Regressor of the Fallen Family

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

So, youre saying this child has seen the threads of mana?

The meaning behind Claytons gaze when he first heard Victorias story was clear.

It was as if he was telling an adult not to play a fool with a child, or more bluntly, not to spout nonsense.

However, after a few tests, that gaze quickly turned to astonishment.

I, I will take care of her training! Such an incredible talent is unheard of!

Not even the legendary grand wizards could see mana with their eyes.

They boasted about having the highest sensitivity to mana among the magicians they knew.

They began to make a fuss, their voice raised to the point of bursting a vein.

Logan, expecting a refusal based on her being a girl, was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

Was her talent really of such caliber?

He wondered what chaos would ensue if he claimed he could see mana up close.

With that thought, Logan couldnt help but smirk.

He then turned to the dazed young girl and spoke again.

Victoria. Do you really want to learn magic?

If, if it means controlling a giant doll, then yes, I want to learn.



Watching the hesitating child, Logan waited patiently with a smile.

If I have a powerful doll, Ill be able to do much more.

The girls desire to find her own way to contribute remained unchanged.

Logan nodded, impressed by her spirit yet saddened by her situation.

Alright. If thats your wish, its good. Then, Master Clayton, please take care of her.

Not at all! It is I who should be thankful!

The sight of the formidable middle-aged magician grinning at the young girl wasnt quite fitting, but ultimately, it was a satisfying arrangement for both partiesand for Logan, who watched from the sidelines.

A talent worthy of a grand wizard

Even if Claytons words were an exaggeration, it seemed undeniable that her talent was rare.

Are both siblings geniuses?

It was unusual to see two children with unique appearances both possessing prodigious talents in certain fields.

Now that things came to this point, Logan was curious to know what kind of lineage they had.


Well, theres no need to know.

There were seven years left until the imperial war.

Regardless of how much Victoria would grow, the addition of a strong force was not a bad thing.

Another hurdle loomed near, and this unexpected good news lightened Logans heart, even if only slightly.

* * *

After calming down the startled family and vassals and sorting out the matters with siblings Ronian and Victor, Logan declared his intention to head to the capital, Grand.

After all, the outcome of the play staged in Bifrost had led him on the path to seek out the Swordmaster.

Of course, it was necessary to head to the capital, even without the Swordmasters summons, to witness the flow of this years crucial events.

And there was another important reason.

As usual, Logan wanted to set out alone, but this time, there was no choice.

The Swordmaster wouldnt appreciate it. Take at least a minimum entourage.

Even his solid reputation as the established heir couldnt sway this decision.

As a result, Logan had to set out on his journey, burdened with unwanted company.

Henderson, captain of the 18th unit of the Maclain Knights. It is an honor to accompany you, young master. I shall serve you with all my heart.

Henderson declared excitedly, bowing deeply.

His enthusiasm was shared by his five subordinate knights, who all bowed in unison.

The reality of joining the grand young masters journey away from their lords immediate service was indeed joyful for them.

I must seize this opportunity to remain close to the grand young master.

That was the only thought occupying Hendersons mind.

A prodigy in swordsmanship, capable of defeating a high-ranking knight on his own at the tender age of 21a talent that seemed to come out of legends.

And his talent wasnt limited to martial prowess.

Once known as a prodigal yet always maintaining composure, he became the savior of the Maclain family when crisis struck.

Reversing an unfavorable war into an overwhelmingly victorious march, creating miracles such as transforming wastelands into fertile plains, he was a once-in-a-century genius.

How many colleagues had he outcompeted to volunteer for this journey?

There were envious remarks about being too conspicuous due to his size, but he believed that it was recognition of his loyalty.

Im serving a person who will be remembered as a legend. And the legend will say that the immortal knight Henderson was always by his side

With a heart thumping with excitement, his fantasies unfolded with no end in sight.

However, after leaving the Maclain territory, the heros first command following more than half a days silence was nothing like what Henderson had expected.

Go fetch some firewood.

Even though we have servants to do such tasks, why ask the knights?

Hendersons pride was hurt, but

The grand young masters thoughts are beyond the comprehension of ordinary men. No matter how nonsensical it may seem, there must be a reason for it, so dont speculate and just obey.

Remembering the knights commanders cautioning words before they departed, Henderson regained his determination.


But, his forced eagerness led to overzealous action.

Rumbling thunder.

A mid-level knight, trained in the art of swordsmanship, brought his blade down on a tree with all his might.

It was nothing short of a disaster for the quiet forest in the dead of night.

Its that madman

Asking for firewood only to cause a ruckus in the woods.

Considering it was a highway to the capital nearby, there might be fewer beasts or monsters, but causing such a commotion during the night when sound carries far was another matter.

As Logan observed the remaining knights with a bewildered gaze

Hey! Are the tents ready?

I should get the fire started.

Ill prepare dinner.

The knights, who had been dumbfounded by their leaders folly, suddenly seemed to recall their tasks and dispersed in different directions, feigning ignorance.

What a mess

Was this the consequence of appointing a captain based on strength alone?

It seemed the foolish captain had likewise chosen only similar types of fools to fill his ranks.

But, fortunately, there was at least one sane person among them.

Our Captain Henderson may be strong but not the brightest. Ill try to mediate properly. I apologize, young master.


