Rebirth With The Beast

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Su Yi turned around and wanted to whisper to Sinor, but Sinor immediately lowered his head when he understood what he wanted to do. Because the height gap between the two was a bit large, Su Yi had to stand on tiptoe when Sinor lowered his head slightly.

"Jells, I feel that he is a bit like a middle school."

"What is a middle school?" Sinor asked puzzled. In order to talk, the two people stood very close. Sinor looked at Su Yi's side face close at hand, and almost couldn't help but want to kiss him a few times. But Su Yi didn't like intimacy regardless of the occasion, Sinor had no choice but to endure it.

"It's just pretending to be cool and handsome." In fact, Su Yi's explanation like this was not appropriate, but he couldn't explain it too clearly.

Afterwards, Hunter seemed to introduce the house in the valley, as well as the planting of vegetables and fruits, which was the result of Hunter's hard work in the past two days. Although what he said was not particularly clear, everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it.

In the Orc Continent, the most difficult thing was the snow season. Because of the lack of food, many people would die. However, life in the valley was better than they expected. There were not only houses to keep them warm, but also food that could survive in the winter.

When the meeting ended, Su Yi was still whispering to Sinor. The two of them said something to each other, which caused many unmarried people around to look at them frequently. Some orcs were a little jealous, thinking that when they also had a partner, they must also be affectionate with their partner.

Ian's house was built with the help of the Impreza tribe. Because of the strength of the crowd, Ian's house was built quickly. Ian's smiles had increased in the past two days. He never dared to hope that one day he would have his own home.

Since Su Yi's family came, everything was going in a good direction. Ian finally had his own home, one that belonged to himself.

As the newly appointed patriarch, Hunter began to patrol around the valley in the evening. Because except for the people in the valley who had houses, everyone else was still building their new homes. As the patriarch, he must go and see them one by one.

After looking around, he saw Ian was handling the prey by the river alone. He was not very familiar with Ian, but only knew a little about Ian from other people. Hunter couldn't help but pay more attention to this unfortunate orc. Seeing Ian's slightly smaller figure from a distance, almost covered by the prey in front of him, Hunter couldn't help but walk towards that side.

Ian was very sensitive. When Hunter approached, he quickly looked towards Hunter, his eyes full of vigilance.

Hunter's red eyes flickered, and the cold eyes softened slightly.

Ian saw that it was a hunter, so he relaxed his vigilance. Jells said that Hunter was his friend. In Ian's heart, Jells' friends were his friends.

"The patriarch." Ian said kindly.

Before Hunter didn't look at Ian carefully, but now he took a closer look, and found that Ian was really good-looking. Even some females were not as delicate as Ian.

"Shall I help you?" Hunter pointed at the prey on the ground, trying to soften his tone as much as possible.

Ian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and refused: "No, I can do it myself."

Ian was not being polite to Hunter, he was really okay with this weight. Although he couldn't transform, and he was not as healthy and strong as ordinary orcs, he was not weak.

Some females like Su Yi and Tang Yu could carry their prey by themselves, how could he be unable to carry as an orc?

Seeing him say this, Hunter didn't insist. Watching Ian walking home with a prey that was a circle bigger than him.

Hunter patrolled around again, and planned to go back first. He lived with Taylor now, there were only Taylor and Jero who lived in the house now. Because Hunter was the patriarch, he needed to be busy with a lot of things, so he didn't have time to build a house by himself. The orcs originally wanted to help Hunter to build a house first, but Hunter refused. Hunter felt that it didn't matter where he lived. Anyway, he didn't drag his family with him, so he let those orcs build their own homes first.

That night, Su Yi made spicy hot pot, because the two children went to Mino's house, and Mino made crispy pork with sweet sauce. The sweet sauce was just researched by Su Yi in the past two days. Mino seemed to like this sweet taste very much, so he had changed his way of making this kind of food in the past two days. The two children seemed to be quite interested in this fresh taste, so they became frequent visitors of Mino's house.

In order to repay Mino for the food, the two children planned to help Mino to pick fruits and herbs as a reward.

Su Yi's house suddenly became quiet, which made Su Yi felt a little uncomfortable. But the advantage of when the children not being at home was that Su Yi didn't have to cook more food. Because Su Yi and Sinor were both people with strong taste.

Su Yi used a knife to slice the meat into thin slices, and then the two of them ate it.

When the two of them were halfway through eating, Jells suddenly came.

Jells' complexion was very ugly, because Tang Yu was gone.

Su Yi was stunned for a moment, Tang Yu was not a child, if he disappeared, he would disappear. Did he need to be so nervous?

But Jells' complexion was not good, and Su Yi didn't dare to say what was in his heart. He had no choice but to ask him: "Well, wasn't he still with you before?" Su Yi was referring to Tang Yu who was clearly still showing affection with Jells during the meeting.

"I told him to take him out of the valley at night. He always wants to go out to play, so it's impossible for him not to wait me at home obediently." Jells said with a frown.

After the meeting, Jells went out to do business, and Tang Yu returned home obediently.

But when Jells returned home after finishing his work, Tang Yu was not at home. Jells looked for him around, but he couldn't help but panic when he couldn't find him. Because no matter how hard he searched, there was no sign of Tang Yu around.


Su Yi's heart skipped a beat.

Tang Yu was not a person who liked to walk around by himself, even if he walked alone in the valley, Tang Yu must be wandering around Mino, Su Yi or Ian's house.

Tang Yu was not familiar with other people, so he wouldn't go to other people's homes easily. Of course, even if someone else invited Tang Yu to be a guest, with Tang Yu's personality, even if he wanted to go, he would definitely tell Jells.

Su Yi put down the chopsticks in his hand, he had no choice but to bring Sinor to join the search team. As the sky gradually darkened, the team looking for Tang Yu gradually grew. Even the patriach of the tribe, Hunter, turned into his beast form and flew out of the valley.

According to common sense, Tang Yu would not be able to leave the valley without the help of Jells. But everyone almost turned the valley upside down, but they couldn't find Tang Yu.

Everyone had to think that maybe someone came to the valley, sneaked in when there were many new faces in the valley, and then secretly took Tang Yu away.

This kind of conjecture made everyone shudder.

Because just before, the tribes of the newcomers were attacked by a group of wandering orcs. Females, no matter what kind of place they were in, they were precious. Could it be that a wandering orc sneaked in and saw Tang Yu who was alone, and then took Tang Yu away?

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