Reborn: Femme Fatale First Daughter

Chapter 356 - Assassination Caused a Stir on the Weddings

Chapter 356 Assassination Caused a Stir on the Weddings

The guard team reacted and immediately pounced on the two masters on horses.

The guard of honor was immediately startled. The bridal sedan chair was pushed to the side. The watching passers-by even scattered, flustered. They didn’t care about the rules that they could not get in the way of a bridal sedan chair anymore; now, they only cared about their own lives. Some who had acted slowly were already butchered by the sabers and swords of the men in black.

Screams rang shrilly into the bridal sedan chair. Mo Xuetong’s heart shrank and she subconsciously held the apple tighter. The bridal sedan chair shook violently. It seemed that the sedan carriers also started running. Mo Xuetong reached out to grab the padded board under the seat to keep herself steady.

Suddenly, the bridal sedan chair seemed to hit something. It titled greatly and then, with a “bang”, it was thrown on the ground. The sound of the shake made Mo Xuetong involuntarily gasp. She found it hard to breathe and felt dizzy. She felt like she was suffering suffocation and a thin layer of nervous sweat instantly covered her forehead.

The apple she was holding almost fell onto the ground.

She heard a drone by the ears. After a long while, she finally caught her breath. Recently, she should become weaker and weaker; was it because she didn’t sleep well last night?

Mo Ye’s lowered concerning voice rang by her ears. “Miss, are you alright?”

She gently waved the bell on her wrist. The bell let out a crisp and pleasant sound to indicate that she was fine. Since the bride got into the bridal sedan chair, she couldn’t talk. If she did, she wouldn’t live peacefully for the rest of her life. People in the Qin Kingdom all believed that, therefore, now, Mo Xuetong couldn’t talk.

Outside, it was in chaos. While having people to protect the bridal sedan chair, Feng Yue asked the others to butcher the men in black with him. After the initial chaos, King Chu and King Yan also calmed down at this time. They ordered their men to orderly besiege those men in black. The wedding music had already stopped; now, shouts and clanging sounds rang everywhere.

On the princes’ weddings, something like this happened, which was really a big deal. Who dared not to fight back!

If anything happened, all of them would be buried too! The watching common people had long run off the scene.

Some men in black were already butchered own; the rest were surrounded by the crowd. They judged the situation and exchanged glances. Then, they respectively took out a ball from their inner pockets. They tossed it onto the ground, and it exploded with a bang. White lime soared into the sky with smoke, blurring everyone’s eyes.

When the crowd twisted their heads to avoid it, the men in black had already run off in the middle of the chaos.

King Yan Feng Yulei brushed off the lime on his red dress. His refreshing and handsome face carried anger. Anyone wouldn’t feel happy at their wedding being ruined, plus, they tried to assassinate the newly-wed.

A trace of fierceness flashed across King Chu Feng Yuxuan’s eyes. He said meaningfully. “They should want to capture us all here.”

Though his face was all smiles, there was not a trace of happiness inside Feng Yulei’s eyes. “I heard King Ning will soon arrive at the capital. I wonder if he arrives yet.” Bringing up King Ning at this moment could really be suggestive.

Feng Yuxuan coldly said with subtext so clear that anyone could understand, “He will tomorrow, if not today. If he’s faster, he should arrive today.”

The matrons of honor popped out of nowhere. They dusted the ash from their heads and faces and squeezed in to interrupt. “Your Highnesses, it’s not a time for talking now. It’s almost the auspicious time. Let’s first rearrange the sedan chairs.”

Because of the chaos at the time, bridal sedan chairs crashed into each other and toppled onto the ground. The sedan carriers scattered out of fear. Now, they couldn’t even recognize their own sedan chair.

Instead, the accompanying maidservants obediently stood in front of their own sedan chair and didn’t look too flustered.

It was already the auspicious time and they shouldn’t delay. Feng Yuxuan and Feng Yuran rearranged their bridal sedan chairs, while Feng Yue also rearranged his team and kept it in order. He waited for the two processions in the front to march first. King Xuan was the youngest among them; therefore, his bridal sedan chair should be the last one to leave.

