Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 59: : The doorway to pay public food

Chapter 59: : The doorway to pay public food

Xia Xiaolan still didn't know that she had escaped the noise of the Xia family again.

Xia Dajun really came to ask the mother and daughter for food, and he would definitely not get any benefit. Of course, it is always good to have one less trouble. Xia Xiaolan's time is so precious, how can it be wasted on irrelevant people.

Thanks to the fact that the Xia family had their own calculations in their hearts, they were not able to use them all, so that they were not able to harass Xia Xiaolan's life often.

The notice for the payment of public grain was delivered to each household, and Xia Xiaolan and her aunt Li Fengmei were going to the grain station in the township to pay the public grain together. This was a very novel experience for Xia Xiaolan, an experience she had never had in her previous life.

The rice should be sun-dried to the driest, without sand and gravel, and without other impurities. The grains are full and golden and there is no dry grain to be considered as qualified public grain.

Several times a year, the public grain is paid. The rice is harvested and the rice, as well as the previous wheat and rapeseed, is paid to the state free of charge to replace the agricultural tax. Public rations may not completely replace taxes. If there is not enough, they will have to pay for them. In the past, the production team paid the pubic rations and agricultural taxes uniformly. After the production was contracted to each household, each household would pay its own rations and taxes.

"Now that you don't pay taxes, we will collect and withdraw money instead."

When Liu Fen went to collect the eel, Xia Xiaolan and her aunt served grain together. The rice is dried and sieved, not to mention the stale rice, there is not even a small residue.

Li Fengmei said that he would pay "withdrawal of the retention money" this year, and Xia Xiaolan was stunned.

She didn't understand many fields in the countryside in the 1980s. She didn't know how to farm, and she didn't know how sad the rural life in the 1980s was. Not only is the farm work hard, but the seemingly small amount of public grain is a great pressure for farmers... The technology of hybrid rice broke through in the 1970s, and the demonstration planting in southern Henan Province started in 1976, and it has not been obtained so far. Large-scale promotion.

Anyway, in Anqing County, farmers grow conventional rice.

Hybrid rice can yield more than 1,000 catties per mu, while the best conventional rice can yield about 700 or 800 catties per mu.

The rice is husked and peeled, and the amount of rice out of 100 catties is less than 70 catties. A family of three has about five acres of farmland, not all of which can grow rice, bad slopes, poor farmland with no grain-public grain is paid for free, and excess grain will be sold to the country at a low price. If you don't sell grain, how can farmers have money? The money for selling grain cant be kept, pesticides, seeds, fertilizers, and what Li Fengmei said is withdrawing money.

The full name of withdrawal and retention is overall planning and withdrawal. Three mentions and five arrangements are two parts of money.

Five overall plans are five items under the overall planning of townships: education surcharges, family planning expenses, militia training expenses, civil affairs preferential treatment expenses, and private transportation expenses. There are three items left in the village: provident fund, public welfare fund, and management fee. The provident fund is not a housing provident fund for later generations. It is used for farmland water conservancy construction, plant afforestation, and purchase and production of fixed materials; the public welfare fund supports the five guarantee households, subsidizes extremely poor households, cooperative medical care and other welfare undertakings; management expenses are used in the remuneration and remuneration of village cadres Management expenses.

Li Fengmei certainly didn't know this. What kind of money the township asked to pay, everyone followed their requirements.

Xia Xiaolan is even more unclear. She was worried about being hungry for the first two days after rebirth. Later, the business was doing well. Xia Xiaolan did not experience the real poverty in the countryside.

The carefully selected Huang Cancan's rice is packed in several bags. Xia Xiaolan refuses to review at home. Li Fengmei and Liu Fen are unwilling to let her go out these days. Xia Xiaolan is too busy, so she and her aunt have to go to the village to pay public food.

Li Fengmei was also afraid that she would be suffocated, so she agreed to go with Xia Xiaolan.

Otherwise, it is convenient to have a bicycle. A bicycle with 28 bars can carry hundreds of catties of grain. If you dont have a bicycle, you must use a cart to the grain station. Halfway through Chen Wangdas food delivery team, Chen Qing his mother called Xia Xiaolan and Li Fengmei:

"Let's go together, there is a companion on the road."

Li Fengmei was very happy, calling her sister-in-law.

