Rebirth of the Villainous Female Boss

Chapter 385: 359: Collapsing Therapy (Thank you Tangmen=Ink Dream for the Hesbi+more)

Chapter 385: Chapter 359: Collapsing Therapy (Thank you Tangmen=Ink Dream for the Hesbi+more)

Yu Minglang was dumbfounded by Panpan’s crying, and Xiao Qian sneered at his clueless look, “Move aside, you’re good for nothing!”

“How about I knock him unconscious? One strike to his neck and he’ll fall asleep right away,” Yu Minglang seemingly wanted to redeem his image in Xiao Qian’s eyes.

“Get lost!”

How could they treat a child that way, as if he were a criminal? Talking about striking his neck, what a cruel thing to say!

Not only did Xiao Qian despise Yu Minglang, but even Eldest Sister-in-law couldn’t stand it anymore.

Pushing Yu Minglang away, Xiao Qian crouched down in front of Panpan and whispered in his ear. Panpan immediately stopped crying, desperately holding back his sobs. Crying had become a habit, and he couldn’t stop the tears in his eyes from forming.

But he didn’t cry anymore, covering his mouth with his little hand, looking pitiful.

“What did you say to him?” Yu Minglang was amazed.

“I told him if he stops crying, his Yi Yi will come out later,” Xiao Qian said.

Eldest Sister-in-law slapped her forehead, “How could I forget to mention that to him?”

Though the child was young, he had his own determination.

What he cared most about was his Yi Yi, and as long as his emotions were satisfied, things would sort out.

Xiao Qian cradled Panpan in her arms, gently patting him and walking back and forth with him.

Crying exhausted him, and he eventually fell asleep.

“Qian Bao, I just realized you’re really good with children,” Yu Minglang said, trying to flatter her, looking at her with starry eyes.

Her warm care when looking after the baby was completely different from her usual efficient demeanor.

When it came to praising the baby, she was warm, but when it came to him, she showed unconcealed contempt.

“Soothing the baby, that’s the key word, get it?”

“So you can fool a kid, and still be in the right…” Yu Minglang muttered under his breath, and when Xiao Qian glanced at him, he immediately showed a pleasing expression.

You’re beautiful, and you’re always right!

“What should we do? If the girl leaves later, Panpan will cry again when he wakes up…” Eldest Sister-in-law was troubled.

In the past few days, Panpan’s emotions had not been good. It was thought that since he was young, he would forget things quickly, but he just couldn’t let go. And he even became agitated.

Such a young child could also get agitated; his mouth was full of blisters.

Mother Yu had made some tea for the child to cool him down, but he refused to drink. This was not good for his health.

“Where’s Second Brother?” Xiao Qian asked.

“Second Brother is in the emergency room with her. He carried her in, and hasn’t come out since,” Eldest Sister-in-law pointed to the emergency room with her chin.

The adult had suddenly passed out, and a series of tests had to be done to see if there were any issues with her heart.

“What happened?” asked Xiao Qian.

Eldest Sister-in-law told her the truth, and Xiao Qian pondered for a moment.

Yu Minglang voiced her thoughts.

“Actually, didn’t my Second Brother scare her unconscious?”

How could a perfectly healthy person faint after seeing Second Brother? Why didn’t she faint before?

Xiao Qian felt that Yu Minglang’s explanation made sense.

As they were thinking, Second Brother Yu came out, his face serious.

“What’s the situation?” Eldest Sister-in-law asked.

Second Brother Yu shook his head, “The doctor is still examining her. They said she may not have any major issues, so I asked them to do a comprehensive inspection.”

Xiao Qian understood.

Second Brother Yu couldn’t rest easy about Da Yi.

The doctor probably had already figured out that this wasn’t a very serious issue and ruled out any sudden diseases. However, Second Brother Yu insisted on a comprehensive inspection for peace of mind.

“I’ll go pay the fees. You guys keep an eye on them and call me if anything happens.” Second Brother Yu went downstairs to pay.

Panpan in Xiao Qian’s arms seemed to be having a nightmare, his little face wrinkling up again.

If he woke up and couldn’t see Da Yi, he would surely cry again. Xiao Qian and Eldest Sister-in-law were both apprehensive about the child’s powerful cries.

“Eldest Sister-in-law, why don’t you get some sedatives or something? If he wakes up and cries again, give him an injection and make him sleep. Or Qian Bao, aren’t you good at hypnotizing and blocking memories? Seal his memory of Dong Yi,” suggested Yu Minglang.

After Yu Minglang’s bad idea was spoken, both Xiao Qian and Eldest Sister-in-law gave him an annoyed look at the same time.

A minute later, Yu Minglang, who was sent into the comer as punishment, watched Xiao Qian walk back and forth, holding the child. She seemed to be pondering something.

Xiao Qian glanced at the child and then looked at the emergency room, which hadn’t opened its door yet.

As Xiao Qian thought, her eyebrows furrowed, then she was deep in thought. Yu Minglang looked at her thinking, and his eyes were full of pampering light.

“Xiao Qiang…” Xiao Qian hesitantly gestured to Yu Minglang.

“Huh?” Yu Minglang approached.

Xiao Qian whispered into his ear a few times.

Yu Minglang’s mouth twitched, “Are you sure…you want to do that?”

Could Second Brother Yu’s IQbe gullible enough for this?

Xiao Qian blinked, “This is the mental breakdown therapy from psychotherapy. Just amplify their fears to the maximum. If it works, they’ll stop worrying. If it doesn’t…”

Yu Minglang stared at her, waiting for her next words. Xiao Qian sighed.

“If it doesn’t work, Second Brother might come to settle the scores with me.

Can you beat him?”

“I usually don’t like meddling in other people’s family affairs, but in this situation, if I don’t handle it, both of us are left uneasy.”

One was Yu Minglang’s elder brother, the other was Xiao Qian’s roommate.

Since they couldn’t avoid it, they might as well be proactive!

Although Xiao Qian was talking about psychotherapy and other profound concepts, Yu Minglang summed up her main point with his high IQ.

You want to pour a bucket of Korean drama cliches onto Second Brother’s head?”

Korean dramas had become popular in recent years.

When Yu Minglang accidentally saw a Korean drama that his mother was watching, he got goosebumps.

The plot was absurd, filled with coincidences, and aimed at tricking many middle-aged and elderly women into tears. Even Mother Yu was fascinated by it. At first, Yu Minglang thought that only women who hadn’t seen the world would be fooled by such dramas.

But then he realized that even his own mother was captivated by it. She not only watched it but also discussed the plot with Eldest Sister-in-law.

Sometimes the two women sat together, crying their eyes out over it. Major General Yu couldn’t bear it anymore and bluntly criticized it, saying that only those with low IQwould believe such things.

And then, Major General Yu had his meals withheld for a week, not allowed to eat meat, and stormed off to the army canteen to eat.. A dignified Major

General, just because he told the truth, had his family status plummet to such a low level – it was simply outrageous!

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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