The sedan carriers walked back to carry the sedan chairs again according to the positions the maidservant stood at. They respectively dusted the white lime on the bridal sedan chairs and then got the sedan chair horizontal. The brides in the sedan chairs couldn’t talk. Luckily, previously, they were more scared than hurt. The accompanying maidservants all brushed off the ash over their hair and then set off following the bridal sedan chairs.

Outside the sedan chair, Mo Ye lowered her voice and again asked in concern. “Miss, are you alright?”

Mo Xuetong’s wrist moved again and a crisp tinkle of the bell rang. Though not aloud, it was enough for Mo Ye outside to hear it clearly. She raised her head to nod at Feng Yue, who was just looking at her. Then, she quietly looked at the other two bridal sedan chairs.

The two sedan chairs were already moving outward in order.

The bridal sedan chair steadily moved on. While the guard of honor was in the front, the bridal sedan chair was in the middle, and the dowries were put at the end of the line. They rearranged the line and carried on.

Arriving at King Xuan’s Manor, the bridal sedan chair was put on the ground. The matron of honor got in to help Mo Xuetong off the sedan chair. The apple was already taken away, and the bridal veil completely blocked her vision. Until when the other end of the red silk cloth in her hand was taken away by someone else, she looked down and saw a wedding robe with red and gold embroidery. It was Feng Yuran. She felt inexplicably sad in her heart.

In her last life, though she hadn’t married Sima Lingyun with a wedding decoration that lasted five kilometers long, she still had beautiful wishes back then. She used to think that she had found her beloved and she would spend the rest of her life in peace. However, she didn’t expect she would end up like that.

By the ears was his gentle voice. “How are you feeling? Have you bumped into anything?” His hand improperly reached over. From under the sleeve, he squeezed her hand and carefully felt her wrist.

The way he gently cared for her, like a warm stream, poured into her sad and bitter heart.

Yes, today was her wedding day with Feng Yuran, not Sima Lingyun. The past nightmare had already passed. Now, after her rebirth, she gained another real love. The man really cared for her and was willing to protect her by the side and get rid of the people who wanted to hurt her.

She felt inexplicably touched. She slightly moved her fingers to briefly hold his hand too and then let it go.

Thinking of how stunning the handsome man would look in the wedding robe, who was nearly devilish, she couldn’t help smiling shyly. At this moment, she really felt that she was going to marry him. From today on, she had him in her life, while he had her in his life, and they were intertwined. Her heart pounded...

The wedding music rang and it was time for the couple to perform the three bows!

They were sent into the bridal chamber.

Inside the bridal chamber, Mo Xuetong was placed in front of the bed. At some point, Feng Yuran lifted her bridal veil and sat in the east. As expected, today, he was incomparably handsome. His dark pupils were shiny and lively. When he slightly moved them, he looked enormously charming. Some misses and ladies who came to see the bride couldn’t help feeling enchanted by him and looked at the handsome youth in front of them, nearly stupefied.

King Xuan deserved to be called incomparably handsome. No wonder so many people secretly admired King Xuan. Though he had the reputation of being rakish, still, some buttered his family up and tried to marry their daughters into King Xuan’s Manor.

The audience couldn’t help fixing their gazes at the bride, who was sitting on the bed with a red face and lowered head and looking as stunning as a flower. She had that face that could even topple a country. When the two sat together, people thought them infinitely harmonious, suitable, a perfect match both in heaven and on earth.

The eyes of some misses and maidens, who set their hearts on Feng Yuran, immediately dimmed. Before such a face, how many of them could be positive about their success?

“The bride is so beautiful!”

“Now you’re talking. The pair of the bride’s shiny eyes can’t be more charming!”

“She really gets more and more beautiful. Just in a month, Princess Anping has grown into such an outstanding beauty.”

