Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Chapter 169: His Second Wife? (1)

Chapter 169: His Second Wife? (1)

Chapter 169: His Second Wife? (Part 1)

The Paru pinned her wrists way beyond her head, causing her arms to be close to fully extended.

“However I want, huh?”

He brought her wrists closer, and took hold of both with his left left hand, freeing his right one.

“You don’t mind me messing you up,” The Paru slowly moved his right hand down her arm. “Do you?”

Huff- Huff-

“Just having you… Inside of me is… Hmmmm…! Is enough… To mess me up…!”

“Is that so? Well, I’m sorry about that.” He chuckled, his hand moving past her bent elbow. “Would you like me to stop? I wouldn’t want to make too much of a mess out of you.”

“Why are you…!” Liz’s arm shivered as his hand moved down her tricep muscle. “Why are you… Forcing me to…!”

“I’m not forcing you to do anything.” He teased. “I’m just asking. After all, if I make too much of a mess out of you, you might have trouble finding someone else… Able to satisfy you.”

“What are you… Talking about all of a… Aahhh… All of a sudden?”

“I’m saying that getting used to me, might make it impossible for anyone else to satisfy you. So are you sure…”

At first, the Paru only wanted to have fun with the women aboard the spaceship. To have fun… And then who cares about what happens after. But this changed. It changed, after…

“That you’re okay with that?”

“Why…!” Liz’s sentence was interrupted by a loud moan that left her mouth as the Paru’s cock moved inside of her. “Are you asking me that…?”

“You just need to be aware of it.” The Paru whispered with a devilish and flirtatious smile. “That finding someone else won’t be easy.”

Finding someone else?

In the midst of the intense pleasure and slight pain, Liz felt a heavy iron ball suddenly form inside her stomach.

Why would she need to find someone else?

Ah… He means after this, after they make it to Tyl, after they make it to Wor… Once they’re back on Wor… What happens then?

“I…” Liz’s mind was unable to come up with a retort or answer. “Why… Are you asking this?”

The Paru realized that simply having fun with them wasn’t enough. Having temporary fun with these beauties was far from enough.

He didn’t answer.

Instead, he trusted himself back into her. The entirety of his massive cock entering her again caused her body to shake.

Suddenly, Liz realized that the pain was gone, leaving only an intense rush of pleasure that caused her legs to straighten and shake violently.

The Paru pulled his body back while curling his pelvis, causing his throbbing cock to push against the upper wall of her insides.

As he moved back, he pulled closer the wrists that he had been pinning to the bed.

Waves of pleasure assaulted Liz, causing her back and neck to arch as they left the bed.

“You’re worried…” Despite the intense pleasure, Liz wanted to bite back. “That someone else would be unable to satisfy me?” She asked as her upper body was pulled and raised until was stuck to his.

“No. I…” The Paru didn’t let go of her wrists. Instead, he brought them behind her, causing her hands to cross, and her wrists to push against the end of her lower back. “Don’t want you to have anyone else.”

“Wha… Aaahhh…!” Liz’s surprise was interrupted by a gasp, as the Paru moved towards the edge of the bed while keeping her stuck to him, while keeping himself deep inside of her.

She had instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist.

Through her moans and the intoxicating pleasure, Liz hadn’t noticed that the Paru was now standing.

He was standing, with his throbbing cock inside of her, while pinning her wrists behind her back.

Three steps later, Liz felt her butt cheeks lay against the surface of her room’s desk.

“I want to mess you up to my heart’s content.” The Paru said while staring into her eyes. “I want to mess you up to your heart’s content.”

His words lit a fire inside of her that only made the pleasure coming from his throbbing cock rubbing against every inch of her insides stronger and more intense.

“I don’t want you to have anyone else, ever.”

“Wha…” Liz bit her lip as she buried her forehead into his chest, needing time for the pleasure to lessen, to lessen enough for her to gain back the ability to talk. “What… Do you mean… By that…? What are you… Trying to… Saaayyyy… Ahhh!”

Liz moaned as the Paru’s cock started moving back, allowing a portion of her insides momentary rest.

“I’m saying that I want you to be mine. Mine, and mine alone.”

“To be… Yours…” Liz muttered, slowly raising her gaze to meet his. “And yours… Alone…?”

“Yes.” The Paru answered, once only the tip of his cock remained inside of her. “No one else, ever.”


“I want you to be my woman, Liz.” He whispered, holding her wrists against her lower back a bit more tightly than before. “Mine forever.”


His massive and throbbing cock reached the deepest parts of her at once, sliding through her tight insides, aided by her slippery fluids.

Her legs and whole body trembled. Her head jerked forward, causing her forehead to knock against his chest.

Because he was fully inside of her and holding her wrists behind her back, it almost looked like he was holding her in his arms.

He moved forward to whisper in her ears.

“Be mine, Liz.”

The pleasure, the intensity, the desire.

But there was too much uncertainty.

What happens after they’ve made it to Wor?

To be his… Does that mean that they would stay there? Settle there? How would that work? Liz is a Soldier… And he… Has the female Granilith, doesn’t he? Does that mean Liz would have to share him? But even moving past that, what happens once they’re on Wor? Will he remain there, or go someplace else? If goes somewhere else, then what…?

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