Logan begrudgingly nodded at the vaguely familiar knights words.

There was no point dwelling on it now.

He gestured subtly to Rick, who was sneakily glancing his way from a little distance.

Come here. Lets talk.

Hehe. Young master, is there anything you need?

Theres a saying you cant spit in a smiling face.

But seeing that grin while rubbing his palms together was enough to rile up Logan.

Naturally, some thoughts that shouldnt have been uttered in the presence of parents now slipped out.

Why are you following me?

While he could tolerate the presence of a few knights, hed wanted to avoid non-combat personnel as much as possible.

Yet, somehow this guy had convinced his parents and was now part of the entourage.

Why? The rightful heir of a noble family cant always be wandering the streets without even a servant, can he? What would people think of the Maclain family!

I guess theyd think were beggars.

Im here to protect the Maclain familys honor! I must!

Ricks resolve seemed earnest, but his true intentions were apparent.

You just want to go to Grand, dont you?

Wh-why would you think that! Im always thinking of the young master out of devotion

Hmm. That devoted servant might soon return home injured. Where do you prefer to be hurt? Choose.

Rick immediately prostrated himself at those words.

I really want to see it! The capital!

Haah Hey, man.

Please take me with you! I want to see the big city too!

Trouble follows when you leave home

Even the maids wont deal with me anymore, let alone Merry! They say I keep stinking like dung! Whose fault is this!

Ricks desperate cry of injustice left Logan with a hollow laugh.

Are you telling me this is why you want to head to the capital?

I still need to be wed!

Ricks eyes blazed with an inextinguishable desire, and the echo of another mad shout came from the woods.


Rumble, roar.

A series of cries in response.

Ah, this burdensome lot

Logan already had much to address, and my headache was already brewing.

* * *

The purpose of this journey to the capital was two-fold: To ascertain if any variables related to upcoming events would emerge, and to forge a connection with the Third Prince.

Both were important tasks, yet neither posed a direct threat to personal safety.

Given that I owe Rick from a past life

Consequently, Logan no longer voiced his reluctance to their company.


Wow! Grand is amazing!


Look at that over there!

The hubbub that had started even before entering the capital was enough to make Logan regret his decision.

The young men were hardly containing their excitement, clearly showing their rural roots.


Hey, lady. A true man of the Maclain family, a man among menthis here Henderson, would you like to

The inane pick-up lines werent even worthy of a street thug, just a bonus absurdity.


Argh, what are you

Insane fool. Rein it in a bit! Are you in heat or what?

As Logans expression soured, Digrom stepped forward to handle Henderson, who was shamelessly flirting without any sense of embarrassment.

Looks like the knights who have only focused on training are a bit rutty. My apologies.

Looking for Logans reaction, Digrom added

No, its fine.

Logans unexpectedly calm response was met with relief.

Of course, internal reactions were another story.

As soon as we reach the Swordmasters house, Ill make them work to death. They wont have any time to entertain absurd thoughts.

The number of maidens scurrying away from this crowd on the capitals streets was nearing a hundred.

Rumors sprouted easily in the capital, and with such behavior, scandalous gossip was to be expected.

Bearing down his urge to thrash his knights right in the street, Logan drove his steed swiftly.

He needed to find the one sane person among this madness.


Maclain special sale! Crazy blowout sale from Imporick!!

Our young master has lost his mind! Hes closing down a booming business!!

Fire sale! As fiery as the merchants burning heart, chilled and thrilling deals!

The supposedly sane person was dancing in a clown outfit, holding up signs with bizarre slogans.

Todays a one-time deal! The essential item in the capitals socialite circle, specially chilled for today! Hey there, young master, Ill serve it up cool, just like our uh when did you get here?


Logans grip tightened involuntarily.

* * *

But due to the increase in competition, I had no choice but tough.

Steady yourself. Find your balance.

With Logan on his back, Philip pounded his head against the floor, feeling utterly wronged.

Even with increased competitors, Imporick had been ahead in the market.

Being ordered to close such a lucrative business, hed simply come up with the best countermeasure he could.

He used to laugh it off even when hearing worse nonsense as long as money was being made.

How was Philip to predict such a sudden change, he thought, aggrieved.

Of course

I told you its time to change our image, didnt I? But I never imagined this approach.

Listening to that, Philip could only respond.

If you gave me a reason, perhaps I couldve

His employer was always the same: provide no reasons, just follow orders.

Though the outcomes had always been positive thus far, working blindly without clear direction was troublesome.

Its not my fault! Ive been treated unfairly!

Philip felt a need to fix this flawed work structure.

I need to make this clear.

Resolving himself, he began to speak with conviction.

I shall

I said Ill make you more money, so dont worry about Imporicks bonus, did I?

I will take extra care from now on!

What did a work structure matter?

Money was what counted.

Alright, thats enough. Stand up. And repeat what you were told to remember.

At that, Philips expression hardened a touch.

He was about to delve into a topic that weighed heavy by mere thought.

After bracing himself, Philip cautiously began.

Despite your guidance, no bad news has come from the royal court. However, given the Kings age, the noble factions supporting the claimant princes have intensified their conflicts, and at the recent council meeting

His narrative would continue for quite some time.

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