Some bold ladies flattered. “Pretty. When she’s with King Xuan, they’re a perfect match, like immortals descending to the world!” These words made Feng Yuran unable to conceal the smile by the corner of his eyes. Hearing people praised Mo Xuetong as being pretty, he felt like they were talking about him. He proudly raised his head with a gloating look, completely different from his usual arrogant and complacent face. His gaze fell on Mo Xuetong’s face as tender as water. Obviously, he was extremely satisfied with his bride.

Seeing King Xuan’s satisfaction, the ladies flattered more enthusiastically.

After nearly one hour of merrily talking and joking, those ladies and misses gradually dispersed because they didn’t dare to bother them any longer. That was how the imperial wedding proceeded. Just a slightly stirred-up atmosphere should be enough, and they shouldn’t horse around without any rules. Furthermore, Feng Yuran was still in a poor physical condition.

A maidservant walked up carrying a gold-and-silver-rimmed wooden tray, on which gold, silver, and some miscellaneous nuts were placed. The matron of honor grabbed some of them and scattered them on the bed, saying, “Scatter them in the east of the bed. Behind the curtains of the bridal bed, the candle lights flicker, auspicious aura grows thick and never disperse, spring breeze blows through the fancy room every day...”

After the matron of honor scattered the things on the bed and served the wedlock wine to them, she left with the others.

The door was gently shut. Mo Xuetong suddenly grew nervous. At that time, she didn’t even dare to breathe normally. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw him wearing a red gold-rimmed robe, which had been the first time that he had worn a red robe. The red and glowing color put a touch of blush on his slightly pale face, making him look even more devilishly charming. When he glanced at her sideways with his handsome and long eyes, he looked extremely enchanting.

He had been hurt, so he didn’t need to toast her.

A gentle and deep voice rang from the bedside. A big hand reached over to lift the tassels all over the head and the man smilingly said, “Tong’er, you should remove your accessories first. You must’ve been tired wearing them!”

With all those luxurious accessories, she was really wearing something very heavy on her. After all this while, she already felt dizzy and extremely uncomfortable with them above her head. Now that he said that, she immediately looked up with her watery eyes and blinked them, asking gently, “Can I?”

Her looking dazed amused him. Feng Yuran couldn’t help lifting the corner of his lips. He said with a smile and was going to reach out to take it off for her. “Sure you can. As long as it’ll make you comfortable.”

He was pushed away by her with her hand. She said, both cutely and foolishly, “I want a shower!”

After saying that, she realized she was saying that to a man. Her pink face instantly blushed and she stuttered to explain herself. “I don’t know where the shower room is!”

Looking at her blushing face with a touch of fluster from embarrassment, Feng Yuran found it really funny. However, he also knew she was thin-skinned, so he didn’t make fun of her any longer.

Mo Lan and other maidservants guarded at the door. Hearing her call, they walked in, helped her take off the headdress and the fancy robe, and took her into the shower room at the right side. After walking in, they found it was a pool made out of white jade, with warm water already filling half of the pool. The two serving maidservants told them the pool was connected with a hot spring outside. If the water got cold, they could refill the pool at any time.

Cold water came out of the tap made out of white jade, while hot water came out of the tap made out of green jade.

Mo Yu blinked her shiny eyes and exclaimed. “Miss, His Highness is really rich. He should have this kind of pool. It’s so beautiful.”

Mo Lan smiled and helped Mo Xuetong take the white jade stairs down into the pool. The water temperature was just right, neither too hot nor cold, making people feel really comfortable. “Alright. I’ll help you get into it first. You’ve really been startled today.”

Sitting in the pool and feeling the warm water brushing against her skin, Mo Xuetong comfortably exhaled. Closing her eyes, she seemed to see the scene where she set off on the bridal sedan chair through a kaleidoscope. She couldn’t help faintly smiling and felt warmth inexplicably welling up inside her. With the surging feeling, she felt kind of tipsy!

For the first time, she didn’t need to focus on saving herself out of trouble. It turned out that it felt so good to have a man protecting her!

She didn’t need to fight for anything, and someone was already caring for her! It seemed that during her two lives, it was the first time that she had felt warmth so soft and gentle, which was just like water.

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