Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 39: Recruiting Huang Zhong and Yu Province Pacified

Chapter 39: Recruiting Huang Zhong and Yu Province Pacified

Huang Zhong hearing that was ecstatic and happy as this is one of his dreams to serve the country and reach a higher position for his family, but remembering how his wife is already gone and his son's terminal sickness his spirit to do so has been long hone in return to taking care of his only son

Lie Fan sees the dilemma that Huang Zhong is feeling right now from his face and began to check in the system for something that maybe can cure his son's sickness

•Medicine God Pill

A pill that was said to be made by the Medicine God that can cure all illness no matter how bad it is as long the person I still alive with immediate effect in 1 day

Price: 40.000 SP

Seeing the price Lie Fan feels its worth it with having Huang Zhong at his side, he can send him to duel against Lu Bu in the future when Dong Zhuo controls Luoyang

Lie Fan: " So does Commander Huang agree with my invitation?"

Huang Zhong: " I'm sorry Vice General Lie I can't join the imperial army as I have to take care of my son who have a terminal illness since he was young"

Lie Fan: " If I may know what sickness does your son had?"

Huang Zhong: " He had a high fever when he was young which immobilized his lower body so he can't walk for the rest of his life he have breathing trouble since then have to drink medicine every day"

Lie Fan: " I'm sorry to hear that, but what if I can cure your son will you come and join me?"

Huang Zhong hears that and says that it's impossible as he already meets many doctors and no one can cure him, Lie Fan seeing Huang Zhong becomes agitated take out the pill from his inventory and show it to him saying to let his son take this pill

Huang Zhong receiving the pill becomes confused as to how can the pill cure his son as he already tried many pills before, Lie Fan says to let his son consume it first and in the next 2 days his son will be cured at the time Huang Zhong can't refuse his invitation again

Huang Zhong agrees and began to feel hope as maybe this will bring a miracle to his son curing him of his ailments, Lie Fan left Huang Zhong's room and goes back to their room in the inn to wait for Huang Zhong

They waited for 2 days for Huang Zhong where Sun Qian doesn't feel optimist about their chances, while Lie Fan just says to wait for Huang Zhong, and true enough to his word a servant tells him that a man named Huang Zhong wanted to see him

Huang Zhong: " This Commander Huang Zhong is grateful for this life-saving favor that Vice General Lie bestowed upon my son and I swear to repay this with the great of my life serving Vice General Lie"

When Huang Zhong enters Lie Fan's room, he immediately knelt and says his gratitude to Lie Fan for what he had done for his son

Lie Fan: " Come and get up Commander Huang, saving your son can be considered me doing a good deed for my life"

Huang Zhong: " No matter what it is, Vice General Lie has saved my son, and we The Huangs will repay this favor with our life and loyalty"


[Congratulations Host For completing the achievement 'Vigorous Old Man' by recruiting Huang Zhong to become your General

Received 70.000 SP, Phoenix Bow, and Unlimited arrow sleeve]

Lie Fan was happy that he received a reward but the reward is nothing compared to having Huang Zhong as his general, at the same time reducing Liu Bei's generals to a later stage Liu Bei is overpowered having many great generals

Lie Fan positioned Huang Zhong as his Archer Battalion General, and Chao Bo will act as his vice general learning under Huang Zhong also as a way of increasing his skill

Huang Zhong was full of gratitude to be positioned as a battalion general in his first position even though he hadn't contributed anything yet

Seeing that tomorrow they will begin to continue their expedition, Lie Fan brought Huang Zhong alongside Sun Qian and his bodyguards to show Huang Zhong his battalion and introduce him to the other generals in his army

Huang Zhong meets many generals from Lie Fan's army and the young generals were skeptical about Huang Zhong's abilities as he is already in his late 30 and will enter his early 40 but still stay as a Commander of a battalion

Chao Bo, Chao Bai, and Zang Ba knew their Lord will never choose the wrong people and began to develop relations with Huang Zhong becoming his junior and hoping to learn from him

The other generals were shocked but don't follow in their footsteps except for Zhu Hao who knew that these 3 people were Lie Fan's core generals seeing their reaction it looks like they have high trust in Lie Fan so he followed saying his greeting

Huang Zhong doesn't care about what others think and after familiarizing themself with his position and the battalion he will lead, Huang Zhong asks Lie Fan if his son can also be brought along with them

