Rebirth With The Beast

Chapter 88(1)

Chapter 88(1)

Su Yi and the others only arrived at noon the next day. If it hadn't happened to Luoxi in the middle, they should be able to arrive early in the morning.

How Su Yi sees Luo Xi's dislikes, but sometimes, the more you hate something, the more you come.

Su Yi doesn't like Luo Xi, but Luo Xi seems to like Su Yi very much.

In order not to appear that he has no literacy, Su Yi is quite "harmonious" with Luo Xi on the surface. But after Luoxi and Tang Yu met, they immediately became full of taste.

In the eyes of other orcs, Rosie belonged to the kind of generous and enthusiastic person. As soon as he saw Tang Yu, he became enthusiastic about himself, took Tang Yu's hand, and said something like to be friends with Tang Yu.

Tang Yu didn't have a good rest yesterday, so the bad temper of the young master came up without taking a good rest. He frowned slightly, broke loose from Luo Xi's hand, and looked at Luo Xi inexplicably.

"I said, did you admit the wrong person?"

Tang Yu didn't appreciate Losy's enthusiasm. When he used to be the young master of the Tang family, Tang Yu had seen too many people like Luo Xi. There is a Chinese saying that goes well, that is, "Nothing to do, but if you don’t want to commit crimes, you’re stealing." Tang Yu doesn’t think there is anything in his body that Luo Xi is worried about. If he has to say why, it’s the most worrying for Tang Yu. It should be Jells.

So, Luoxi’s enthusiasm and friendliness, Tang Yu felt that this product must have taken a fancy to his family, and there is no way anyone can make his family be rich and handsome!

Luo Xi has seen many people who reacted, but didn't expect Tang Yu to be like this, showing such obvious hostility towards him.

Luo Xi gave a dry smile, and had to leave angrily.

Ed's command ability is strong, and Hunter is more familiar with these wandering orcs, so the two of them will be the commander-in-chief of the action.

For the sake of safety, the female Roxi, who couldn't do anything, was hidden alone. Because Jill was worried about him, Ai Luo stayed too.

Seeing the large army leave, Losi asked curiously: "Hey, why did the two females go to such a dangerous place. In case of a fight, their partner will have to take care of them."

Jill laughed, "Haha, you don't know this. After our tribe was attacked, their valley saved us all. Now we are the same tribe. Although they are both females, they can They are not ordinary females. Because they can not only make weapons, but also hunt on their own. So they follow it and there is no problem at all."

Luo Xi also smiled. When he met them, he felt the female named Su Yi, and the look in his eyes was strange. And that Tang Yu seems to be very prejudiced against him.

It seems that these two females are really bothersome.

Su Yi, Tang Yu, Sinoer, and Jells are the four one step ahead. Sinoer and Jells carry Su Yi and Tang Yu respectively, attracting people in the air.

Because Jells had investigated before, there were orcs guarding the wandering orcs' stronghold. They must deal with them first, so as not to let the wandering orcs be prepared, and then hit him by surprise.

When the guardian orcs saw Sinoor and Jells, they immediately became vigilant. Just as they were about to sound the horn, a petite figure suddenly jumped down. When they heard the sound and looked over, they saw a beautiful female standing behind them with a blank face.

One of the orcs froze for a moment, then looked at the female with a grimace. These wandering orcs, they have no food to snatch, and they can hunt on their own. But they don't have females, so they can't help but **** them away when they see females.

Now a female suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted the attention of several of them, and even forgot to inform her companions.

Although the females are beautiful and the smell on her body is very attractive, they still think of the two orcs above their heads.

They glanced at each other, intending to quickly solve the two orcs, and then grab the little female.

"Which tribe are you from?" The wandering orc said to Sinor and Jells who hovered in the air.

But at this moment they suddenly discovered something was wrong. The beasts of two orcs hovering above their heads, a giant snow-white snake, and a dragon with a huge human body and a sparse race.

These two types of beasts, no matter which one they are, are very difficult to deal with. The former was accidentally poisoned, and the latter was the king of this continent.

They immediately remembered to inform them, but another voice interrupted their movements.

"Well, has anyone told you, don't leave your back to the enemy?" Su Yi's voice rang suddenly, and one of the orcs felt a pain in the back of their neck, and the darkness was swallowed up in front of them.

Several other orcs couldn't help but exclaimed. Who ever thought that a female could beat an adult orc to the ground with a single blow?

Su Yi also held a hammer in his hand. He originally wanted to choose a more "gentle" weapon, but later thought that in order to get a hit, he should choose a heavy weapon.

Seeing Su Yi fainted, Tang Yu immediately raised an arrow at an orc, only to hear a swish, and the arrow feather broke through the air and hit the orc directly.

The orc who hit him screamed, and he was knocked out by the sudden fall of Sinor. After the four of them got rid of the guards swiftly, they rushed directly inside.

This stronghold is very large. According to Jells' investigation yesterday, there are about sixty or seventy wandering orcs here. These sixty or seventy people do not include the females they robbed, and the enslaved little orcs.

So forget it, they estimate that there are hundreds of people here.

As soon as the four of Su Yi entered, Ed led the large army to keep up.

Because Jells had been here, he was familiar with Bisu and the others. He changed back into a human form and took the three of them, first to rescue the captured females and little orcs.

The female and the little orc were separated. In order to save time, Jells told Sinor where he was and took Tang Yu to another place.

Su is also a child-controller, and the most unlikely thing is that women and children suffer. Now let him see a group of children, being held in a dark and damp cave, he suddenly couldn't recover.

Su Yi didn't remember how to deal with the orc guarding the cave, only knowing that he smelled a pungent stench as soon as he came in.

The cave was dirty like a garbage dump, and the children inside were all yellow and thin, staring at him with big round eyes.

Because Su is also a female, they are a little flustered in reality, and then they swarm out like seeing their relatives.

Su Yi hurriedly bent over to hug a rushing child, and then said with a shaking voice: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay..." He didn't know whether he could comfort these children in this way, but he was stupid. Unexpectedly other vocabulary.

Many of the children are wounded, and everyone is like the children of African refugees on TV. Because it is very thin, the eyes protrude outward, making the eyes extraordinarily large.

There is one child, who should be female, thinner than other children. He was naked because the bones of his thin body were sticking out.

The author has something to say:

The time is wrong, haha,

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