star, but Eren understood that this was just the tip of the iceberg. The skills, the techniques imparted by the Assassin King, remained dormant within him. 

It was a knowledge that Eren possessed, having known Ezio's capabilities during his past life.Yet, despite his latent potential, Ezio remained unassuming, a mere shadow of the lethal force he could become. 

'After all, the Reaper of the Red Moon, that I have heard about, is not a weakling,'Eren mused, his thoughts a whirlwind of speculation. 

Eren pondered the reasons behind Ezio's restraint. Was it an order from the Assassin King, or did Ezio harbor his own motivations for keeping his skills hidden? The answers eluded him, shrouded in mystery.

However Eren was perplexed by another aspect—Ezio's current ranking, despite being weaker than Zephyr, Ezio held a rank within the top 80s. Eren couldn't fathom why he hadn't joined a team yet.

"He hasn't teamed up with anyone yet?" Eren's curiosity slipped into his words as he voiced his question.

Zephyr's response carried a tinge of cynicism. "You underestimate the nobles in the academy."

Eren's eyes widened slightly as the realization hit him. He had momentarily forgotten the rigid hierarchy that defined the Frejlord academy. Ezio's current identity was that of a peasant, unaware of his noble lineage. The noble-born students were often exclusive, hesitant to welcome those they perceived as commoners into their ranks. Zephyr's assessment painted a stark picture of the academy's social dynamics.

Eren's mind flashed to his own experiences, both as a noble and a commoner. He had tasted the bitterness of both worlds and understood the disdain with which the privileged often viewed those from humble origins. It was a reality he had hoped would change but found unchanged.

As the weight of the academy's societal divisions settled upon him, Eren's thoughts shifted to another individual—Esmerald. Amidst the chaos of recent events, she had slipped from his mind. Suspicion still clouded her in Eren's eyes. In the Tower of Justice's inquiry, Esmerald had omitted her association with the rebels. Eren had witnessed her presence among them firsthand.

'I should keep an eye on her,' Eren resolved silently. He was convinced that there was a connection between Esmerald and the rebels, but lacking concrete evidence, he could only maintain vigilance for the time being."Well, let's ask him," Eren thought, bringing his attention back to Ezio. A sense of determination welled within him. Despite the obstacles, he needed a partner for the midterm exams.

The only two others who were somewhat close to him in the academy, Evan and Julia, were likely to have paired up with each other, leaving Ezio as Eren's best option.

'Let's ask him right away.'

The academy grounds bathed in the gentle embrace of the morning sun as Eren approached Ezio who was immersed in his training.


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