Reborn as an Evolving Space Monster: Harem Of Otherworldly Beauties

Chapter 182: Testing, Testing!

Chapter 182: Testing, Testing!

Chapter 182: Testing, Testing!

“Seriously?” Raya asked, slightly frowning.

“Yeah…” The Paru scratched his nape. “I changed a bit since so…”

“You know that tests take a while, right? You want to get them started again? To stop those currently going?”

“Um, yeah, I guess.”

“Why even?” She sighed. “You’ll probably change again in a bit so I’ll just end up throwing them again. Might as well never do the tests.” Raya shrugged.

The Paru’s gaze moved to the left, then to the right.


“Alright.” Raya sighed, accepting pretty quickly all things considered. “I won’t throw the old ones away, I’ll run those to completion. We can get new ones started. Since we’re going back to Tyl for fuel, I suppose we can go crazy on the tests. What would you like to do, apart from genetic and cellular tests?”

“Mmm…” The Paru scratched his chin. “Thermal imaging, X ray imaging… Stuff like that?”

“We can do that.” Raya answered before holding a hand to her chin. “Since your cells seem to be constantly morphing, we can do a fluoroscopy instead… Or maybe both because why not. We can do a PET scan. Some more tests as well… I’d like to get a look at your insides. Your stomach especially. I wonder what kind of…” Raya’s whispering continued for a bit, as she got more and more excited about the idea of seeing the Paru’s insides.

“Right…” He scratched his head, not sure how to feel about someone getting excited over his insides. “So what are those exactly?”

“Hm? Oh, nothing much. A fluoroscopy is basically X-ray imaging. Except that one is static while the other one provides a feed in real time.”

“So one takes a picture and the other films the thing and projects it live.”

“Basically, yeah. We’ll be able to see the changes on a bigger scale. Well, if there are any. Cells do all kinds of things that can’t be noticed at higher scales. We’ll just have to see.”

“I see, what about a PET scan?”

The Paru asked but he felt there wasn’t any real reason to.

‘I’ve heard of those a lot, so I doubt they’re special or anything.’

“Those are pretty simple as well. A radioactive substance is inserted into your bloodstream and-”


“Yeah, but it’s-”

“Cool.” The Paru muttered. “Alright, let’s do it.”

Raya frowned slightly.

“You know, most people would be a bit creeped out by the radioactive aspect.”


The Paru wasn’t really concerned.

In the first place, wouldn’t anything shot into his veins be Devoured?

‘I doubt the test will even work…’

“Alright,” Raya clapped her hands. “Looks like we’re done. Some of the tests will be out in a bit, some will take a couple of days.”

“How about we wait and look at everything at once?”

“Yep, works for me.” Raya nodded.

The two remained silent for a bit, standing in the middle of the laboratory.

“You don’t find this weird, right? Me running tests on myself?”

“Mm?” Raya’s fingers took hold of a lock of hair and fiddled with it while her gaze remained towards the ceiling for a bit. “Oh, no. There’s nothing more normal than looking at your body, is there? And if there are more ways to do that… Through X-rays and all, you can get a better view of what your body looks like. Through other tests, a better view of what it’s made of. I don’t think there’s anything weird about trying to learn more about yourself that way.”

“I see, alright.”

“By the way…” Raya slowly redirected her gaze towards him. “I sort of ignored it for the tests but… Can you put some pants on?”


“It’s…” Raya fiddled with her lock of hair as she looked away. “Distracting.” Her blushing was barely noticeable.

“You know…” The Paru lowered his gaze towards his crotch. “I really thought I would start wearing pants. I mean… I was counting on it.”


“And… I guess I’m just used to being naked now. Feels weird wearing pants. Plus they’re too tight.”

“I’m sure you could get Kris to alter some pants for you.”

“I wouldn’t really…” He smirked. “Be wearing them for myself, so…”

“Since it’s distracting for me, I should be the one asking Kris for that?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“You’re kind of a jerk, you know?” Raya muttered as she took a step forward.

“Yeah?” He stepped towards her as well. “I’m glad that it’s only -kind of- a jerk.”

“Well…” Raya stretched her arms up, causing her large breasts to push forward. “There are ways you can make up for that. I woke up some time ago, but I’m a bit sleepy and tired.”