Lie Fan doesn't agree as their battle will be nonstop and afraid something will happen to Huang Xu so he tells Huang Zhong that he will send Huang Xu to Huai'An to receive care there until he can walk again protected by soldiers the way and Huang Zhong agree with Lie Fan suggestion

Lie Fan told the army to finish their preparation today and tomorrow everyone will wait outside the city for final inspection before they will continue their expedition, Huang Zhong take this leave to prepare his household as they will move out from Wan

Lie Fan agrees and heads back toward his room at the Inn to rest for tomorrow, the next day when the sunshine Lie Fan woke up and with little preparation, he left the inn alongside his retainer to go outside of the city where his army is waiting for him

Lie Fan meets Huang Zhong along the way with his household in which they were told to go first back to Huai'An accompanied by 100 soldiers from his Guard Battalion.

Arriving at the position of his army, Lie Fan began to order for their final inspection to be done and if everything is ready they will move out

All inspection is done when the sun is right above them which means already mid-day, Lie Fan orders the match leading it in the front protected by His Bodyguards beside him is Sun Qian and Xu Kai with the generals each with their battalion

Lie Fan began to explore the southern Yu Province and even Northern Jing Province which borders with Yu Province, Yellow Turbans, bandits, and insurgents was encountered along the way and was obliterated by Lie Fan and his army

In this small battle or encounter, Lie Fan began to lead from the rear while his generals were given authority to lead his soldiers to battle so they have experienced one leading while strategizing at the same time

Sun Qian was happy with Lie Fan's approach as this meant he become more mature and his impulse begging to fade away, so Lie Fan and his army spent 2 months cleaning Southern Yu Province and Northern Jing Province marking them entering 184 AD which was originally Yellow Turbans.

He was planning to enter Xu Province when he received letters from Zhu Jun to meet him back at Changshe to regroup and celebrate entering the new year

Lie Fan's army which numbered 18.451 after the battle at Wan now numbered 17.750 some died on the battlefield and because of their wounds, Lie Fan's position was now near Wan so his journey back to Changshe was not that far spending 15 days in the road

Reaching Changshe, Lie Fan saw Zhu Jun's army from a distance and their numbers have shrunk from originally 23.675 to 19.736 according to Sun Tzu's calculation showing that Zhu Jun received heavy resistance and not using his tactics which include yellow turbans as prisoners' army

When they arrived, Lie Fan orders his army to pitch their Camps and secure the perimeter while he and his retinues alongside Zhu Hao goes toward Zhu Jun's tent to report back to him

Entering the tent Lie Fan finally after almost 3 months meets Zhu Jun again face to face, Zhu Jun is still the same with an iconic laugh greeting him and his son back

Zhu Jun: "Little Lie! Hao'er! Finally, you have come! Happy New Year to you two Haha! Come and tell me how your experience this past 2 to 3 months"

Lie Fan: "Hello Uncle Zhu it's good to see you again, As I promised Brother Hao is unharmed and come back in one piece"

Zhu Hao: "It's all thanks to Brother Lie Guidance, even though you're younger than me but your experience is considerably higher than mine, I was ashamed of myself"

Zhu Jun: "Hahaha! Brat you were living in peace before and only know training your skill but did not gain any experience until it was too late! Little Lie on the other hand born in an era where bandits and rebels are roaming the land so he doesn't have any choice but to take arms"

Lie Fan: "Uncle Zhu and Brother Hao are praising me too much, I'm only doing what was right no need to praise me"

Lie Fan, Zhu Jun, and Zhu Hao spend their time drinking some wine and eating some food while Lie Fan report to Zhu Jun what happened this past 2 - 3 month

They spend 3 days in Changshe recuperating their body and minds when suddenly an envoy from the Imperial Court arrived bringing them an urgent message from The Emperor in particular for Lie Fan


Name: Lie Fan

Title: Yellow Turbans Nemesis

Age: 16 Years Old -> 17 Years Old

Level: 11

Next Level: 412.000

Renown: 75

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 7)

SP: 151.700 -> 181.700


STR: 300 -> 320 (2 STR Potion)

VIT: 95 ->105

AGI: 98 -> 102

INT: 104

CHR: 88

WIS: 74

Will: 40 -> 45

ATR Points: 20

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