Xia Xiaolan is obediently called auntie. She likes the people in Qijing Village. Of course, these people talk about gossip in secret, but they are not the kind of malicious people who want to put people to death. The same is the village under Anqing County, Qijing Village. It is very different from the atmosphere of Dahe Village...Xia Xiaolan feels that it is related to Chen Wangda's being the head of Qijing Village.

Sister Chen seemed to care about Xia Xiaolan and asked her about studying along the way.

Xia Xiaolan scored full marks in both English tests. This subject is Chen Qings weak subject. Chen Wangdas help to their mother and daughter Xia Xiaolan took the initiative to help Chen Qing make up lessons:

"If my auntie is at ease, I will make up for Chen Qing's English when he is on vacation."

The current college entrance examination English is not difficult, even if the college entrance examination of later generations masters more than 3000 vocabulary, it is almost the same. But the candidates of later generations accumulated all the way from elementary school, junior high school and high school. Before Xia Xiaolan was reborn, there were various apps that used fragmented time to recite words. What counts as 3000 words?

It is too difficult for candidates in 83 years, or candidates in remote areas.

No matter how bad the language score is, you can always get a part of the score in the face of a familiar mother tongue. There is no foundation in English. The first few years of the resumption of the college entrance examination are not counted in the college entrance examination results. It is very sudden to the candidates, and the teacher does not know how to teach systematically.

Rote memorization, there is no efficient memory method at all.

Vowels and consonants?

I can't read a word even when I see it. How can I distinguish between vowels and consonants?

English is not only a hindrance to Chen Qings college entrance examination, but also to other examinees...just want to find a teacher to start a small stove, and you must find a teacher! Even if Chen Wangda knew people in the county, he couldn't find such a way. He was just the head of the village, not the head of the county.

No one knows how Xia Xiaolan learned English, but she got full marks on the test twice, which means she learned well.

Chen Qing's mother was so happy that she didn't want to let go of Xia Xiaolan. Chen Qing's grades are not bad, if English can improve points, the college entrance examination next year will be more stable

"Xiaolan, you will be behind the auntie when you pay the food for a while."

Xia Xiaolan couldn't understand her aunt's expression, and Li Fengmei was smiling, just lining up, is it so important?

When the public pay was paid, Xia Xiaolan realized the benefits of being in Chen Wangda's house.

There was a long line outside the grain station, and the Chen family didn't jump in the line to pay the grain. They just waited for the small talk on the road outside the grain station. There was a loud voice in the grain station, and the leaders of the township led the heads of the villages to inspect the grains one by one.

According to Xia Xiaolan's thinking, isn't it just weighing according to the list and leaving the grain after the acceptance, doesn't it complete a household?

She is so naive!

Paying public food was not so smooth at all.

Which one is the turn in the line? People at the grain station have to take a hollow iron pipe into the sack, and take it out to take out the grain for inspection. The wheat in southern Henan Province matures in June. At the end of June, the wheat was handed over to the grain station. This time, the rice was handed over.

The iron pipe brought out some rice, and the person at the grain station fell into the palm of his hand and took a look:


The people who paid the food smiled and said good things, but they didn't know what to say, and later they became third-class food.

The third-class grain is considered qualified, but the grain is low, and the number of catties to be paid is a little bit more-the judging standard is in the hands of the grain station inspector, only if the judgment is lower, almost no first-class grain appears.

It was almost noon, and finally it was Chen's turn.

People at the grain station saw Sister Chen with a serious expression, but rated her rice as "first class."

Xia Xiaolan couldn't see the difference in rice, and the people around were definitely not convinced, but no one had theorized with the people at the grain station, and there was some whispering:

"From the Chen family in Qijing Village."

"Chen Wang..."

"Shhh, don't talk."

Chen Wangda didn't need to come over at all, the old man was with the leader of the village. When it was his turn, the people at the grain station were automatically rated as first-class, and Xia Xiaolan also saw the doorway.

The Chen family's public food was accepted very quickly, and soon arrived at Li Fengmei's house. Li Fengmei and Xia Xiaolan weighed good rice at home. Each bag weighed 100 kilograms, but the scale at the grain station was less than 80 kilogramsLi Fengmei had a ugly face and didn't say anything.

Xia Xiaolan had seen and understood the tricks, could she jump out and expose it? Not all fighting in the workplace is positive energy, and Xia Xiaolan knows that little ghosts are difficult to deal with.

"This is also my home."

Sister Chen added casually.

The people at the grain station looked at the receipt. The head of the household was named Liu, and the relationship with Chen could not be reached. How could they belong to the same family?

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