“How can I help?” He chuckled, closing the distance between them. “I might be a jerk at times, but I do love helping.”

“There’s nothing like a nice shower or bath to wake up right? And, well…” Raya’s lips curled up slightly “I might need some help washing my back.”

“I see.” He smiled. “But if it’s to wake up, I don’t know how effective that would be.”

“What do you mean?” Raya asked as she lay her palms against his chest.

“Last time, you ended up falling asleep, didn’t you?”

“…!” Raya blushed for a moment. “T-That was a special case. It wouldn’t happen again.”

“Is that a promise? Having to dry you and carry you to your room was a bit troublesome. Though I don’t mind.”

“It’s…” Raya smiled nervously. “It’s a promise.”

Raya wasn’t sure, at all, that she could keep that promise.

Still, she would try her best.

“How about we meet there in 10?”

“Yes,” Raya’s eyes sparkled as she smiled. “Let’s.”

Two minutes later, the Paru pushed a door open.

“Morning.” He said as he opened the door and peeked inside.

The view that he was met with was…


A naked Liz standing just behind her bed.

In her hands was the blanket that she had been tidying. Instead of doing so, she slowly pulled it closer to cover herself while the Paru was staring at her.

“Hiding from me?”

“I… N-No… It’s… The door is still open, so…” A blushing Liz slowly wrapped the blanket around her. “Yeah…” She smiled, slightly embarrassed.

The Paru wasn’t really sure why, but he couldn’t stop himself from looking at Liz, from staring at her every movement.

“I-Is…” She was more beautiful than ever. “Is something wrong?”

“No.” He smiled as he entered the room and closed the door behind him. “Nothing is.”

Liz blushed as the Paru started walking towards her.

“R-Roka called for me, so I doubt we’ll have time to… But… I guess I would like to get a quick-”

The Paru lay his hands on her toned shoulders.

“Good morning.” He repeated, before lowering himself towards her, and kissing her passionately.

Liz’s hands immediately let go of the blankets.

“Good… Morning…” She whispered while staring into his eyes as he pulled back.

“So, you’re busy.” He said without stepping back or pulling his arms off her shoulders.

“Y-Yeah… I guess I… I am.”

“Alright.” The Paru muttered as his hands slowly moved beyond her shoulders and onto her back, wrapping around Liz and pulling her closer. Her naked body rested against his. “I’ll see you later then?”

Liz held him tightly.

“Yeah.” She nodded while keeping her cheek against his chest with her eyes closed, wanting to hug him for as long as she could.

A minute later, he exited Liz’s room, as she needed to prepare for a meeting to which he hadn’t been invited.

The door closed behind him.

“Oh…” Liz whispered once she was alone. “I should have called him Cero… I suppose if it answers to that and turns around, then that would make it a good name, right? Mmm…”

The Paru stopped walking once he took a dozen steps away from Liz’s door.

‘I was supposed to give some thought, but I ended up not thinking about it at all.’ He scratched his cheek. ‘Cero… I do like it but… Hm. Maybe I’ll ask someone’s opinion on it.’

As the Paru walked towards the bath,

“Jay. What do you think about Cero? As a name for me?”

“Ha? Why are you asking… Uhh… I meant, sure, whatever you would like.”

Scratching his head, Paru quickly walked away.

‘Of course, the bitch would say that.’

He continued walking through the ship’s corridors.

“What do you think, Bak?”

“I still think Lith works better for you.”

“Well, Lith is her name so…”

“Her name? Whose?”




Referring to her as the female Granilith or a Granilith was something that the Paru didn’t feel comfortable doing anymore. Which he also felt was strange, as a female Granilith is what she was.

The Paru shook his head.

“What about you, Kris?”

“Hm? Oh, hi! What are you asking about?”

“Cero, how does that sound for me?”

“Cero!” Kris shouted suddenly. “I love it!”

“You do…?” The Paru asked, slightly taken aback by Kris’ sudden enthusiasm.

“Yes! It’s great!”

The Paru sighed a couple of minutes later as he arrived in front of the bath’s door.

‘I’m not gonna take a guy’s word for it but…’

He lay a hand on the door handle, and noticed splashing sounds resonating.

“Oh…” The Paru smirked. “The water is already running, huh?”

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